Shinobi 1

Excel: Huh! Where the hell am I? This place is so dark. As I am looking around I see nothingness. Wait what the hell are those. Black stars, an umbrella, a blade, and a mouth. Wait heck it's coming here.

Excel tries to attack it but nothing happened.

Yomikawa enters the room.

Excel: The hell was that a dream.

Yomikawa: Excel are you fine.

Excel: Yeah. I am fine.

Yomikawa: It seemed like you were having a bad dream.

Excel: Shut up.

Yomikawa: Ok. Since you are awake. Go wash your face. I am making breakfast.

Yomikawa leaves the room. It is the second day after the Red Gate Incident. So, today was Excel's last day off. He didn't know what he should do.

Excel leaves the room and after washing his face sits in front of the T.V 

Commentator: Wow. Look at both of them. It looks like both Sting and Rogue are ready to attack at any time.

On T.V there was a match between Sting, the Champion, and Rogue, the challenger. To fight the champion you need to defeat Four All-Stars. Their All-stars are treated as the strongest Mages in all of Japan. And Sting recently defeated the previous champion. 

Sting: 'Light Dragon Roar'

Rogue: 'Shadow Dragon Roar'

Both of them release a huge amount of energy from their mouths creating a large explosion.

Commentator: Both the Dragon Slayers released their attacks at the same time.

Sting: 'Holy Lance'

He created a bright ball of magic and fired it towards Rogue but Rogue was missing.

Then suddenly he appeared behind Sting. Sting was expecting that then he suddenly turned back and attacked Rogue with all his power.

Commentator: It's a KO. The winner is Champion Sting.

Excel: The hell was that.

Yomikawa: Food is ready.

Excel: OK. I am coming.

Excel after eating his food heads outside.

Excel always buys tons of canned coffee. He then moves through an alleyway when suddenly two men attacked him from behind.

Excel: Who are you?

Man 1: We are here for your DNA.

Excel: DNA. You can have it after you kill me. But that's not gonna happen.

Excel uses wind to throw both of the men against either side of the walls.

Man: So that's the power of vector.

Excel pats the ground. He forms a gust of wind on top of a building. A man wearing some ninja suit comes down.

Excel: Who are you?

Man: I am Hayabusa. And I am here for your DNA.

Hayabusa disappears leaving 4 shadows behind. He once continuously attacks from different shadows attacking a total of 4 times. The ninja attacks using shuriken. Although they are projectiles they were not reflected by Excel.

Excel quickly jumped on top of a building.

Hayabusa: Scared. My shruniken are coated with a special substance specially developed to cancel your reflection.

Excel: Is that so?

There was a grin on Excel's face. Hayabusa attacks again with shurikens but the got stopped by a black shadow that protected Excel.

Hayabusa: What is that?

Excel: What happened? It's not hitting me.

Hayabusa: But the reports told that...

Excel: Reports...  Interesting. I will give you two options. First, die here, or second, tell the name of the organization you are working for.

Hayabusa: I still have one more thing left. 'Shakira'

Hayabusa disappeared. He tries to attack Excel while being invisible. But, Excel punches him in the face mid-air.

Excel holds Hayabusa's face with his hand.

Excel: Tell me. Have you heard of bioelectricity?

Hayabusa started getting shocked. And later he became unconscious.

Excel: Huh. Boring.

Excel leaves Hayabusa unconscious on the roof. He leaves him there.

Excel: The hell was that nonsense But, they have developed something to stop my reflection. No matter my control over shadow has increased. I can now reinforce my reflection with shadow to block.

Some people came and picked up Hayabusa.

Hayabusa: Wait. Where am I?

Girl: Our research lab.

Hayabusa: Kagura.

Kagura: Boss and teacher are angry that you failed.

Hayabusa: How could I win?  He was blocking my attacks with some king of shadow.

Kagura: Shadow. You say. Interesting.

Girl: Hayabusa. You awake.

Hayabusa: Hanabi. What are you doing here?

Hanabi: The teacher left me early today. He said he wanted to talk with the boss. It looks like he has obtained some kind of new power.

Excel always was sitting on top of a transmission tower enjoying his coffee. He looks at the view of the city. It was 5:30 pm. It was time for Excel to go.

After, getting home. He logs on to his game, satisfy. Satisfy was a vrmmorpg.

Excel logs in to find himself in the middle of the forest...

After playing Excel goes to sleep with nothing to do.