Idol Rescue

Yomikawa: You home Excel.

Excel: Yeah.

Yomikawa: I heard the gate changed to red.

Excel: Yeah.

Yomikawa: Why don't you take some rest.

Excel: Yeah.

Excel went to his room and slept for a while. due to his tiredness of the fight with the elf.

Excel: Wait .where am I?

It was Excel's dream. He looked around to see some Japanese styled houses. It was a small village. Then the village caught fire.

Then he saw four weapons. An umbrella, stars, a blade, and a giant sword with a mouth.

Excel woke up.

Excel The hell was that dream. I think I need some coffee.

Excel went to the living room to find that Yomikawa was not there. He saw food on the table with a can of coffee. After eating the food he switched on the TV for some news but nothing interesting was going on.

Excel went out. He needed some fresh air after being in the cold for so long. It was already 1:00 pm. All Excel wanted some peaceful time roaming the city.

Excel was walking when he heard...

Voice: It's Aria.

Voice: Aria. I need an autograph.

Aria,  a beautiful singer, and the idol who was visiting the city. It was one of her tours. But Aria had a lot of selfish thought that she was the most beautiful girl in the world. So she expected males to get attracted to her. She thought of them as dogs.

She was hosting the tour near the coffee shop that Excel usually goes to.

Excel: The hell. These third strings are annoying. Can't they shut up and what the hell is going on there.

Excel was approaching the stage. Aria saw Excel.

Aria: Isn't that boy cute! Come serve me. Praise me.

Excel looked at her. Opposite to her expectations, Excel took a left turn and entered the shop. One of the staff came near him.

Marie: Oh!Welcome Excel.

Excel: What is going on there? It's really hurting my ears.

Marie: Oh that. An idol named Aria came to the city as a part of her tour.

Excel: Idols? What is that?

Marie : (surprised) Hah! You never heard of idols.

Excel: Yeah.

Marie: Idols are someone that sings and dances wearing cute clothes. It is good for our business as the concert is near our shop. Now, she is just signing autographs and the real show starts tonight.

Excel: I see. Don't care.

Excel goes and takes a sit.

Marie: Usual. I suppose.

Outside someone was getting heated up.

Aria: How! How!  How can someone ignore my beauty? It was like I was not at all appealing. Argh!

Manager: Aria. What happened?  Your face is red.

Aria: A boy.

Manager: A boy.

Aria: A boy ignored me. It's impossible. How can that be possible? Jessica can you go and give a VIP ticket to the boy with white hair in the coffee shop nearby.

Jessica: But why?

Aria: I will show him. How beautiful I can be. Then I will have a loyal dog.

Jessica has been Aria's manager since the start of her career. She knows about her personality. But it was also surprising for someone to ignore Aria.

As told Jessica goes to the coffee shop, she looks around and finds Excel.

Jessica: Hey you boy. With the white hair.

Excel was doing something on his phone. He looks up to see a woman on complete black attire.

Excel: Huh !what do you need lady?

Jessica takes about a VIP ticket and shows it to Excel.

Jessica: You are invited to tonight's Aria's show.

Excel: Not interested.

Jessica: Why? Its a VIP.

Excel: Don't care.

Jessica : (mind)  This boy is stubborn.

Jessica: If you come. You will be allowed to meet Aria.

Excel: Bothersome

Jessica: Bothersome!  What do you mean? You are getting a chance to meet an idol.

Excel was now annoyed.

Excel: I don't care. It's annoying. Go back to the girl and tell her that. It's all too bothersome.

Jessica finally gave up. She exited the coffee shop. She went to the studio but

Jessica: What! Aria was kidnapped. How.

Excel after finishing his coffee. Went outside to see a girl being forcefully being taken inside a van.

Excel: You serious. Damn it.

Excel flew up on top of a building to locate the van. He followed it until it reached a warehouse and stopped.

Aria: What are you people doing? Leave me alone.

Man: Huh!  Why should we? It's time for us to have fun.

When the man was about to touch Aria's body the doors of the warehouse flew with a blast. And as the blast cleared they saw a boy with white hair, red eyes, a white hoodie.

Man: Oi. Boy, what are you doing here get lost? Or get burned.

Excel: Huh. Get burned.

Man 2: Fire

A man used fire magic on Excel but it was useless. After the first attack didn't work the other men used their magic. Water,  metal, sand. But none of the attacks hit Excel.

He was walking slowly towards the group of men.

Excel: You know what. You people are too much of a nuisance to take seriously.

'Wind Cutter'

Razor sharped wind headed towards the men. But it was so fast that could not react. All of them were severely injured.

Aria : (mind)  Isn't he the boy that ignored me earlier. He is so cool.

Excel: Oi you.

Aria Me.

Excel: Stand up and get out of here.

She leaves the group of men and Excel behind in the warehouse. After then she hears screams coming from the warehouse. She became scared but she soon realized it was the scream of many men, not just one.

Man: Ugh! The hell is that magic. My hand

After a while,  Excel comes out of the warehouse. He sees Aria waiting for him.

Excel: Why are you waiting here Get lost.

Aria: I can't. I left my phone back at the studio

Excel: The hell.

He takes his phone and throws it towards her. She calls her folks and also looks at Excel's number.

Aria: Who are you?  And what is your name?

Excel: Excel.

Aria: Excel. My name is Aria.

Excel: Aria. That name. Aren't you, the one that woman was talking about. God your manager was annoying.

Aria Yeah. Excel can you please attend my show tonight.

Excel: No.

Few black cars appear. Jessica and other staff members came out of the cars.

Jessica: Aria.  Are you okay?

Aria: Yeah.

Jessica: What happened?

After explaining everything to Jessica she enters the car. They had already called the police. But when Jessica and the police saw the kidnappers they were horrified. They saw them begging for life with broken bones and a pool of blood.