Red Cold Surprise 2

Everyone was terrified of the massive magical presence outside their camp. The teacher started gathering the students in one place. Suddenly,  the shattering of ice was heard. They were coming closer. But behind the scenes, Excel wore his hoodie and made his way to them.

The students started hearing someone talking outside the camp.

Excel: Who are you?

Without saying anything,  an elves shot an arrow at him.

Excel raised his right eyebrow and looked at the elf that shot the arrow, the arrow got destroyed even it touched Excel or even came near him

Excel dashes towards that archer. Excel punches him against a tree. Killing the Elf.

An elf that was sitting on a horse, looked at Excel with amusement.

"Huh. Prey. Are you serious?" scoffed Excel at the elf on the horse.

Without wasting any time. Excel charged towards the elf but before he could hit the elf he disappeared, Excel hit the horse, killing it.

Excel: What the hell?

Elve: You will be quite the enemy.

Everyone in the room camp went outside to see what was happening. They saw a man with a white hoodie and some elves. The looked at the elf many of the students started to vomit from its sheet magical presence.

Excel: Why the hell did they come out?

'Shadow Summon'

Excel summoned only ten soldiers with Igris and tank the Polar bear.

Excel I think. It's time for you to die.

Elf: I see. You have quite the confidence. Everyone ready to attack.

The elves behind nodded their head in agreement.

The elve disappeared. Suddenly it appeared in front of Excel. He was using a dagger so Excel thought that he could reflect it since it was a physical attack but he couldn't.

Excel: What the Hell. It happened again.

Elf: Oh. I felt resistance. Are humans this strong?

It was Excel's turn. He took out his dagger. He attacks He was so fast that in 1 second he broke the sound barrier but still the eld blocked it with ease. The elf looked at Excel with a grin.

On the other hand, the Elve army was collapsing. The students couldn't believe their eyes. They were astonished.

Excel :  (mind )Think I will use it.

'Shadow Blade'

Excel's dagger was covered with shadow. He attacked the Elf. But It was the same this time as well it blocked the attack but this time the Elf was pushed back.

Elf: (mind) Such Power

Elf: Guess I need to get serious.

They both took a battle Stance. In their eyes, you could clearly see the killing intent but none were intimidated, both looked at each other admiring each other's strength.

They both charged at the same time. Their daggers were about to collide but...

Gray: That's Enough

The layer of ice appeared in front of them. They both stepped back. Excel looked back it was Gray but something was different. He had some black marks on his body. And the ice was for some reason pink in color.

Excel: Gray. What the hell are you doing? Go back.

Gray: No. It's time to wrap this up. You retreat.

Excel saw the seriousness in his eyes. Excel vanished in thin air. As well as his shadow soldiers.

Gray: You know I will fight.

Elve: Who are you.  Bring that man. You are weak. I will kill you.

Gray: So you are looking down on me. Look around you lost this is over.

All of them were dead from giant pink ice spikes piercing their bodies.

Elf: What. My men. You will pay.

The elf created a huge ball of magic and threw it towards Gray, but it was nothing Gray created a pink ice shield to block the attacks.

Elf: Interesting. Humans really are strong.

Gray: It's time to die bastard.

Gray created a giant sword of ice, he looked at the elf but realized one thing, the elf in front of him is strong.

Elf: So human. Take this.

The elf charged towards Gay it was about to hit Gray. But he ducked down and he attacked the Eld looking at the opportunity. Blue colored blood came out of the elf who was just stabbed in its stomach.

Elve: Impossible. That boy was fast but you.

Gray: Time to die.

Gray in one hit killed the Elf with his sword.

Gray picked up the dagger. He thought to give it Excel latter.

Gray picked up the dagger. He thought to give it Excel latter.

Excel from the group of students saw Gray. He was amazed he thought the council was weak but his first rank was in danger. Excel could easily reflect normal ice, but he believed that the pink ice of Gray was an exception.

Student 1: Did you see that! What was that?

Student 2: That's Gray's Demon Slayer form. I heard that he can even freeze fire.

Student 3: Is that even possible

After a few moments, The Red Gate opened.  Everyone packed their bags and were ready to leave. Before leaving Excel went near the Elve and tried to summon it. He tried once...  Nope, it didn't work. He tried the second time... Didn't work again... He tried a third time but again failed. After the third try Excel got tired.

Excel: The hell. I can't summon him. And all of a sudden why am I tired. And where the hell is that dagger, the elf was holding.

Excel disappointed left the Elf's body as he came out of the Gate. He saw the orange sky. It was around 5:00 am.  But the busses were already ready to leave. Some students were happy and some were sad.

With some other teachers, Excel saw Gray talking to the student council. Erza with Lucy and Natsu were waiting.

Gray: When did you guys arrive.

Erza: Last night.

Gray: It was not only me. Excel also helped.

Erza: Thank You Excel for saving the students.

Excel: Whatever. Oi Gray why did you tell me to retreat.

Gray: You were just a student in this school my junior. How could I leave you? Also, It had been a long time since I've used my Demon Slayer form.

Teacher: Listen to students. Today and tomorrow you can rest at home. Please enter the bus so that we can leave. You will be directly dropped to hour houses.

Excel didn't use the bus but instead walked he needed a can of coffee as soon as possible.

Teacher: Erza where is Excel.

Erza: Excel has another mode of transport.

Teacher: I see. OK, then driver let's depart.

The bus left but the council still didn't leave.

Erza: So how strong is he?

Gray: A lot. For some reason, he was using a dagger. Although he looks weak his body can withstand the hits of the Elf. It took me ten layers of ice to protect myself.

Erza: I see. Did you see his magic?

Gray: Unfortunately no.  He never used it but when he first time attacked. It was so fast that the trees broke down, it was truly powerful

Erza: Who is that boy?  Excel Bruke