Chapter 69 - The Search Party

A vigorous explosion of a massive scale transmitted shockwaves across several miles in the distance. All creatures, plant life, and formations within the core blast radius were all vaporized, the sheer thermal energy discharged from the blast scorched the area outside of the valley. The energy released from the explosion also did not fail to seize the attention of a few beings across the vast scope, three of which so happened to be looking for Spencer in the first place.

"Shaya, did you feel that?" A well-built individual called out to one of the two females next to him, all of which were on as much alert as he was.

"Yeah, I felt it Milo, such a powerful surge of energy... How could I have missed it?!" Shaya was progressively getting more worried as to what the cause of such a burst was considering that it came from the exact same direction they were heading towards.

Cassa, as the third was silent, showing a hint of fear, she continued to gaze into the distance from whence the explosion came.

"I have a bad feeling in my heart..." Shaya gently touched her chest in a moment of silence, Spencer's face constantly resurfacing in her mind "We can't waste any more time, we need to find him!" She exclaimed with determination.


Spencer's energy levels were spiking as he grew more enraged with every passing moment. Aethros maintained the ridiculous bombardment on his body with powerful concussive attacks from the most impossible angles. No matter how he blocked, Aethros would slip through his guard with ease. Before Spencer could react, Aethros appeared from what looked to be a breach in space with his hand extended into a blade. Shining a deep golden hue, Aethros chopped down, aiming to fatally injure, if not, swiftly kill his increasingly troublesome opponent.

His senses immediately warning him of the danger to come, Spencer dodged out of the way, though the energy blade still made contact with his right arm, nearly severing it completely in one fluid motion leaving his arm dangling by strands of skin and muscle as Aethros wasn't able to cut all the way through due to Spencer's quick reaction time.

Jumping back quickly, Spencer launched twelve consecutive energy blasts from his left palm, keeping the rapidly approaching Aethros distracted as his arm reconnected. Seeing as Aethros was getting worryingly close, Spencer rapidly accelerated the healing process, restoring his arm instantly.

Manifesting a few thousand energy spears above the sky, he promptly released them on the already devastated valley, each spear creating an explosion of their own. Briefly, after the spears dropped, he began looking for traces of Aethros's presence in the valley.

Looking around frantically, he couldn't find his presence at all, it was as if he simply vanished from the surface of the planet.

"Where could he be!?" Spencer's anger from being played with like this was making him contemplate releasing a much larger explosion than last time, even if he knew that it wouldn't do anything to help him. "He has to come out eventua-" Before he could attempt to finish his sentence, he felt a faint presence before he was promptly impaled in the heart from behind. A vibrating blade of golden energy protruded out from his chest.

Slumping over, as his body went limp in the air, Aethros's arm held him in place.

"Y͓̽o͓̽u͓̽ ͓̽w͓̽e͓̽r͓̽e͓̽ ͓̽a͓̽ ͓̽w͓̽o͓̽r͓̽t͓̽h͓̽y͓̽ ͓̽o͓̽p͓̽p͓̽o͓̽n͓̽e͓̽n͓̽t͓̽,͓̽ ͓̽b͓̽u͓̽t͓̽ ͓̽I͓̽ ͓̽c͓̽a͓̽n͓̽'͓̽t͓̽ ͓̽h͓̽a͓̽v͓̽e͓̽ ͓̽y͓̽o͓̽u͓̽ ͓̽m͓̽e͓̽s͓̽s͓̽i͓̽n͓̽g͓̽ ͓̽a͓̽n͓̽y͓̽t͓̽h͓̽i͓̽n͓̽g͓̽ ͓̽u͓̽p͓̽.͓̽" Aethros promptly removed his hand from Spencer's body, believing the fight was over, dropping his guard for just a moment.

Noticing this split-second drop in Aethros's guard, Spencer immediately spun around and slammed the back of his fist into Aethros's jaw, briefly disorienting him and granting Spencer enough time to generate his claws and slash at Aethros. However, to his dismay, he opened a small breach in which Spencer's attack went through. His hand reappearing in a newly formed breach behind him, causing him to slash himself across the back. Aethros then promptly vanished once more.

From the very beginning of this fight, Spencer has been losing his composure. Aethros escaping his last attack and making him injure himself had finally pushed him over the line. The gradual instability of his emotions was quickly ramping up his body's energy production, causing it to grow unstable. His eyes glowed a violent purple as his body began to release steam, he was on the verge of involuntarily exploding with the sheer amount of energy he was generating.

But he quickly gained control of himself, looking ahead as he sensed Aethros. Exiting from a rip in space, Aethros looked at Spencer's pitiful state, slightly awed by how he is still breathing with his heart destroyed and a hole in his chest. Though this intrigued him, his urgency to finish this up continued to grow, their battles must have already attracted unwanted attention.

Aethros watched as Spencer's body began to writhe and bulge, rapidly changing shape as he spawned two extra arms whilst two eyes opened on the side of his head and two more formed on the back of his shoulders, granting him a better 360 field of view.

"͓̽J͓̽u͓̽s͓̽t͓̽ ͓̽w͓̽h͓̽a͓̽t͓̽ ͓̽k͓̽i͓̽n͓̽d͓̽ ͓̽o͓̽f͓̽ ͓̽v͓̽i͓̽l͓̽e͓̽ ͓̽c͓̽r͓̽e͓̽a͓̽t͓̽u͓̽r͓̽e͓̽ ͓̽a͓̽r͓̽e͓̽ ͓̽y͓̽o͓̽u͓̽?͓̽!͓̽"͓̽ He was disgusted as he watched this all unfold, observing as Spencer manifested his claws on all formed arms whilst surrounding himself in a concentrated purple aura

He didn't know how to react, so he quickly decided to end things before they got any worse, clapping his hands together as Spencer accelerated towards him. Promptly following the reverberation of Aethros's clap, the creatures, the plant life, and even the wind, the very world stopped in their tracks. Aethros began to walk in a now frozen world, appearing in front of Spencer before channeling all of his energy into his palm.

Aiming for Spencer's chest, Aethros thrust the irradiated palm vigorously into his chest, causing no visible reaction, except for a palm print made out of his condensed Fasha Energy. Clapping his hands together once again, the world returned to motion.

The glowing handprint on Spencer's chest slowly phased into his body, and as the flow of time returned to normal, his chest caved in as a colossal blast of energy burst forth and evaporated the entirety of his torso.

Aethros watched as Spencer's splintered remains fell to the valley floor, almost keeling over as that last attack drained all of his energy reserves. He was on the verge of falling from the sky as he used his last strain of energy to open a breach in space to leave the area immediately.

Due to his eagerness to escape from the curious eyes, he failed to observe as Spencer's mangled body parts began to liquify and converge into a single sphere floating just above the ground. All of the residual Fasha Energy that resided in the devastated valley began to converge into the sphere in a rapid, unregulated manner, quickly saturating it to an immense degree.

Whilst this was going on, the sphere began to writhe around as it slowly expanded into the shape of Spencer's previous body.

His large muscular frame, his long elegant platinum hair, his menacing purple draconic eyes... The only main difference from his previous form, was his massive increase in condensed mass, the lack of tattoos on his body, and the tail he had from the fashacalli bloodline now turning charcoal black.

His body oozed a powerful energy signature even in this catatonic state, his aura passively surging as it gluttonized the surrounding Fasha Energy, even expanding beyond the walls of the valley.

Gradually descending to the ground, his now reformed body made contact with the floor, sending a powerful shockwave of energy into the surroundings.


Sensing these constant bombardments of Fasha Energy in the atmosphere, the three in search of Spencer were rapidly approaching the valley his body now resided, approaching the mountain before the valley they quickly flew over it.

"He has to be here! I sensed his energy signature in this area! It vanished for a moment but now it's growing stronger with every passing moment!!" Shaya spoke in a hurry as she accelerated over the mountain formation and entered the valley, only then could she and her companions witness the destruction that was caused in this once lush place filled with life. It was now a wasteland of rubble and debris, further withering away as all the energy was being siphoned into a single entity.

Following the streams of energy to the source, all of their eyes landed on Spencer's body lying stagnant on the floor.

"I don't hear a heartbeat." Milo, who had to enhance his hearing to check on Spencer's condition, made the others aware of his discovery.

"That can't be!" Shaya was the first to react to Milo's words as she rushed over to Spencer's motionless body. Swiftly checking his pulse, not hearing anything, she attempted to check his breathing. Getting the results, Shaya's eyes widened in disbelief.

"T..this doesn't make any sense! He's not breathing, how is his body still absorbing Fasha?!" Shaya's tone dampened as she did not focus on this detail. Quickly holding him closer to her bosom, hugging him as if she had lost a companion much to the bewilderment of Cassa and Milo, causing them to wonder when the two had built such a relationship.

"Shaya..." Cassa softly called out to her and continued to speak. "There's nothing we can do to help him..." She walked over and placed her hand on Shaya's shoulder.

Milo nodded his head in agreement, "We should report this to the Elder, if something could kill someone like Spencer, we need to warn him immediately!" He turned around and began to fly away accompanied by Cassa.

Shaya hearing both their reasoning gently placed Spencer down and was about to accompany them, lifting from the ground, the trio began to depart until a sudden eruption of power startled them. A concussive shockwave slammed against the three, pushing them back briefly before receding, they all immediately gazed at the source of the sudden turn of events.

They saw as Spencer could be seen standing observing his own body with amazement. After a quick check-up, he raised his arm and clenched his fist.

"He actually managed to kill me..." he gritted his teeth as a vein bulge on his temple. "Ooooh, I'll make sure to return the favor in tenfold!" He threw a casual punch meant to burn off some steam at one of the valley walls.

The devastating force behind the strike split the very landmass for kilometers on end, reaching even the clouds.

Dusting himself off and forming a shirt over his body, Spencer abruptly looked over at the flabbergasted Shaya, Cassa, And Milo.

"When did you guys get here?"