Chapter 70 - A new peak

(AN: This chapter got a bit longer than we both expected, I hope nobody really minds it. :)

I also planned to write a long-winded rant about the difference between opinion, critique, and throwing a fit, but, over the weekend, I decided to just let go of the frustration.

If you are here to only read about the Justice League section and would much rather ignore the rest of the story, including the original segments that we put a lot of effort into then just put the book on hold, and come back later. Rest assured we will get there, but that is not the (only) goal for this novel, nor will it be the ending of it. ;)

There's no point in DM-ing me with curses/threats or throwing comments and delete them shortly afterward so only I would see them in the dashboard. That's not the way a civilized human being should act. :)

Anyway, enough about me, enjoy today's chapter!)


Looking at the completely unharmed, healthy body of Spencer, who was definitely without a pulse a moment ago, the trio looked as if they were seeing a ghost. Their shock was so big, that they didn't even register the incredibly powerful strike that he just did and destroyed another section of the already demolished valley.

"Y-y-you! Y-you were... H-how are you...!?!" The first to be able to wake from the shock and stutteringly blurt out a question was Shaya. She began to levitate back towards Spencer, slowly, afraid that if She would go faster this mirage would shatter.

As she arrived close, she slowly circled him in the air, inspecting every bit of his body, with a mixture of shock and disbelief in her eyes.

Spencer calmly stood still with a friendly smile on his face, and let the girl finish her inspection. He glanced at Milo, and as if remembering something, he spoke with light laughter.

"Oh yes, before I forget! Milo, that last punch you did… That was something alright! I never knew you had such incredible power inside you!"

Unlike the girls, Milo managed to shake himself from his shock faster. He scratched the back of his head with a hint of nervousness, as he responded with a troubled smile dominating his expression.

"Yeah… Sorry about that… I had no idea I could do that… The Elder said that I supposedly have Space affinity… which is weird, as I hadn't awakened to any affinity to the best of my knowledge."

As Milo finished talking, Spencer felt a pinch coming from his right side. Looking at the direction, he saw as Shaya continued to poke and try to pinch him, trying to register that he is real and not just some illusion.

Sighing, he looked at the girl and flicked her nose.

"What is wrong with you? I'm really me, what were you expecting?!" He said with a faked sad, lugubrious expression. His voice also carried a hint of sadness as if he was really hurt by her actions.

Hearing the tone, Shaya woke up from her trance and immediately turned beet red from the embarrassment. Shaking her head and arms in the air he tried to apologize.

"S-sorry! I-I didn't mean to! I-it's just that you were dead a moment ago… You had no pulse and weren't breathing so I… I…" As tears began to gather in her eyes, and her vision started to become blurry, Spencer couldn't hold back anymore and he burst into a loud, powerful guffaw.

Seeing her dear friend on the verge of tears, Cassa flew to Shaya's side. Seeing how Shaya began to break down with all the emotions swelling up inside her, she hugged her friends while looking at Spencer with silent, burning eyes.

For a short while, only the silent sobbing of the hurt Shaya could be heard, while Cassa continued to 'throw daggers' with her eyes.

Ignoring the duo, Spencer flew towards Milo. Once he got close, he extended his right hand towards him.

"Although you didn't manage to give me what I was looking for, you were still a worthy opponent. I enjoyed our duel."

Not sure what he meant by his words, he looked at Spencer with skeptical eyes for a short while, before deciding to give him a friendly smile and accepting the offered hand. As soon as he did, he felt a small prickling pain in his palm and felt as if some of his blood was sucked out. Quickly separating from the strange handshake, he looked at his hand, but he saw no wound or gash at all. His hand was spotless as if nothing happened at all.

"Huh?" He looked at his palm with confusion in his eyes. Then he looked at Spencer. "Did you just… sting me?"

Spencer smirked and laughed at the question with a whisk of his hand, but did not reply. He turned around, looking at the still silently Shaya with Cassa serving her protective 'cover'.

He began to fly towards them, but before he would fly away, he looked back at Milo who was still looking at his palm with confusion in his eyes. Looking at this gentle giant, he was somehow reminded of his old friends from back home. The trio, his first hunting party… He sighed, shaking his head, trying to clear these thoughts. He turned away and silently flew back to Shaya and Cassa.

"Are you really this sick in the head?! Can't you see how worried she was about you?! Have you no heart at all?!" Cassa immediately flew into a rage once Spencer arrived. She could barely accept the fact that this 'beast' was now their tribe's honored guest and ally, but the change in Shaya's attitude towards him was too much for her. When did they become such good friends? When did she start caring for this outsider?

True, that he was definitely powerful, and that his fight against Basir and her as well as an indisputable victory… But he wasn't one of them! He came uninvited, beat them into submission, and forced himself on them to learn and possibly steal their secrets. Still, during their time together even she had to admit that he never showed any hostility, and simply reacted to their actions.

Even in their duel, he seemed to only copy her attacks with a childlike glint in his eyes… She had conflicting thoughts that clouded her expression. In the end, she could only sigh and avert her gaze, focusing on her dear friend instead.

"Umm… It was only a joke…" Spencer responded with a shrug. He wanted to reach out to the girl, but in the end, he decided against it. There was something much more pressing at the moment.

He had no grasp on his current limits. He could feel that his powers increased exponentially once again, and on both fronts on top of that! He needed to know where he was standing now. He felt that not just his energy, and his body, but even his Fasha and his Fashacalli core had gone through a qualitative jump…

He turned around, looking for a suitable spot nearby before turning towards Milo and the duo.

"I need to do some testing. It might be a bit noisy and messy, but… you can stay… if you want."

Saying what he wanted, he began flying off towards the south once again, looking for the rest of the still-standing peaks of the semi-destroyed mountain range. Locating the range, he abruptly landed near its borders, scanning for a nice open area for him to test all of his stats after the resurrection.

Spencer swiftly scanned the area for potential life forms. Once realizing that the area was devoid of everything other than plant life, he called out to an almost forgotten individual, "Hex, scan all data and upload it to the ship's interface."

Soon after saying this, a small drone manifested beside him, placing a tracker on his right shoulder before immediately floating above and beginning to record him in a third-person view.

"That's good, now I can get this started!" Cracking his knuckles, Spencer set up a vast energy barrier around the general area he was in, with the inclusion of the trio. Once the energy barrier was set, he promptly began his tests in the hopes of regulating his strength and seeing what he was now capable of.

Turning off all his passive regulators, Spencer's body abruptly bulged as his muscle mass surged for an instant before once more condensing. His regulated weight limiter being shut off caused his body to immediately sink the ground beneath him, creating a small crater from his sheer mass. The disabling of his sensory limiters caused an instant neural overload as he could sense and feel every living being on the planet and beyond, he even felt Bey'on who was far outside of this planet's borders. Quickly regaining himself, he began.

Picking up a small rock and letting it go, he instantaneously vanished out of sight. Spencer then quickly ran around the surface of the planet an estimate of 30 times before swiftly returning to the rock. Observing as it has moved barely a centimeter from its previous position in the air, he continued to further explore his speed, leaving a rather gentle handprint on the fairly tempting arse of one individual that was comforting another that resided in the barrier with him, "All these girls around me put some of the best humans to shame... It'll be a waste not to enjoy myself!", After goofing around with his ludicrous speed, he returned to the rock to see that it was still nowhere near the ground.

"Maybe that's enough." Spencer slowed himself down to proceed with the other areas of the testing. Watching as the rock finally made contact with the ground promptly followed by an ear-piercing shriek from the distance by Cassa who writhed on the ground almost to tears, much to the confusion of the others.

Spencer moved to test his durability, promptly forming an energy sphere into existence using his energy. He channeled enough energy into this tennis sized sphere to evaporate this planet twice, more energy than he has ever tried to channel into one attack. Upon its creation, Shaya, Casa, and Milo began to sweat profusely from the amount of energy they were feeling suddenly pop into existence, immediately rushing over to where Spencer was to see what he was doing

"W-what is this energy?!" Cassa exclaimed fright, pointing at the sphere hovering slightly above Spencer's palm.

"Divinity… He stepped into Divinity Access, jumping from the initiation stage straight to such heights… Incredible" Milo mumbled in amazement, feeling the sheer volume of the power that the destructive little orb radiated.

Shaya was speechless by the shock. She looked at Spencer's figure with complex emotions swirling in her head. She still wasn't completely convinced that this all wasn't just a dream, unknowingly she pinched her friend's side.

"Hey! That hurts!" Cassa exclaimed, feeling the sudden stinging pain. "Why did you pinch me?" She asked with hurtful eyes.

However, Shaya couldn't respond. She was still trying to process all that just happened and kept happening around her. Eventually. small drops began to silently escape the corner of her eyes as her lips slightly curved as she kept looking at the platinum-haired man.

Creating a secondary fully circular barrier around himself within the already vast one he created before, he made sure none of this energy could accidentally escape. Releasing his hold on the energy sphere, it exploded point-blank range.

The trio observing this was immediately assaulted by a blinding light, causing them to cover their face to protect their eyes.

"What is he doing?!" Shaya yelled out in worry and confusion. They waited until the light quickly faded before looking in Spencer's direction, trying to see what had happened.

Spencer's body could be vaguely observed by the trio as their eyes still needed to adjust. Watching him inside of his barrier, he seemed relatively intact, despite his body now carrying a few bleeding wounds, wounds that near instantly faded from his body.

"That went better than I thought it would..."

Dispersing the barrier he was in, Spencer continued to the very last test he wanted to do. Walking over to one of the larger mountains in the range, he casually squatted down and dug his left hand into the base of the mountain, coating it with his energy before separating the base of the mountain from the surface whilst also keeping it together.

Holding it over his head as if it weighed nothing.

"Huh, lighter than I thought!" He condensed it down to the size of a marble, granting it a bright crystalline hue, he covered it in his power to nullify the weight before further solidifying his energy to manifest a pure golden chain and connect it to the marble.

"Maybe Castor will like this, especially when I tell her how I got it..." Holding a childlike grin on his face, he gave it to the drone and instructed it to place it in storage. Watching the drone leave, Spencer turned to the immensely stupefied trio.

"You guys alright?" Spencer raised a brow at their agape expressions.

"Spencer… you… you are… you have stepped into…" Cassa exclaimed with a mixture of shock and fright, looking at his stupidly powerful figure. He couldn't phrase a meaningful sentence, she kept stuttering as she tried to give voice to the shock she just experienced.

"...Divinity Access…" Shaya muttered, with a similarly shocked face. Her face donned a slightly rosy cheek, revealing a bit of the complex emotions she kept feeling. A small, cute smile was coloring her expression.

"Spencer, you are just too incredible! This jump in power… But no matter, I will catch up one day, and we will have another duel!" Unlike the girls, he wasn't frightened, instead he had an expectant grin on his face. He didn't see a monster, he saw a rival, a goal that he could strive towards to overcome and reach heights he previously never even dreamed of.

Spencer simply smiled at the trio as he looked over them. The next moment, however, his eyes darted towards the distance, towards the north. The friendly smile slowly changed, revealing a cruel grin, as he spoke, not exactly to the trio, but to himself and to a certain someone…

"With this… I may be able to match him… No, I need to make sure, I need to reach the Prime state…" His gaze slightly moved, looking at the direction of his bioship. He sighed.

"I have some work to do, this is still not enough!"