Chapter 78 - Deal (Part 2)

"See? He is a monster, through and through! Even his mate is the same as him! Cold, emotionless… probably just as cruel as him!" Cassa exclaimed, seeing how the duo vanished in a tear in space. A moment later they saw it on the still active holographic screen as they reappeared on the enemy ship and how dominantly they acted against another race.

"Mate? I-is that woman his chosen one? Do they… l-love each other?" Shaya meekly whispered, mostly to herself listening to her friend's berating tone and watching the screen.

Milo kept his silence with a solemn, grave look on his face that was ever-present since the news of the death of kin was reported to him. There were no visual emotions of flicks on his face. It was impossible to tell if he cared or not, or if he was angry at Spencer or maybe not. He continued to watch the events as they transpired, showing no will or attempt to get involved by the slightest.

Hearing Shaya's weak, frail tone, Cassa looked back at her with a compassionate look.

"Just… try to forget him! He is not a good man! He watched as millions of our kin were brutally slaughtered, and didn't even bat an eye! We both knew he had the power to stop Aethros and save everyone, but he refused to do so! Why would you care for him? Just… forget him, he doesn't deserve you! He doesn't deserve us..." Her starting compassionate tone became fierce as she continued to speak and think about that monster. Her eyes became clouded as her passion was vented, her tone trailing off at the end, she resumed her quiet troubled sobbing session.

Surprised by Cassa's reaction, Shaya hugged her, soon joining her crying, creating a sad chorus at the side of the stern-faced Milo who kept standing still like a statue, focusing on Spencer on the screen in front of him.


When their 'meeting' came to an end, and the duo of Spencer and Bey'on arrived back on the ship, they both ignored the trio standing in the hallway looking in their direction. They did not give them even a glance as the doors of the bioship slowly opened and they left, taking their first steps in this new and technologically advanced world.

However, just as the doors began to automatically close and Milo lost sight of their backs, Spencer's voice resounded in his mind.

"Watch over them for me. Some rooms will be closed and inaccessible to you, besides those you guys can freely explore the ship, but do not leave it."

Surprised, Milo continued staring in the direction where he lost sight of Spencer's figure for a long while, before finally nodding, and turning around to take care of his little, sobbing sisters…


Leaving the ship and taking that first step on a new planet always carried a sort of emotional weight. Even to humanity in the far future, they marked each of these moments, recording it in history and giving a meaningful statement that was a statement to the advancement of their species standing proud against the entire universe.

Although this wasn't the first, nor the second time for Spencer to set foot on a new world, he still felt elated at the thought of being the first, and more-than-likely the last being originating from Earth to walk on the surface of the famous Krypton, home of the future Man-of-Steel, Kal-El. While the 'El'-s are probably not even a thing in the current era, the thoughts still filled Spencer with pride and happiness.

He couldn't help himself to shout excitedly, giving voice to his triumph over all the future geeks and fistbump the air while yelling unrecognizable fragmented words.

Looking at the idiotic reaction of Spencer, Bey'on gave her the cold shoulder, looking at him as if he was a complete retard.

"You done?" She asked with slight irritation after a while with an emotionless, cold stare.

"Yeah, it felt great," Spencer responded cheerfully, not minding her look a bit. How could she possibly understand what he was feeling? This moment was indeed historical, it was something that his previous, old self wouldn't even dare to hope for, and yet, now, he was here.

Taking a breather and collecting himself, Spencer looked around the base where they were 'escorted' to. Large metallic walls stood guard with several dozens of soldiers guarding the place with weapons similar in design to the plasma rifles on Mars. The main difference was the white crystal that was placed at its middle, probably serving as the core or maybe a sort of battery to the weapon. While they did not directly aim at the duo, all the guards were standing vigilant, their trigger-fingers at the ready and their left hands gripping the neck of the rifles nervously.

"They are all afraid, ready to shoot at us at the first sign of action." Bey'on calmly gave voice to Spencer's thoughts. "Indeed, they are quite funny creatures. Are the humans on your world similar to them?"

Spencer nodded in response to her question.

"Quite so. Although not the ones in the current era, but the ones born in the future will just be like these. Afraid of those stronger than them, whilst being contemptuous to those beneath them."

"What now? Are we supposed to just stand still and wait here?" Bey'on asked as he glanced over the soldiers with a cold look. "I want to see more of this world, and not stand here like some animal." She added, already looking forward to all the wonders she could learn from this civilization.

"What do you think?" Spencer grinned at her question, grabbing her hand and vanishing in the next instant, giving a scare to the surrounding soldiers.

A moment later, they reappeared several miles away, in front of the much larger commanding battleship that guided them to this base. The doors of the ship have just begun to open, revealing a short battalion of officers and soldiers with Rex-Mall and her lieutenants in the middle.

As the door opened, and they looked ahead they almost jumped in fright being greeted by the monstrous duo of the two beings that have already casually breached their protocol, boarding their deck uninvitedly.

"Heya beardie!" Spencer greeted with a large grin on his face. Bey'on ignored the duo, her eyes were already scanning the inner sections of the ship, her curiosity was reaching newfound heights. She still kept her cool and coldness on the outside, however. These 'ants' in front of her did not matter, they were toys for Spencer, not for her after all.

"Beardie?" Caught completely off-guard, Rex-Mall was unable to respond at first to the weird greeting. A few moments later, however, he managed to get his thoughts in check, and waved at his soldiers to stand at ease. "Hello, Spencer and Bey'on. I see you have already come to us and did not wait for me to get to you…" He spoke with a wry smile.

He could already foresee a range of issues coming from the actions of these two, but unfortunately, there was nothing they could do against them, but making sure they have the absolute best of their time staying as 'guests', and hopeful allies in the war against the Wegthorians.

"Yeah… We didn't like the atmosphere, so we decided to explore the place. Hope you don't mind!" Spencer spoke with a cheerful grin-like smile plastered on his face.

"N-no, of course not. But please, try to stay around the landing pads for now. I need to contact the higher-ups and explain the situation. They would then probably want to meet with you and your wife."

A slight jolt passed through Bey'on when she was referred to as 'Spencer's wife' but a moment later she was back to her usual cold self. Releasing her hand from Spencer's grip, she slowly began to approach the vessel, not caring about the battalion of soldiers standing in her way.

Not wanting any trouble, Rex immediately waved with his hand, giving the command for their soldiers to give way to the woman.

Seeing her receding figure, Spencer only shook his head.

"Sorry, she is very eager to explore your ship. You go and contact your masters, and just let us know when you are ready. I will watch over her, and make sure your little toy will be kept intact, okay?"

Rex-Mall could only helplessly nod at his words, barely able to contain his flinching when his proud and beautiful warship was referred to as 'little toy' by Spencer.

"In that case, I will try to be as fast as possible and get back to you soon. If you'll excuse me. Spencer, Bey'on." He nodded at the duo before he signaled for his men and lieutenants to ignore them and move out.


Whilst Rex-Mall went to get in touch with his higher-ups and explain to them the situation that has transpired, Bey'on continued to go around like a child in a candy store, exploring the inner contents of the warship in all of its scientific glory. Following closely behind, Spencer could be seen walking up to one of the ship's control panels, placing a small chip-like device on its surface.

"Hex...scan the ship's internal systems and send the data to the Bioship."

Just as he had commanded in his mind, Hex promptly invaded the systems of the ship and replicated all of the data that was immediately sent back. After roughly 30 seconds, the data was fully transferred, signaling him to remove the device and return to the outside of the ship, leaving Bey'on to her curiosity.

Exiting the command vessel, he instantly sensed the general and his men. He began to monitor the general's actions whilst listening to his conversation with the high council of five from afar.

"They could prove to be a powerful ally to our cause in defeating the Wegthorians! Their ship easily decimated the entire Wegthorian fleet in one strike, they had even invaded our ship in an instant! The power they hold is almost godlike!" Rex-Mall was trying to appeal to the council of five's interest in the matter of Spencer and his mate.

"You will bring these so-called godlike beings to the council to be judged by the five. Their first request was acceptable, but their second will not be tolerated without a just reason behind it! We will not allow for such a being to do as they please simply because they feel like it!"

"B-but sir, we can't risk angering these two without reason, it is simply too…" Rex-Mall was abruptly cut off whilst speaking.

"You will do as you're told, we have rules that must be followed by all who reside on this planet! These two invaders are no exception to that rule, bring them to be judged! This is the last time you will be asked nicely."

After that last command, the council ended the transmission with Rex, leaving him slightly annoyed by the one-sided conversation.

"A bunch of old fools!" He spat as he was visually very upset by the council ignoring his warning, but he had no say in the matter. Beginning to make his way back to their ship in the hopes that Spencer and Bey'on haven't done anything to it.


Realizing they had finished talking and was heading back, Spencer watched as Rex-Mall and his men made their way to him, waiting patiently as they arrived to tell him the news he had already overheard.

"The council wishes to speak with you and Bey'on immediately to discuss the scale of your requests and to make their own demands.", He was really nervous about the possibility of the council angering Spencer in some way once they arrived.

Showing a slight smile, he warped the space around Bey'on and teleported her out of the ship, making her appear next to him, much to her surprise and disapproval. Patting her on the back he tried to explain it to her.

"We're going to see the Council of Five. The "Bunch of old fools" wishes to "judge" us as they call it." Spencer repeated the words of Rex and the council, which immediately made Rex-Mall sweat profusely upon realizing that he had somehow heard the conversation between them.

"No need to worry, simply lead the way and we will follow." Spencer wanted to get this over with more than anything.

Rex was slightly relieved that Spencer didn't seem to be angry, so he quickly began to lead the way.

"Please, follow after me."

And with that, General Rex-Mall and his men began leading Spencer and Bey'on to the high council.