Chapter 79 - Diplomacy in style

As they all drew closer to the Council of Five's location, Rex-Mall continued to grow more nervous with every step closer to their destination. Though they have been walking for a while in silence, this silence bore tremendous pressure on his shoulders, causing him great discomfort throughout the entire trip. Making their way to the exterior of the council building that was made from some unknown metal, Rex-Mall, with his soldiers accompanied by Spencer and Bey'on quickly approached it. Mall's soldiers created a path for the duo to enter the building unbothered.

Approaching the door, Rex-Mall scanned his hand before the doors promptly opened once recognizing his identity. Walking closer to Spencer and Bey'on and almost whispering so that the others around him could not hear.

"You two must follow me to the council... all I ask is that you don't take offense to their straightforward arrogance once we arrive."

Proceeding to bring the duo into the council building, they approached and entered an elevator-like platform that lifted from the ground and brought them to the highest floor of the building. As they were going up, Rex-Mall spoke once more.

"One more thing...I doubt they'll listen to a word I have to say, but I'll do my best to get you what you want in return for your help in our fight against the Wegthorians." Rex-Mall looked Spencer in the eyes to show his sincerity, but he was immediately overcome by fear when he finally took a closer look at his piercing void-like eyes staring into his soul. He quickly refrained from eye contact, but not before noticing a nod from Spencer, filling him with some hope for this to all go well.

Soon arriving at the very peak of the council building, the trio promptly exited the platform and began to walk along a hallway leading all the way to the back of the tower. As they walked, Bey'on would occasionally analyze the walls around them and the drones floating in designated sections of the hallway, observing them as well as serving as a guideline to where they were headed.

Exiting the hallway just as quickly as they had entered, the trio arrived in a brightly lit room filled with very little guards, but what most caught Spencer's attention was the alluring designs of the walls within this room, causing him to completely ignore the five council members who continued to observe them from the moment they entered the room.

The five council members began to grow irritated by Spencer and Bey'on lack of interest in their presence, focusing more on the room instead of them. Inevitably one of them decided to speak out about their dissatisfaction with the duo's behavior.

"We are the Council of Five, the largest influence on Krypton and its main governing power, we have heard from General Rex-Mall that you single-handedly wiped out the entire Wegthorian commanding ships, in turn allowing our fleets to finish off the disoriented army and claim victory… Am I correct?"

"They simply provoked me so I acted in a manner repaying such an unprovoked attack… But that is not what I came here for. General Rex-Mall here promised me a few things in return in exchange for an alliance of sorts."

"We have been informed of such an agreement...But, the council does not form alliances with invaders, instead, we will grant you temporary access to our central repository of gathered knowledge, but you will still be greatly restricted in what you will get to learn."

Spencer raised a brow to the council's words, "That wasn't the deal we disclosed, I requested full access to the technology you hold on this planet and the bodies of all your dead soldiers, nothing less for my cooperation."

"We will decide how much access you receive!" The council member slammed their fist on the side of the throne they sat on, "We will also deny your request to have access to the bodies of our dead soldiers and it is no longer under discussion, you will get what you receive!" Finishing his shouting, this council member sat back in his throne whilst another leaned forward.

"Seeing the power your ship holds and how it could benefit the Erkolian military, we demand a contract of servitude, your household and assets will be bound to the Erkolian's service for the following 200 years with absolute obedience!" Leaning back in the throne, they continued, "We will have full access to your ship and all of its resources."

Spencer's eyes almost popped out of their sockets from hearing such an outrageous one-sided contract, causing him to rub the bridge of his nose. Whilst this was going on, Bey'on held zero interest in this discussion, placing all of her focus on the structure, drones, and holographic technology that resided in the room. This behavior greatly annoyed one of the council members, causing him to finally speak out on the matter.

"Who do you think you are woman!... Doing as you please in the presence of the council whilst continuing to ignore us, it's best you be careful as to not anger me any further as an execution shall be the end of your fate!" Yelling at Bey'on, the council member threatened to take her life for the blatant disrespectful behavior in his eyes.

Bey'on was startled from suddenly being yelled at, causing her to turn around and face the Elder I surprise.

"Show us the respect that is due, I won't tolerate your insolence any furth…" The Elder was swiftly cut off by a laughing Spencer.

Spencer could be seen laughing with his palm over his face, finally realizing that this wasn't going to work.

"This is getting nowhere, I can't believe I wasted my time trying to talk to you arrogant fools...", Taking a deep breath in through his nose and out, he placed his hands behind his back, "Let's start over."

Rising in the air with his hands behind his back, his body glowed faint bluish platinum as he released a sliver of his aura. His eyes promptly glowing the same bluish platinum hue, with one glance at the council member that threatened Bey'on, a crack in space formed in front of them and immediately sucked them in, before spitting them back out in front of Bey'on.

"We'll start with an apology for thinking you held some form of authority here, daring to threaten her in my presence." Spencer spoke whilst placing pressure on the council member to apologize.

Bey'on who watched the council member struggling to move at her feet looked over at Spencer with a slight look of confusion in her eyes. Although she didn't really care in the least on the outside, she appreciated the gesture inwardly.

Turning his attention towards the Council Members, Spencer glared at them with his glowing eyes, "Now… Not only will you grant me full access to your technology and the bodies of your dead soldiers, but you also will give me a majority of your resources and weapons, Sounds simple enough?"

All of the council members were engulfed by fear for an instant, especially the one currently at Bey'on's feet, but although they were frightened by the display of power, they did not break, the Council Member on the floor called out.

"Rex-Mall defend the council, these two are invaders aiming to harm the council! Take care of them and confiscate all they have!"

Mall was immediately scared out of his wits by that request, watching as Spencer turned to face him with his glowing eyes. But he fought through that fear and followed his orders, quickly sending a signal to his guards and the drones to defend the council as well as the soldiers guarding the bioship to converge and confiscate it.


Observing the vicinity of the ship, a brigade of soldiers could be seen converging on it to capture the craft under the orders of the council. Picking up their weapons as they charged forward to quickly enter the ship.

Contrary to their expectations of easily taking the ship as they deemed it as potentially empty and defenseless, the first few dozen soldiers to make contact with the ship were immediately vaporized by Hex.

[Lethal Force Defense Mode Initiated]

Following shortly after a wave of weapons formed on the Bioship, all aimed at the soldiers.


Inside the ship, the trio of Milo, Shaya, and Cassa was alerted by the noise of the sudden commotion. Rushing to the nearest window frame, they looked at the rows of blasted, burnt bodies in front of the ship, and the rows of soldiers in the back already forming into a regular battle stance, aiming their weapons at the ship they were still in.

"What is happening? What are they doing?" Cassa asked, confused by just what she was seeing.

"Uhm… are they attacking us?" Shaya added, looking at the trembling soldiers in the distance. "Are they... afraid of us?"

"Not us." Milo spoke, focusing on the soldiers in the back with the same solemn look as before. However, a glint could be seen flashing through his eyes for the first time in a while. "They are afraid of approaching Spencer's ship."

"This ship?" Cassa looked at the bald giant. "What is so special about that monster's ship? Is it the same as the owner?!" She added with visible anger in her eyes.

Milo did not respond to her words, nor did he mind the tone. It was clear she was still greatly hurt and grieving and this was just her way of coming to terms with the loss. If she had to put the blame on the man that saved them, it was her deal, it had nothing to do with him.

Seeing the movements on the outside, Shaya yelped in shock.

"Look, it's starting again!"


Realizing the threat the ship held, the soldiers brought forward shields to protect themselves, calling in other battleships to aid them with this task.


One of the higher-ranked soldiers raised his hand in the air to signal the other soldiers and the battleships to aim their weapons at the Bioship. Seeing that everyone was ready, he quickly lowered his hand.


On his command, the ship was bombarded by a never-ending sea of plasma bullets that continued to increase in scale as more ships and soldiers came to aid the others. Visually the ship seemed to be completely unharmed, a clear energy barrier being faintly visible on its surface, deflecting all of the plasma attacks and leaving the ship without so much as a scratch.

"Ceasefire! Ceasefire!" The same soldier called out to stop the assault, realizing that they aren't doing anything to the ship before them. Taking a rocket launcher looking device that he was quickly provided by a soldier.

Crouching on one knee, the leading soldier fires the device at the ship, shooting a blast of condensed plasma at the ship, the force behind it pushing the soldier on his back. As the blast hit the ship, it gave the same result as all the others; the ship was unharmed and unbothered.

After the soldiers have done everything they can, Hex began firing the Bioship's own weaponry at the soldiers, rapidly destroying their ships and defenses as their numbers begin to dwindle greatly from the onslaught of concentrated beams of antimatter, creating explosion after explosion.

The soldiers ran frantically in failed attempts to secure their lives, but they were soon vaporized as well.


"We should join in!" It was Shaya, who suddenly blurted out her thoughts seeing the carnage happening just in front of them.

Although surprised by her words, Milo nodded, a small smile finally being revealed on his previously stern and emotionless face. "Yes… You are right. We should also join in…"

Without voicing her thoughts, Cassa quickly ran to the nearest door and began trashing at it.

"Open up you stupid ship! LET US OUT!"

Walking behind her, Shaya gently grabbed her friend's hands, gradually putting a stop to her already powerless hits.

There was no need for words between them, they completely understood each other. Cassa gritted her teeth in anger but did not let out even a word, her eyes turning bloodshot with frustration.

Approaching them, Milo placed his humongous hands on the backs of the girls, his face revealing his old, friendly, slightly goofy smile.

Looking up at the ceiling, he loudly spoke out, talking to a particular being that both girls kept forgetting.

"Ship… or uhm Hex, was it? Could you please stop your attacks, and let us out? No need to trouble yourself with these ants. Let us exercise a little, being cooped up in you is a bit tiring, we need to stretch a little!"

The girls looked at the man with the confusion that turned to surprise a moment later as a robotic male voice promptly resounded from around them.

[Certainly, Master Milo. Please, enjoy your exercise, and don't go too far from the ship.]


Ceasing its fire and opening the doors of the ship after the failed attempt to figure it out for themselves, Hex let them out of the ship to help in defending it.

"Let's burn off some steam and stretch a little!" Cassa rushed at the remaining soldiers, followed by Milo and Shaya who also wanted to have an outlet for their pent-up emotions. Tearing through the leftover brigade of soldiers, the trio let out all of their emotions as they relentlessly massacred all those that were left.

Cassa was currently in the middle of piercing through the chest of a rather unfortunate soldier and pulling out their heart before promptly crushing it, tossing the body aside as she charged at the next one with her body covered with her aura.

Milo had just finished kicking a soldier in half from the torso as he swiftly grabbed the head of another and swung them around into other soldiers before slamming them into the ground, this entire process violently twisting their neck out of place.

Shaya could be seen slowly walking forward with a spiraling ball of concentrated fasha in her palm. The sphere twisting and turning violently in countless angles, rushing forward, she slammed the ball into the chest of a soldier, promptly mincing his body as the energy sphere cut him into small pieces.

The three of them let out all of their grief, anger, and all of the other emotions that came along with the destruction of their world. After a short amount of time passing, the trio could be seen cleaning up the last batch of soldiers, tossing their lifeless bodies to the side as they observed the once large brigade of soldiers now being turned into a pile of corpses.

The only life remaining near the ship being Cassa, Milo, and Shaya.

"Let's head back into the ship for something to eat." Milo began to walk back into the ship as he was very hungry from the moment he woke up on the ship, and he didn't think it was smart to wonder about a planet they weren't familiar with.

Shaya followed behind Milo and entered the ship, as well as Cassa, who was still very reluctant to do so.


As those events transpired outside of the Council's tower, dozens of soldiers could be seen on the floor unable to get up in the council room, a room of which was now filled with guards and drones.

"Your attempts to detain me are laughable at best, I hope you will stop wasting my time any further." Spencer was still simply floating with his aura and arms behind his back as he easily incapacitated a majority of the guards from the moment they arrived, the only ones left standing are Rex-Mall, Bey'on and himself, even the council members were forced to the floor by his pressure.

"Any more attempts like this will be met with immediate termination… for example..." Using his telekinesis to bring a soldier in front of him, the soldier watched as Spencer's eyes glowed threateningly bright, as he burned the soldier's very flesh from their body whilst their blood and organs boiled, their agonizing screams ringing out as they died the most painful death possible. He then quickly absorbed them into his body, initializing the first strand of Kryptonian DNA in his Inner World.

"Unless you all want to end up like him, I suggest you make up your minds fast." His words made every member in the room shiver in fear, even Rex-Mall who was exempt from Spencer's pressure.

Seeing that no one was responding, he ran out of patience, "Death it is then.", Charging more energy into his eyes, Spencer was about to fry everyone in the room except for two and absorb them before he was suddenly interrupted.

"Wait! Wait!, well do as you wish, anything you wish, spare us, please!" The council member that had previously threatened Bey'on began to beg for his life, much to his surprise.

He looked around the room at the other members "Does everyone else agree?"

All of the members held many objections to this, but they had no choice in the matter, they quickly acquiesced.

"Good." Spencer powered down and landed back on the floor, his hands still behind his back whilst he observed them all.

"I knew you would all come around eventually!"

Spencer showed a kind smile as he looked at Rex-Mall.

"I'm counting on you to show me around."

Hearing the responsibility that was thrown on him, Rex was about to fall unconscious, but he quickly regained his stability and responded.

He went into a slight bow with his right hand over his chest to show his respect "It'll be my pleasure".