Chapter 86 (Unedited)

(A.N.: Updates are slow I know, but seeing the reactions from last time, I presume this is fine for everyone. :)

I should be soon ready with the last sections of Krypton Arc and will probably release a giant update soon(ish).

Also, I figured I'll throw this out here, but there's actually an ongoing re-write for this Fanfic, this time as an original creation.

This gives me the creative freedom I so sorely lack, remove the shackles that were placed upon us due to the nature of this type of writing.

The new novel is a superhero story, with a new, original (unique) story (it was selected as one of the 'New Unique Picks of the week a week ago).

The name of the novel is Prime Evolver System, you can find a clickable link in my profile, or just simply search for the name. :)

Before anyone asks: This doesn't mean we will stop this fanfic, after all, this is currently my only 'release'. It's just, it will be kept on the down-low. )


Anyway, enough of me rambling, here's the second half of Spencer's story.

Note: I haven't the time to go over and Edit this submission, so there could be mistakes there. Feel free to point them out, and I will get to it as soon as my headache gives me a breather.)


"Should be good enough" Standing above the now barren land, Spencer dematerialized his greatsword and teleported to the edge of the dome, once he appeared, he created a small energy sphere within his palm with enough energy to destroy a large city, aiming at the wall, he launched the attack point-blank range. On contact, a massive explosion was released as the entirety of the wall shook violently whilst red webs spread out from the point of contact.

The leftovers from the explosion quickly cleared followed by the webs that just as quickly faded from the unfazed wall, examining the structure, it was relatively unharmed, whilst any damage rapidly faded. Releasing a dull sigh at his completed task, Spencer was visibly bored, lacking any real form of stimulation to his current existence as a virtually all-powerful being.

Returning to the inside his temple, Spencer decided to make something that came to mind during his boredom, shaping it in his mind before deciding to bring it to light. Casually reaching into his chest, he pulled out a palm-sized crystal composed of his condensed blood and let it float in front of him, his eyes glowing a bright purplish platinum light as he infused a small cosmic core within the crystal of his blood.

Once it was infused, he created the body of a human, omonian, and a clone of Penance with a light wave of his hand, having the three forms stand before him he took the shard and gently placed it into the chest of the human body, backing away and standing to see what the results may be. After taking a few steps back, Spencer observed as the human body immediately began to crack as it twitched violently.

Continuing to observe, Spencer witnessed the moment when the body promptly collapsed into a supernova esque explosion, taking the planet and its natives with it in one massive explosion. As the explosion continued to span on into space, Spencer could be seen at the center of the explosion rubbing the bridge of his nose with slight annoyance that the entire planet was destroyed in an instant.

With a simple snap of his fingers, time was reset and the planet with all of its inhabitants was restored as if nothing had happened, returning to the scene of the three bodies floating stagnantly in front of him, he erased the body of the human and repeated the same process with the other two, though with an added barrier to contain the potential explosion. At the end of his tests, he found that only the Omonian and Penance bodies could contain the energy within the crystal, though the Omonian body did eventually succumb to the effects of the shard and explode, the only body that remained was the clone of Penance. Still, this was only the case due to how rapidly its body was regenerating the damage, it's unlikely that it would be able to use the power of the shard very effectively.

Levitating the crystal above his palm, he created a golden sphere container to hold the crystal and its energies, placing it against the wall of his temple on a pedestal. After putting the shard to sit, he thought of a name.

"I think ill call you the Shard Of Letum… hopefully you'll make things a little more interesting further down the line", rubbing the top of the golden container, Spencer went to the center of his temple and laid on his side with his head in his palm and legs crossed as he drifted into thought, tapping the floor of the temple with his index finger.

Over time, Spencer grew more restless in his inactive boredom, the rhythm of his tapping growing more erratic as the temple began to shake in response, but soon enough, he stopped and made a sound through the act of sucking air through his teeth, clearly expressing his dissatisfaction with the current situation at hand. Teleporting a few light-years away from his planet, he grew to the size of a small star and began flying to the nearest celestial body within his vicinity.

Approaching a rather isolated star, Spencer reached out his hand and gently placed it on the yellow gaseous surface of the celestial body, beginning to absorb its energies and adding it to his already relatively infinite supply. The process taking a negligible amount of time, he moved on to the next star he could find, repeating the same process with all that he came across. Appearing before an incredible small star after absorbing dozens before it, Spencer almost missed it if not for the immense gravitational field that caught his attention, Observing the small yet unbelievably extreme star bending the light around it, Spencer slowly drifted closer as the gravitational pull began to move him closer.

Easily resisting the pull and coming to a stop, Spencer reached out to the rapidly rotating surface that released magnetic radio pulses as it spun, sinking his fingers into the incredibly dense surface of the star and forcing it to stop, forcing his hand through its hard crust to come into contact with its liquid core, he immediately began to absorb the neutron star in its entirety starting from its core. Quickly absorbing all of the matter contained within the star, Spencer was sent a sudden jolt throughout his body as he felt a new form of energy invade his body, his veins violently lighting up with fluorescents whilst his eyes also gleamed just as violently.

As he continued to absorb the star, his massive body began to vibrate and morph at an alarming speed, multiple appendages forming and deforming at random as he let out a wrenching shriek throughout the entire process. Though as time passed his shrieks came to a stop with the now absence of the star before him, having been completely absorbed into his body as he floated stagnantly in space almost as if he was a corpse.

Currently Dwelling within his mind space, Spencer was observing the celestial core within his body with peaked curiosity whilst he observed the changes it was currently going through, with a closer look, the core could be seen condensing into a more condensed form as strange energy particles swirled around it in fluctuating patterns. Within moments of him observing, Spencer was met with a bright flash of light that faded just as quickly as it came, bewildering him for a second as he didn't expect that to occur without any warning signs.

Approaching the Core in its new state, he could immediately feel the change in its density and power output despite its change in size; he also felt two slight changes in its properties, but it wasn't something that had much of his attention. With the core in hand, he spent a few minutes to make sure nothing else was happening to it before he promptly put it back in place and returned to reality.

Exiting his mindscape and opening his eyes, Spencer was promptly greeted by a massive green containment bubble around with, outside said bubble being a squadron of green lanterns with their rings pointed at his massive body.

"These pests can't mind their business" Raising his brow in fleeting annoyance, Spencer simply continued on his way, easily breaking through the construct as if it wasn't there to begin with. While he casually moved forward, the unwanted guests dressed in green and black began to fire green blasts of energy towards him, though the blasts were incredibly ineffective as they were absorbed into his body.

After some time, more green lanterns showed up in an attempt to suppress him, confusing him greatly as Ganthet should have long since called them back by now, deciding to wait for a little longer, his expectation of them leaving was sharply denied as even more lanterns began to show up around him. Seeing more of them appear to bother him, Spencer became truly annoyed as they only continued to bombard his body with energy blasts using their rings, though it wasn't remotely harmful to him, it was comparable to being swarmed by an infestation of mosquitoes, it pestered him to no end.

"Enough!" Violently turning around, he swung his arm back with full force, releasing a wave of energy holding what he believed to be .01 percent of his actual energy output in the direction of the lanterns, he promptly erased them from existence at the moment of contact with his attack.

Not realizing the difference in his energy potency due to the neutron star condensing his reserves and adding in two entirely different elements to it, he had unintentionally released too much at once, the attack not only vaporizing all of the green lantern pests, but everything within light-years of that direction, abruptly ending the lives of the trillions that may have inhabited them all individually. Realizing his mistake from the shocked look on his face, brushing his fingers through his hair as he heavily exhaled through his nose.

"It seems I'm going to have to go and talk to the guardians once more" Placing his two arms behind his back, he leaned forward in the direction of where OA would be located and began to fly in that direction at a moderate speed from his point of view, traveling light-years across space every few passing seconds.


"What have you done Appa Ali Apsa, he was not to be provoked, your actions just caused the death of trillions!" Ganthet came towards Ali Apsa to voice his obvious displeasure towards him, sending a large majority of their green lanterns to attack spencer.

Looking back at Ganthet, Apsa scoffed and scowled at Ganthet in response to him raising his voice towards him. "This only proves that we need to remove this "Spencer'' even more, he's a danger to the structure of the universe and is an impending threat to us all!". Whilst the two began to argue, the other guardians within the room began to support Aspa in the discussion, quickly pushing Ganthet back as he couldn't resist the consensus of the guardians.

A feeling of dread growing in his heart, Ganthet spoke back, "His actions held no risk of harming any inhabited worlds… you provoking him has caused the loss of countless lives", Ganthet continued to vocally reprimand Apsa for his actions. Growing tired of his complaints, Appa Ali Apsa fired a blast of green energy towards him, the attack slamming into the chest of Ganthet and knocking him back into a wall, making him disoriented for a moment.

Quickly recovering, Ganthet got back up with eyes radiated with blue energy, launching an attack of his own at Apsa, blasting him through the wall, and unconscious with his attack. "I feel that he is on his way… I will go talk to him and hopefully, we will be able to discuss this without many casualties".

Feeling the very planet of OA beginning to tremble, Ganthet quickly flew out of the building, reaching the outer atmosphere within movements as he witnessed the massive body of Spencer approaching OA at high speeds whilst the feeling of dread grew stronger within him, compelling him to quickly fly towards the massive figure with haste as to not let it get too close to the planet. As the figure drew closer, it could be seen rapidly shrinking in size, quickly returning to only a few feet in stature whilst appearing to have picked up speed.


Rapidly approaching his destination, Spencer's attention was drawn to the speck that floated between him and OA, deciding to return to his normal size, he rapidly shrunk down and picked up speed. Traveling the rest of the distance in an instant, Spencer appeared before Ganthet with a cold stoic expression, looking down on him with a glare and causing him to flinch momentarily.

"Were my terms not acceptable?" Speaking in a chilling tone, Spencer did not bother to wait for an answer to his question as he slowly raised his arm and extended his finger in the direction of OA, charging a small sphere of energy on his fingertips.

Bearing witness to this, Ganthet felt that his worst fear had come to fruition as he hastily attempted to stop Spencer, putting up a barrier before him with as much power as he could muster.

"Vanish into dust" With those words, the Sphere of energy grew in size and was released from his fingertips, drawing closer to Ganthet whose back faced the planet carrying the lives of those he swore to watch over as their Guardian.

With eyes filled with determination, Ganthet strengthened the barrier once more and pushed forward.