Chapter 87

[We are both still alive and kicking, I managed to put together this chapter with mostly my phone]

(A.N (Shaele).: I don't have excuses. Sorry. :D )


Pushing back with all his might, Ganthet was in clear distress as neither he nor his reinforced barrier could withstand the ensuing attack. "Please listen to reason!", creating multiple barriers over the first that began to crack, he attempted to hold out long enough to change the cataclysmic fate of OA.

Ignoring Ganthets words, Spencer calmly extended his palm forward as his eyes remained cold, pushing down towards the sphere of destruction threatening to erase the home of the green lanterns. The sudden increase in force frightened Ganthet as his barriers were promptly destroyed with ease, the miniature sun rapidly approaching him as he struggled to orientate himself to protect his people.

Watching his life coming to a potential end, Ganthet harnessed all that he could in one last desperate attempt at resistance, his body emitting copious amounts of Willpower carrying a bluish hue. "Please reconsider what you're about to do!" pushing back against the powerful attack with all he had, Ganthet still buckled under the pressure shortly after his burst of power, the difference between them being too great for him to overcome.

Left stunned from the shock of his barriers being easily overcome, he looked upon his impending death with brimming fear, closing his eyes to accept his irrefutable fate, waiting to be consumed by scorching pain, he grew confused as it hadn't yet come over him. "We can't give up yet Ganthet!" The remaining members of the Guardians of OA and all the available green lanterns rushed to Ganthet in his time of need, momentarily saving both themselves and OA.

"I beg of you to listen!" Ganthet continued his futile struggle with fervor, the support of his core brethren helping him to push on.

Releasing a sigh, Spencer looked upon the exasperating clash before him with a pensive look visible on his previously cold demeanor. Clenching his hand into a fist before snapping his fingers shortly after, the massive ball of energy promptly imploded out of existence, followed by an unnoticeable crack in space that vanished as swiftly as it came. "My patience is fleeting Ganthet". He slowly approached the residence of OA with his increasingly domineering aura consuming them.

Looking upon the unpredictable threat before him, he watched as Spencer reached out a menacing palm in his direction, generating a powerful attracting force the immediately engulfed his body, caving the very dimensional space around him as he appeared in his grasp. "I couldn't fathom that you would be foolish enough to not abide by our agreement?" clenching Ganthets throat, he made use of the ability he received from penance, prompting a luminescent amorphous mass to separate from his body to form a near-perfect yet weaker copy of himself.

Though being an extension of himself with almost the same level of power, the copy was only roughly 5 feet in height with a more compressed physical form and feral nature. Taking a moment to open its eyes, it immediately scanned for life before rushing at the guardians and other members of the lantern Corp without hesitation. The echoes of rending flesh and bone soon followed with the brief cries of its victims, all of it going deaf in the void of space while the miniature spawn of Spencer tore through the few hundred lanterns that remained to defend OA.

Forcing Ganthet to watch the massacre before him, Spencer could feel him trying to break free of his grasp to save his brethren from the distress they were currently facing. "Your turn will come soon enough Ganthet, no need to rush" tightening his grasp around his neck, he contemplated completely wiping out the entirety of the Green Lantern Corps, but this train of thought came to a momentary halt as he felt a tickling sensation against his torso.

"Still resisting even now?" looking into the eyes of the desperate Ganthet, Spencer released him for a moment and waited for him to recollect himself.

"You don't have to do this, please!" struggling to speak with what energy he had left, Ganthet pleaded, though these pleads inevitably fell on deaf ears.

Trapped in his thoughts for a moment as he ignored the pleading Ganthet, his eyes glowed a platinum blue hue while he came upon a decision. Facing the direction of OA, he released a powerful arcing blast of energy that raced towards the planet, its arcs of energy completely erasing all that it came into contact with. Swiftly reaching the surface of the planet, it momentarily glowed a brilliant light before simply fading from existence, no large scale explosion or light show necessary as OA merely ceased to exist.

"No!" Ganthet turned to attack Spencer in his fuming anger, though before he could bring himself to attack, Spencer began to float in a spiraling manner with his hand outstretched. His vision began to grow blurry whilst he was overwhelmed by the darkness.

Promptly removing Ganthets head from his body, Spencer looked upon the scene of blood and guts that pervaded the space before him. "That should be enough" Snapping his fingers once more, the crack in space that had previously vanished once again returned, this time spreading around the entire area of the conflict, revealing the ruse created by the one and only.

With his hands resting comfortably behind his back, Spencer remained in the same spot he was when he arrived, watching the unconscious floating body of Ganthet with all of the guardians and green lantern corps members that had come to his aid drifting behind him. 'Time to wake up!' Screaming in the minds of all the people that were present, they all abruptly jolted to life in a cold sweat, many checking themselves to make sure they were in one piece.

"You're all fine...for now"

"What happened?" In a concerned manner, Ganthet addressed Spencer whilst holding his aching head. Struggling to look him in the eye as the fear of what just transpired was etched into him.

Spencer held out his hand, a small crystalline orb recollecting the events that had just transpired manifesting for all to see "Just a brief glimpse of the future that awaits if you test me again" crushing the very crystal he created. Turning around to face the direction of whence he came, he leaned forward and entered warp space.

Leaving behind the fear-stricken Ganthet, Guardians, and Green Lanterns.


Arriving at the only planet in his solar system, he appeared within the only area of the planet free from the dangers it possesses. Entering his large temple, Spencer walked into a back room of the temple holding a few of his locked up creations, approaching a small glass vial filled with a mildly viscous bluish liquid in the corner of the room, he warped the vial into his hand as he began to examine it.

Looking down to the Microscopic level, this allowed for organites, a group of techno-organic cells, to become visible, these mechanical cells remaining dormant for the time being.

Warping to the outside borders of his planet, he telekinetically brought forward meteorites the size of continents, quickly smashing them together in a massive wave of light and heat. With both his hands forward, he rapidly cooled and began shaping the surface of the newly formed dwarf planet to his liking within a temporal bubble, bestowing upon it a smooth metallic surface encompassed by numerous weapons and defense mechanisms, whilst leaving small nature deposits and hollowing out its core for a later purpose.

Summoning the mortifer, he fused it into the hollowed-out core of the dwarf planet, expanding it to fill out the core entirely. With that complete, he teleported to the center chair of the Mortifier V2, using his mind to add the finishing touches to his upgraded creation.

Adding his finishing touches; the addition of trillions of micromachines laced across the ship, upgraded defense systems, a drastic boost in destructive potential, a better transportation system, and an upgraded energy circulation system. With the last of his improvements, he teleported to the energy core and amplified the energy output of the miniature sun he used before, collapsing it into a stabilized blackhole to forever power this massive construct.

Warping to his bioship, Spencer spontaneously appeared behind a female figure and held her in an embrace from behind, briefly kissing her neck before vanishing to HEX's central hub, leaving behind the stunned and frantic Bey'on.

Taking a small chip from the wall that was promptly regenerated into place, he teleported back to the Mortifier V2 control chair, placing the chip into the side of the chair and uploading an infantile copy of HEX, sitting as he waited for the Artificial Consciousness to spread through the entirety of the large construct.

"Commence side project E4"

"[Side project E4 aka HORDE initiated]"

The movement of machinery blared out as countless machines throughout the ship jumped into their roles.

"[All requirements have been met, please provide the catalyst]"

Placing the vial into the retainer that appeared on the armrest of the chair, it quickly retracted to commence the creation of the HORDE. Pulling up a heads-up display to see into a certain section of the Mortifier, bringing a massive factory saturated with bio-pods into view, these pods being filled with the same viscous bluish liquid he once held.

"Good" standing from the central chair, he warped outside the Mortifier, appearing on the opposite side of planet Omons current orbit with his hand outstretched, he created another dwarf planet using a modified version of the method he used when creating the mortifier V2, leaving him with a lush planet to act as the source of his latest idea.

Spawning a pure platinum mist of energy over his open hand, he siphoned it into the planet below, feeding its molten core with his limitless energies, strengthening it with cosmic forces, and making it an extension of himself. Upon the complete fusion of his energy to the planet, he made a giant battery similar to the one on OA before pulling a pre-made gauntlet esque device out of his dimensional storage, wasting no time to create an inseparable link between the energy oozing from the planet and the gauntlet within his grasp.

Creating a clone of himself holding no abilities or enhancements, he watched as his relatively human clone began to struggle and suffocate within the void of space, warping the gauntlet unto the forearm of his clone, it immediately fused into his skin to be replaced by a platinum forearm tattoo, causing his body to be engulfed in a gentle aura of the same coloration, allowing him to breathe.

Taking a few sharp breaths, he looked up at himself "What the hell you dick!", fixing his demeanor, he wasted no time and flew around using the aura, circling himself as he then flew full speed in one direction, traveling a few light-years in an instant.

Reaching a dozen light-years after a few moments, the clone began firing blasts of purple energy at the various meteorites that passed by, some of which happened to be the size of small towns to moderately sized cities, not mattering much to the destructive blasts of energy he released. Turning around, he promptly returned.

Floating in front of the original Spencer, he began creating various near Indestructible hard light constructs, some capable of withstanding a nonchalant hit from the original Spencer. The clone briefly explained how he could also create extremely powerful energy blasts capable of destroying large meteorites easily.

"Seems the further away from the planet I am, the less energy I can siphon from it, though it doesn't go below a certain output no matter how far I went" willingly changing the tattoo back into the gauntlet.

Re-absorbing the clone, the original Spencer went into thought.

"Maybe I'll call them the Pride Lanterns of the Platinum Corp"

Replicating the platinum Lantern Corp Gauntlets a few million times over, he sent them out into space to find suitable hosts to join his corp.