Love Beyond The Stars

Isabella has just come back from a great ordeal. She has only survived, should I even dare to say, an experience that could have gone different in so many ways. This is not something that one comes back from unscathed. Walking into camp, she felt the safety of the entire platoon, but in comes Emily, as if on perfect cue to ruin the moment and definitely making Isabella insecure again. I can only imagine how much seeing another woman kissing me must have broken her heart. I should have known that MacKey would not resist the opportunity to stir trouble.

So I immediately set after her, but before I even get there, Harrison calls for me.

"Clayton, I am speaking to the boys at Pendleton, please can you come sit in for a second."

"Sure, Harrison."

Well, this just annoys me further; now she is going to think that I don't even care to explain myself.

…Isabella POV…