The Past Comes Back Knocking

...Isabella POV…

Now I am going to officially say that this day is just getting worse. Not only have Clayton had to risk his life to save me, but now he has gone and gotten hurt. Up until now, there was no pain reflected in his eyes, but the moment I mentioned it, I can see the fear settle over his face.

"Clayton, come with me; I need to have you checked out."

I look over to Clark and Galland; they are the closet by, the rest of the Marines have gone to secure the camp and its surroundings.

 "Can someone please help me carry him?"

"Isabella, no! It is fine; I can walk."

"Clayton, it is not! Look at all that blood. It is a wonder that you have not passed out."

"Please, I can walk; if I pass out, then you can get someone to carry me."