The Biggest Lie Of Them All

…Isabella POV…

They say that reality comes to bite you when you least expect it. Well, a ghost from my past has just surfaced its head. In a way, I knew that he would one day come. I knew that he should find me, and then it will just start all over again.

But there is a question that begs, how did he know that Clayton will not be here. Does this mean that he has been watching me this whole time, just waiting for his gap to step from out the darkness?

What I also know is that he will not leave until he came here to say what he has to say. Knowing him though he has not come to talk, he has so to say, come to claim his prize. Or what he always comes for.

Am I glad that Clayton is not here to see this playoff? I can honestly say yes. But what I also know is that Clayton is going to be furious if he ever has to find out. I have hidden it very well up until now; I just hope he leaves before Denise and Richard comes.