The Broken Soldier

I have just received somewhat disturbing news. Isabella's husband is very much still alive. Now, this brings two things to mind. Does she know that he is? Or is she in danger? I have no way of confirming this for myself. I am off in the middle of hostile country; there is not much I can do from here. What I can do is phone her for a brief moment.

So as I go to my tent, I feel a somewhat nervous feeling creep into my heart. Or is it fear, fear for Isabella and our child? I will simply die if anything has to happen to her by a man that she once trusted. Well, that all depends if she knows about him or not.

And it is with this thought in mind that I, with rather trembling fingers, called Isabella's number. I patiently, in absolute frustration, wait for her to answer the call.

Yet, there is no answer.

…Isabella POV…