A Deep-seated Hatred

09:56am Wednesday, Girls Hostel, Royal Hearts College


Smiling, he reached for the stick and aimed at the fingers. "Not again, whoever you are!"


"Awwl..." A feminine voice yelped in ache as the soft fingers sneaked away into dorm 13.

Sighing, Sam rose hastily to his feet. In no time, he reached for the shoulders of Tolu, pulling him to rest against the wall of dorm 14.

"Are you getting yourself now?" He asked, glancing at the dorm 13. Sooner or later, Sam mused, that soft fleshed hand was going to be out again.

And he did not have time to spare.

"Work, work with me, Tolu!" He muttered, eyeing the broken floor that had been created as a shield. While that had saved them earlier, however, it now presented a gaping hole between dorm 13 and dorm 14.

His feet stressed as his weight went overboard, jumping over the gap. And in the process, a bolt of concussion wind soared right for his torso.

Seeing this, he panicked as he was unable to move, completely checkmated. But, Tolu was faster.

He picked a chunk of concrete and aimed for the blast. Due to the smaller size of the concrete, it reached the blast before Sam could, substituting him.


The concrete chunk collided with the blast and exploded in a defeaning sound into tiny particle of dust that sharply tore into the surroundings at all angles.

"Ahhh!" Sam groaned as the pellets pelted him mercilessly, just as he brought his legs forward to land after clearing the gap in the floor.


Tolu landed beside Sam, his torso bent to his lower body just as the palm presented itself with a whitish haze.



"Follow me!" Sam rolled on the floor to the steel doors of the target dorm as two projectiles, larger than before thundered towards their previous location.

As soon as he reached, he jumped up diagonally, throwing himself across the breadth of the door when he saw it... Or rather her!

"AHHH..." The girl yelled, hugging her hand to herself after Tolu's rock had smashed against her fingers.

In a heated response, Sam's stick also launched, just before his feet could balance on the ground to halt his jump, straight at the doubled over girl.

The girl rose and that moment, the stick homed in, knocking into her forehead.

"Ah.. Stop it! Can't you see I'm a girl?" She cursed, bloodlust in her eyes.

"Oh Really?" Tolu said sarcastically as he evaluated her with one raised eyebrow.

"Yes, really... I'm a fucking girl! do I need to go naked before you stop hitting me?"

The lady wore a black tank top that was folded at the ribcage to form a sort of combat brassiere while donning a black leggings with black trainers as well.

Her hair is ridged into short plaits while her face is oval and sharp with almond eyes on her melanin skin.

"Wait... Sam, why is this fucker even talking to me?" The girl said, pointing a finger at Tolu as she looked to Sam at her left.

Tolu snorted while Sam only smirked.

"So, you're alive, Divine?" Sam said with a light chuckle.

"Of course." Divine rolled her eyes as she moved into the dorm and sat on the lower bed of the nearest double decker bunk with folded arms and a pout.

The bed was unlaid with dirty beddings of blanket and bedspread prodded into a corner while cobwebs hung loosely from the joinings with the upper bed. The dormitory is built in form of a cuboid with a row of double bed bunks horizontally forming a sort of open box. At the center of the bunk square formation are a four bunks In a single line with just enough space to allow a slender person pass in between. The room itself is littered with boxes and clothings opened and littered about amidst the books, overturned containers and the likes. Up above, the ceiling is accentuated with cobwebs that had recently been spun across the inlaid flouroscent rectangular bulbs in the white ceiling.

Seeing her actions, Sam followed suit and hugged her from the side while his face lodged at the right of her face.

"I'm happy to see you, Divine."

"Me too... I missed you and everybody." She said, planting a kiss on Sam's lips when Tolu entered the hall and sat in the opposite bed.

Seeing him, Divine tensed up, her breathing doubling. "Bastard!" She mouthed to him.

"Idiot" Tolu returned the favour as he scoured the room while Sam laughed lightly.

"You guys really don't give up on each other." Sam says.

"I hate him. His very presence disgusts me." Divine cut in with bitterness all over her face. "Why do you keep rolling with this mess of a guy?"

"STOP! That's my friend you're talking to, like that!" Sam retorted, unhanding her immediately.

"Uh oh" She pouted again, drawing closer to Sam, one hand on his shoulder while the other moved his chin towards her.

"What happened to the stairs? Did you break them?" Sam asked after a while.

"Oh, yes, I did." Sam raised his eyebrows indicating for her to continue.

"Well, I was always hearing noises from Dorm 14, every time and I think it's a monster. And I was really scared because I thought the monsters couldn't climb but here was one."

"Dorm 14? That's Angela's dorm, Divine. " Sam frowned, piecing it all together.

If he was right, Divine had broken the stairs just to be sure it was not a monster who had been using the stairs to come to dorm 14 all along.

"Angela who?" Divine smacked her lips thoughtfully.

"Angela Johnson. Daughter of that celebrity na."

"Oh!" Angela frowned now before raising her eyebrows in realization. "Oh, so all along I'd thought it was a monster who was using the stairs to come up not knowing it's been her since. MiGod!" Divine facepalmed, earning herself amuse laughter from Sam.

"Yeah! Everyone's nerves are so tense so it's hard to avoid taking cautious measures. " Sam says as he rises up.

"So... How did you discover me here?" Divine asks, rising alongside with Tolu.

"Well, Angela directed us to her dorm, that we will find some provisions there and stuff for the dinning hall. The lot of us who are still unturned are staying in the hall. So when we came, that's when we discovered you were attacking us." Tolu tapped his left wrist with a finger to indicate time to Sam.

"Oh! But how did you guys get up here without the stairs?" Divine asked again, stretching her arms in. a half yawn.

"Sam, we don't have time for all this. Angela is out there covering for us and the sooner we get done here, the better it is for her." Tolu cut in impatiently as he walked to the entrance doors.

"Wait, Sam!" Divine pulls him back, leaving the duo alone in the dorm. "How do you get here?"

"Well, Earth control." Sam scratched his head.

"Whoa... That's cool! That means we can easily leave the hostel with your powers. After damaging the stairs, I was wondering how I was going to ever get down." Divine cooed happily, placing her arms on his shoulders.

"Uh... No... It's not me. It was Tolu. He can control earth." Sam says slowly with raised eyebrows.

At that, Divine's face darkened, her eyebrows bending immediately as she pouted.

"That bastard!"

"Seriously, shouldn't you let go of that by now?" Sam asked, shaking her by the shoulders.

She smiled bitterly as she slapped the flat of his chest, pushing him away from her.

"Fuck Off!" Divine turned towards the door, walking out. As she did, Sam followed suit, the duo pausing outside in the verandah as they meet Tolu who is gazing out into space, hands on the concrete pillar slabs fencing off the verandah from open air.


Authors Note: Sorry for long time to update. October promises to even better