Desperation of a Girl Bully

-10:15am Wednesday, Girls Hostel, Royal Hearts College


"Fuck Off!" Divine turned towards the door, walking out. As she did, Sam followed suit, the duo pausing outside in the verandah as they meet Tolu who is gazing out into space, hands on the concrete pillar slabs fencing off the verandah from open air.

"Sam, how do we do this?" Tolu asks without turning around.

"Do what?" Divine asked in return, turning around to look Sam in the eyes.

"What I said earlier about people in the dinning hall... That we need provisions and stuff. We thought we should check here and Angela gave us a sure lead into her hostel."

"And now, there's a hole between the dorms..." Divine turned to look at Dorm 14. "Actually, I think I can help out. But that's just because it's you, Sam." She emphasizes on his name whilst eyeing Tolu who just turned around.

"You guys follow me. There's this locked in between doors that connect our dorms together." She says, walking back in.

The trio reached the end of the dorm and without delay, Divine tensed up, looking at the wall between two bunks where a door without handle is positioned.

"You guys might want to shield your eyes." Divine arrogantly says.

She straightened up, her eyes gaining the bloodlust it had earlier as she shot her right arm forward.



A concussion blast plummeted into the door, shattering it into pieces as it revealed dorm 14 and an over thrown bunk.

"You guys... Check for Sanitary pads too."

"What?" Tolu and Sam chorused, exchanging confused glances.

"You said people are at the hall, right? There's got to be girls there."

"Girls with menstrual cycle... Gee... don't be so logheaded!" Divine cursed, slapping Sam by the butt as she pushed him in.

"That is really inappropriate." Sam raised an eyebrow.

Only for Divine to clutch his bum and give a squeeze.

"What?" She raised her eyebrows when he turns to glare at her. "It not like they is anybody here to stop me?" She smirks, folding her hands across her chest.

"Eh... I'm here!" Tolu raised a hand as he walked to the nearest bunk and pulled out a travelling trunk.

"You don't count. Fuck Off!" Divine thundered.

The following minutes that followed had the trio working hand in hand to pile up useful provisions of beverages, toiletries, cereals, and of course, sanitary pads, from wooden lockers, much to the horrified looks of Sam and Tolu while Divine laughed at them.

Some lockers were locked and for those ones, Divine would step in, shattering the lockers with a concussion blast.

After they'd piled up a lot, Tolu picked a black camping bag from underneath a bed and there in it, all the items were shoved in.

However, most of the work is done by Tolu as Divine is all around Sam trying to plant kisses on his face or squeeze his bum while the latter keeps changing beds and running off away from her.

Sometimes, Tolu would turn their way and laugh at them as he caught some air.

To think that they could afford to play during these times.

However, when he stayed so long watching them. he reminded himself that Angela was out there, covering for them.

And whether he wanted to admit it or not, their powers were not really reliable.

Infact, the powers just seemed to pop up when they were in a danger situation. And often times than not, the powers disappointed them even in danger situations.

He was there when they had initially attempted to run the school generator, located in a power House a little behind the Major Dinning Hall.

Even though the generator was a silent one, it still made faint reverberation and a slight humming sound in the air which was detected by monsters.

And as result, his friend Manasseh who preferred being called Maths or Mass had been smashed down in the concrete floor even when he, no not only him.

They had all thought Mass would activate his power and substitute the monster away but from his panicky reactions, they knew without doubt, his substitution power failed.

Luckily, they'd had Alex with them.

Alex had clapped his hands as if dusting them, generating crackles of tingling electricity within. Once he had generated enough voltage, he flung the electricity arcs to the monsters, stunning them enough for them to pick Mass and escape back into the dinning Hall.

How they had even been able to survive in the Hall with all the inevitable noises they made was all because of the 3D clique, Danielle with her illusionary ability that kept been in constant use because of how she was a naturally scared and afraid girl.

"Phew!" Tolu sighed, seeing the bag filled already. "All this from one dorm. We would have to come back later for the rest." He added while Divine stared at him with rage in her eyes as she sat on the upper bed of the bunk by the window.

"Cool! Next thing is you, Tolu, getting us down from here."

"How?" Tolu asked, pulling some of the loot to the center of the room. devoid of bunks.

There was the large, full, camping bag and some other little bags containing needed provisions.

But no matter how they managed them well, the population of the people in the hall would consume it in a jiffy. Which was why they would need venture out again, in search of supplies.

That is, assuming the CTI didn't come back for them.

"Look, don't play dumb with me!" Tolu's thoughts were jolted off by the sudden slamming of Divine's hands into his chest. "That thing you did down there, to get you guys up here" She says, eyebrows knitted closely with a finger pointing to the door while the other hand clutched the neck seam of his black hoodie in one crumble. "You'd better do that again. And Fast!"

"What? Leave me alone!" Tolu paused against her hands, equally frowning.

Seeing this, she quickly reached her left hand for Tolu shoulder and before anything happened, a tingle flashed as the air reverberated, contorting upon itself and...


A concussion bolt squared into Tolu's shoulder, throwing him off balance till he stumbled back, sprawling in pains on his butt.

"Whoa... Stop It!" Sam shouted, rushing towards Divine from behind her.

"You, keep quiet there! If you are fine with staying up her,cool. But I'm not. And I won't have a refusal from Tolu when he came do his earth thingy to take us down." Divine splurted fiercely, her left hand churning with contorted airs as she pointed the flat of her palm into Sam's face.

"Aaarrhhh..." Tolu groaned, knees in the ground while he held his broken shoulder with the other hand.

"No!" Sam thundered, stamping a foot down. "This is not the way to go about that? Are you now a bully?"

"I don't care what you say! If this guy won't work his thing, I will blow him to pieces. That way, neither you nor him will ever leave this place." She raised her right hand to Tolu's direction while still facing Sam.

"Are you serious? Are you now that crazy?" Tolu throated out, his face squeezed in agony.

Sam was about to say something when he noticed Divine's right hand was already getting hazy.



A Concussion blast fiercely rang out but just before it launched, Divine adjusted her hand away from Tolu abit, redirecting the impact spearing into the ground beside Tolu.

Cracks rang out as sharpnels of concrete blazed into Tolu, making him groan further in ache and pains.

Sam exhaled, seeing this.

"Look, Divine, you're doing this the wrong way. Listen to me..." Sam rubbed his face, trying to piece out words to calm the desperate Divine.

"He can't do it again."

Divine's face darkened even further. "Oh really, so you're supporting him?"



This time an explosion cascaded against the wall of the dorm, denting many bunks laced on it breadth as it escaped Sam by mere inches.

Sam sighed, exhaling once more.

"The power can only activate when in a fight of flight position. Only when the person feels intense danger..."

"Oh, this is not intense for you already?" Divine turned to Tolu.

Her hands flashed, double concussion blasts tore against the ground on each side of him. Cracks crisscrossed the breadth of Tolu as tiny chunks of concrete fell down, leaving gaping tiny holes all around Tolu.

Divine intended to ridge out the piece of concrete Tolu knelt on, into the ground floor, below them.

With this realization, Sam made to move but stopped when Divine's palm latched to his chest as fierce spiralling energy gathered at his torso.

He didn't need a soothsayer to tell him what next would happen if he moved.

"See... Tolu's power activated when I was falling down. I don't know how your power works but for all the powers I've observed, a person can only use his powers, for at most, 3 times a day."

Divine raised an eyebrow to that.

"Yes, Tolu has used his power, once at the field, second time at the stairs and third time, when you were shooting us. " Sam pointed at her. " No matter what you do to him now, his power won't activate because he has reached his max, already."

Sam shakes her head slowly. "So don't waste your time on blowing him to pieces because even if he wants to, he cannot. We have to find another way to get down."

"How do you know this?" Divine turned to Sam again, hands folded in her chest but her face was without a frown.

What was there was total curiosity.

"Because I am the one who oversees the dinning Hall."


The webworks of cracks around Tolu expanded suddenly and in the next second...


The ground cracked open, falling down to the ground floor behind, the bags following suit and Tolu as well.

"Noooooo..." Sam screamed, throwing himself forward while Divine jumped away, avoiding the cracks that slowly expanded to her previous location.

With a flip of his hand, Sam lying at the edge of the slowly expanding cracks, grabbed Tolu's flailing hand and jerked him up in one swift motion, throwing him behind him.

However, that motion put Sam at risk as he free fell now, the ground beneath him falling down as well.

But his body didn't connect with the dinning table with chunks of debris on it and the fallen dented double bunk on the edge of it as he was held back by his legs by Divine and Tolu.

Slowly and painstakingly, they pulled him up and moved to a safe distance from the cracks which now seemed dormant, having taking down a bunk and their supplies as well.

"Whoa!" Sam breathed out, looking down.

"Let's hope we didn't make lots of noise!" Tolu muttered, eyeing Divine.

By now, his shoulder was feeling better but it still tingled occasionally with spasms of ache.

They waited still, trying to hear if any growling or stampedes of monsters resounded close by. But after two-three minutes, none happened.

"I think I might have a way of getting us down." Sam said, grabbing the nearest bedspread to him. "We go down with ropes."

Seeing that, Divine grabbed the bedspread of another bed and took the end of Sam's bedspread, tying them up in a jiffy.

Tolu too joined as soon enough, they had a long enough bedspread makeshift rope. They attached the rope to the end of a bunk far way from the cracks but close to the wall. then placed several lockers and bunks infront of it to act as a wedge.

Afterwards, Sam climbed down, followed by Divine and Tolu. With wasting time, Tolu and Sam packed the backs, Sam having the camping bags while Tolu grabbed the smaller bags in two bunches in his hands.

Divine dusted herself, went to the door and blasted it open, inhaling the airs of freedom from the hall.

As she did, Tolu and Sam came by, standing behind her. Sam put a hand on Tolu's shoulder, nodding an apology with his eyes. But Tolu did not respond as he followed after Divine, walking to the dinning Hall.

They would meet Angela now and that was What Tolu looked forward to.