The CTI rescue Op

12.02pm. 1km away from Royal Harts College.

“Please, help us.” A middle-aged man with one green eye said as he gestured to the black vans in the road. He had warts on the left side of his body where his only good eye was. Sporting a tattered piece of white shirt and blue jeans.

The lead of the three vans stopped now, causing the others in tow to stop as well. The sides of the vans had the insignia of the CTI. Mounted guns on the top of the vans that kept on firing, shooting oof any reptilian beats that dared to come close. Occasionally, the bans had stooped to clear the road, while their weapons kept on firing.

They were on a mission of rescue to the students trapped in Royal Hearts College. Three vans with mounted two machine guns and a rocket propeller while two cargo choppers packed full with combat ready soldiers within. The ground troops were only to clear the road, the air was manet to give support in every way. The CTI command center did not underestimate their mission it was risky in and out.

And while the man begging on for their help was not on the immediate rescue list, the lead of the field force had stopped still.

“Status report. Feld ops. Come in now.” The dark tanned man with the square rimmed glasses spoke into the intercom in his left ear. He had his finger to it, to aide the operation of it.

He listened intently, his eyes narrowing while staring to the screen of which there was a map. He was in a Heavy-duty Chopper. And not just any chopper, one of the choppers dispatched for the rescue mission of the CTI. A special op center renowned for their covert missions and their high mission successes.

They were the infamous hack of the Nigerian Military. And right now, they had gotten a distress call. One that gave them information that there were yet some survivors in the Royal hearts College.

And children, children were the heart of any nation.

The man with an afro hair sighed to himself, still waiting. The noise of deafening growls and screams continued to resonate through his ear piece. He knew what that meant to hi It was only one thing. And that was, the team was being taken out.

Taken out by the dangerous beasts out there. Beast who had once been humans.

He shook his head. Rubbing his right hand across the cancerous growth that snaked from his left ear, all the way to his nose and the eye as well. On his body, he had a blue suit on, having a very stern look as befitting as a commander of such a dangerous mission.

He is Tayo. Research and Development Head of the Counter Terrorism and Insurgency Unit. He was tasked with the operation of rounding up all the children at Royal Hearts College. They were the only hope that they could ever outlive this virus. If there was any idea that anyone could be turned back to humans, then these children who were the least affected by the virus were the ones who had the best potentials. Not just that, some of them had developed, quite wondrous abilities.

The inside of the Mil Mil 26 chopper was quiet even as the rest of the soldiers in their CTI special combat gear sat still. Their backs latched to the walls of the chopper as they waited with bated breaths. Their weapons on their laps, each one knowing what would happen in the next moments.

In the moment when they landed.

“Captain, what do we do?” The voice on the intercom sounded over now. “We are being overrun.” The voice cried out.

Tayo shut his eyes, rubbing the temples of his head now as eh observed. A sad smile streaked his face.

“I knew this would be a disaster. I told you people not to engage. I am getting visuals on you.” He said, typing a series of clacks on the on-screen keyboard.

He stood just ahead of the soldiers who sat behind him. As he did that, the screen interface changed. From that of several commands and buttons to one that showed the outlook of an outside road. Except that this was severely damaged, with lots of ruined vehicles here and there.

Plus, the monsters rampaging through the lots.

Tayo winced, watching as a reptilian creature smashed the side of a truck now. The other one swiping its tail to strike out a dozen more soldiers who had the guts to shoot at them. It was pathetic. A waste of materials and lives. Something which would have been avoided. If only they had listened to him.

“Captain Tayo. The ground fleet are on attack. Almost wiped.” The intercom buzzed off.

“I know that pilot.” Tayo sighed now. “I am the one watching the screen of things happening there.”

“Give me permission. I can render air support. With bombs and targeted precision shots, we can eliminate all the monsters eating up the ground troops. You and the rest in your chopper can proceed to the ground of the school.”

“You will only slow us down.” Tayo said, shaking his head. He looked out the window now, sighting the form of the other rescue chopper slowly tilting to the side.

He grimaced at it, biting his lower lips. His hand back to the intercom in his ear.

“What do you think you are doing, pilot?”

“Captain, I and the troops in the chopper have come to an agreement of rescue. We need every man alive on this mission.”

“We cannot afford to do that.” Tayo said. “I am ordering you. Turn around, complete the mission. We can rescue whoever is alive by the end of it.”

“We are completing the mission. We would just be a little late, cap; Tian. Allow us clear out the opposition to the ground troops.”

“Denied. Turn around.” Tayo flatly responded.

He clenched his fist now, eyes narrowed. Instantly mechanical whirring resonated through eh entire space, evoking some gasps form the soldiers in the chopper. They stared to their captain, horrified looks on their half monstrous faces.

“We are going in captain. We don’t leave our own behind.” The intercom buzzed once more. The chopper making a complete 360 turn in the spot.

“I give the orders. My order is the law here. Rest in pieces.” Tayo flatly said, pointing out his right arm.

The arm glittered as light bounced off the now completely mechanical transformed arm. Bolts and nuts here and here, with sheens of metal plating glided over one another. Creaks and clanks resonated through the chopper as a hole opened right in the hollow of the metallic palm.


Blade like machinations whirred inside.


A rapid burst of laser light thundered out of the palm, blitzing in to the chopper. Upon contact, the chopper stalled for a brief moment, the light passing through its entire width.

And then…


Metal and human matter scattered all through the air, the blades fading to a s top as the metal hunk of what once was a cargo chopper drifted down. Belching out fumes of smoke while drenched in a cloud of fire. Up until it crashed to the city below.

“Like I said, I give the orders. So, if anyone of you would want to have a go at me, maybe to avenge your brothers I arms, then come at me! I would not hesitate to send you along as well.” Tayo said, swallowing as eh faced the dumbstruck soldiers of his own chopper.

They stared; eyes wide while veins popped at the sides of their head. It was obvious they could not take what had happened. But the captain was the commanding officer. And more also, right now, his entire body was encased in a black metallic suit. The mechanical whirring of the suit reminding them of the swift death it was capable of.

“Yes, I thought as much! Pilot. Next stop. Royal Hearts College football field. Those kids don’t have anything monstrous on their bodies and some of them even have powers? I can’t wait to experiment on them all. To tear their scalps until I find the cure that humanity needs.” Tayo paused, raising both hands to the side. “And nothing would be in the way of me. Until humanity can conquer this enemy, some sacrifices would be made. Starting with the children of the Royal Hearts College.”