Clash of Egos

12:02pm, Wednesday Afternoon. Royal Hearts Dining Hall.

Fear gripped the entire surviving populace of the dinning as they saw the figure of Dafe crumple to his knees. It had only been roughly about a week since the virus has begun and things had gone south. In those times, the 3D gang were the one who really made the calls when it came to their protection and keeeping everyone safe. That was it.

And when people live in fear of their lives, they’d do the unthinkable. Even if it meant licking the ground and losing every ounce of self respect. If it was to live, then it was worth it.

Whether it was the fact that the 3D gang seemed to have motherluck on their side, they never did seem to run into any issues when it came to taking monsters down. They were so much of an asset.

Yet before their eyes, before the horrified looks on the students faces, they saw Dafe. Dafe of the 3D gang on his knees.

And what more?

He was brought to his knees by a girl.

Everything went silent. Even to the point of stifling their breaths, the students waited, anxiety eating them up. Some of them tapped their feet on the ground while some rubbed their hands on their faces, waiting.

Any moment now, whatever would happen would be cataclysmic.

“Please don’t fight. “ a tiny squeak called out.

Frightened, students began to run their hands together, in a plead voice as they pleaded, silently. Their survival was based on those in front of them. Whatever happened, they could not afford to see the 3D gang lose their footing or worse, get super pissed and leave.

“What did you do?” Daniella screamed out, holding the sides of her head as she looked down to Dafe.

“Are you okay?” Dayo asked him, eyes bulging as she also looked down.

For a moment or two hesitation seemed to brun in their faces. Along with a little shimmering fear of the ruthlessness of Divine.

After what seemed like forever, Dayo finally found her voice, stepping forward now.

“Hey… what’s your deal now? Who the hell do you think you are?” She asked her, her hands fisting to her sides.

Divine merely snorted in response, turning back after giving a nod to Sam. If he was going to take charge, now was the time.

“Hey, everyone, calm down.” Sam said, instinctively taking the hint from Divine. “Allow me to explain things. From now on, things aren’t going to change and there is nothing conflict wil solve amongst us. We need to stick together. At least, until we are sure we are getting rescued.” Sam paused now.

He looked around himself, setting his eyes on Tolu. Looking at Yoku, he was reminded of he time with Divine back at the hostel.

Where Digine had shown her brutality to him. And even then, he had not said a thing about it. Why? Divine was an asset. And they had to be rational if they were really going to Siri give these times.

However that did not mean that he was going to condone that any more. In the Dining Hall, there are rules. Rules that guided them to keep alive. And if anyone flaunted them, then such a person… Sam shook his head, he did not want to think about it.

“Listen up. Allow me give a brief rundown of everything that has occurred. At the hostel we went to get resources. Luckily…” He paused, gesticulating as he took a step forward, Divine and Tolu clearing up to both sides of him.

“Luckily, we found things that we needed. Tissues, provisions and the likes which you have already received here. In doing so, we also found Divine. And she has powers like some of us do.” Sam said, allowing the pin drop silence to soak his words in.

He looked at Tolu and managed a weak smile.

“Tolu also awakened his powers now. Which is good because the strain on the 3D gang would be so much lesser. It means that with these ones around, we have a fair chance of getting out of here to seek help.”

“We are leaving?”

“When are we leaving?”

Two voices asked almost at the same time. Sam looked towards the direction and then shook his head.

“Honestly, I don’t know when but I know that with these ones around, we have a better chance now. And if we are going to do that instead of being stuck in this hall, not knowing when. The monsters would come for us or if Daniella’s power would fail. I am sure we want that, right?” He barked out.

And instantly, several nods rang out.

“Good!” Sam said, nodding his head in agreement. “So I am asking you, until we can figure a way to make things work out, please, let’s put our differences aside as well. We are all tired, heck , there is very little space in here and that’s like so much on the nerves already. But we have to manage. I want us to get some rest.” He said, heaving as his eyes now caught sight of Angela and Tega.

Those two had been by the side but not exactly close to him. Seeing them made him realize that he had missed to introduce them.

“And uhm… “ Sam faked a cough as he cocked his neck. “I want you all to know that things are going to be good from now out. We have Angela and She can control the wind, right?”

“I do what needs to be done.” Angela put in curtly, a frown visible on her face.

“Mhm! Way to go sis.” Tega sighed, nodding his head in agreement.

Angela cocked her head at Sam now, shooting him a glare. Seeing that, the male leader of the survivals frowned in askance.

But there wa nothing from her side to declare what she wanted. Angela simply shook her head, looking away.

Sam frowned. What did she mean? He basked himself mentally.

Looking at the row of students in the hall looking so expectantly at him, he was at loss to say. There was so much on his mind like how he wanted to put down rules on respect and all. But was that necessary?

If anyone defaulted, would he ask for the person to be given to the monsters? Or would he ask for that person to be spanked? And by whom would the spanking be by?

The same 3D gang he did not speak up for now? That being said, he knew, his heart tingled, that he had to address the current situation on ground. But he was tired.

Every inch of him ached and tingled. His mind wa yet at rest from all the running and falling that had taken place. Talk less of being so close to the monsters.

Then again, the looks from Angela and Divine was enough to crush him to the ground. Added to that, the intense pressure he felt from the rest of the students.

Everyone was looking up to him yo say or do something. He had his internal strife as well. But he was the head boy and he had to bear it all. Except that now, he felt really so tired, the only time on his mind was rest.

Rest… and yes, addressing the issue with Divine and the bloodied shoulder of Dafe. Whether Dafe went overboard or not, it was never okay to hurt anyone.

“I have something to say. Please give me your attention for a little while now.” He called out, waving his hands.

For the little while he had been silent, the students had begun to murmur in low voices. Not exactly murmuring, everyone had an opinion on things and they did as well.

But it was left to him. To make sure that things went smoothly from now onwards.

“Divine, I really do appreciate the fact tht you stood up for me. Thank you! But…”He paused, sensing the intense glare Divine at shot him from the right hand side of him. He had to continue regardless of this.

Regardless of the fact that his heart pounded mercilessly. Divine could very much let loose on him and he knew that, the thought alone was terrifying. Yet, he had to go on.

“But it is never okay for you to hurt anyone here. Never again. Please. Dafe, you two. We are all trying to survive here…”

“Fuck you!” Divine quickly cut in. “This is what I get for getting your ass from wing whopper up? Really? I should let them beat you up, eh!” She blasted him.

“Divine…” Sam muttered.

“She is right, Sam. Even if she did that, you can’t just call her out like that.” Angela cut in as well.

Barraged on both sides, Sam simply exhaled, shrugging his shoulders. He was too tired to argue.

Plus his cheek still stung from the slap he received earlier.

“You know what guys? Fuck you all!” Divine stomped her feet. “I’m running the show now!” She stomped again.

“What?” Tolu had an irritated look on his face as he muttered.

“And I am setting the rules. After we’ve rested, I want everyone giving me records on who and who has powers here. And you better not be lying to me else…” Divine growled.

“No!” Angela cut in.

“That’s rude of you!” Daniella screeched. “You just came in here and think you can run things?”

“See this bitch talking! You want to die? You want to fucking die?” Divine swirled around, widening her eyes crazily.

“Stop it!” Sam yelled now, shooting up uprightly from the bench he’d sat on. “You can’t just do that, Divine. Take a break!”

“What?” Divine turned to face him, disbelief in her eyes. She made to say something but the words would not leave her mouth.

And when they did, the only thing that came out were…

“Fuck you! I hope all of you die.” Divine yelled, stomping her feet as she charged towards the door, exiting the Hall abruptly.