Chapter 3: Accident

It was getting dark. Elizabeth's only and lonely figure wandered between the crowd walking aimlessly, she was like a soulless child.

The city was hustling and bustling,

Everyone was going back home after spending a day full of tiredness. She can see some of them are frustrated, hopeless, and some seem happy talking on cellphones, they are ready to meet their dear ones who were waiting for them at home, but what about her she has no one.

She sees the exhaustion yet enthusiasm on the face of people, they all were in a hurry.

They have an aim or goal in their life but her life's goal to become a good housewife and to be a caring sister to her best friend has been shattered today. She planned it for the whole seven years. Wow, how smart! What an evil mind was she had, she thought sarcastically.

Soon it's night and the number of people on the street also decreases she was walking along a silent lane.

Her father was already dead. Her grandfather didn't want her anymore and ask her to stay away from her grandmother whose condition has been critical now. She had no one to rely on.

She emerged in her thought and didn't seem to notice the car heading towards her.

Just when the bright light flashes in front of her she came back to her senses, but it's too late to react.

She got hit by the minivan. Her body flew a few meters above ground and landed with a 'thud' making a pool of blood around her. Elizabeth was flat on the road breathing heavily, she was struggling to ask for help as her disheveled hair covered her face.

"Is she dead?" the man inside the car thought but to confirm and accomplishing his mission, he spin tires immediately mercilessly rolled them over Elizabeth's body.

"Ah!" Elizabeth screamed from the pain.

Elizabeth felt the pain of her bones being crushed. At this time, she felt that every second was difficult to breathe. But she did not want to die just like that.

She had been blinded by others and follow them at a crucial point in her life and hurts the people who truly cared for her, how could she die in such a pathetic manner?

"She did not want to! she won't die without getting her revenge."

Therefore she struggled to scramble to ask for help, but her body seemed rooted. She vomited blood and the smell of blood surrounds her entering her nostrils that lead to non-stop coughing making her even more painful.

A familiar figure crosses her path. She was her classmate Rita but she did not have any bonding with her. Rita seemed to recognize her she was shocked to found Elizabeth in such a pathetic state. Without wasting a second she calls the ambulance in no time. She supports Elizabeth and asked her to be awake, an ambulance will be here in no time.

After half an hour after the accident, she got into the hospital and Rita accompanied her. She thought how could Elizabeth be in such a state who was so cruel.

While entering the hospital and making way to OT lying on a stretcher Elizabeth spotted another familiar figure.

The person also felt someone's gaze and turns around, as soon as the eyes of both people meet shock evaded his handsome face. He becomes quick-witted in the next second walk-in large strides towards her losing his momentum and gave a warning to everyone while roaring fiercely, "NO MATTER AT WHAT COST, YOU MUST SAVE HER."

He was a prominent figure no one dares to disobey him. Behind him, his assistant Tang was puzzled and shocked by his boss's behavior. Back then, the Smith family's daughter rejects his boss's proposal and caused him to lose face eloping with another man. However, the boss never blamed her, and now he even had to save her?

Elizabeth extend her hand hoping to hold him, he hugged her and comforted her even at the last moment his face was filled with worry, "you have to live" he said in a tone hard to refuse full of dominance and with some pleading.

"I also wish to live, If she could start over she will not repeat the stupid mistake. But maybe in the next life, we will be together and I will be sure to treasure my dear ones," Elizabeth thought but she cannot speak as pain surfaced her whole body.

Life-long tolerance and several years of companionship had been exchanged for the pain of being betrayed by loved ones and the price of family ruin. If everything could be repeated, she swore that she would make them die a horrible death.

Unfortunately, there is no if in the world she knows. She gazes towards him, he was busy instructing others to hurry! and suddenly her eyelids started to drop when she inhaled the unique scent of his body for the last time.

He saw her face was full of regret and self-blame, but also had a determination to avenge someone. Maybe it is too late she closed her eyes.

If she could start over, how good would that be?