Chapter 4: Blessed by heaven

The feeling of being a heavy headache was not very comfortable. The familiar voices reverberated in her ear timely. A warm hand ceasing her face.

A sigh came from the handsome man in his forties. His eyes were bloodshot, as he had been guarding and did not sleep for days.

"Uncle, everything will be alright" A girl's voice in her twenties came consoling the man.

"I see, you can go back now it is been hard on you," the man said while facing the figure lying at the bed. He was self-blaming himself for not protecting his daughter.

"Uncle, it is alright after all she is my best friend, also please take good care of your health too she will not feel good if she sees you like this. Alright, I will visit her again tomorrow" she said warm words but her eyes were filled with indifference, and leave the ward with a sneer.

The ward's door opens again and a doctor came in for a regular check-up going through the procedure checking the patient. Before leaving he assured the man that she will wake up within the next few hours.

When the man just stands and turns to cancel his arrangements and schedule for tomorrow, the figure in the bed woke up. The girl was confused by sounds though she wanted to confirm her doubts but did not dare to open her eyes if it was all her dream and will shatter once she opened her eyes. Nonetheless, she gathers the courage to call once maybe it's not a dream. Is she in heaven or hell?

"Dad...." A hoarse voice echoed in the air, and Elizabeth burst into tears spotting the figure in her mind with reality. Her father had died tragically. He remained widowed after her mother died at an early stage due to serve disease. He never tries to find any other woman and gave her everything, but why was she stupid to contradict him.

"Elizabeth?" Hearing Elizabeth's groans Harris turned back to face her daughter and breathed a sigh of relief. He stands beside her bed.

He never thought that someone would try to harm her daughter. He fails to protect her which made her suffer and she had been in a coma for a whole two twilights.

After struggling to open her heavy eyelids, Elizabeth saw that the figure in front of her is being seen clear from blurry.

She is stunned for a moment, then suddenly sat up and wrapped her arms around Harris's waist.

Harris is also stunned, by her sudden intimacy but also feels delighted in his heart. "Elizabeth, are you feeling unwell somewhere?"

"....." Shaking her head silently, Elizabeth hugged Harris's waist tightly. She looked up and saw her reflection in the window not far away.

Looking back and looking around again, she gorged through her arm, seeking her fingers tried to sense them dysfunctional. But it's operating. Nothing happened it is all well. That's weird.

"Is she saved?"

"How can her dad be alive then?"

"She had also heard Lucy's voice earlier. "

"Is she hallucinating or having a dream?"

"Is it all illusion?"

With many questions in her head, she leaves her father's waist to check her phone at the bedside with doubts in her heart, 2016 isn't this her life when she is going to graduate after a year. Lucy had been her friend for five years and Kevin had been in a secret relationship with her for almost a year and a half. Her bitch friend and jerk husband.

With widened eyes, she looked around the surroundings which seems familiar and her gaze falling at the figure sitting on the side of the bed. Elizabeth realizes that she had returned to the summer when she was in the last year of college.

Was she reborn?

Had heavens pitied her?

Supernatural powers?

"How winsome...'' she unconsciously muttered under her breathe.

"Don't scare me!" when Harris see the beloved daughter muttering something in absenteeism, he was completely terrified. He thought she yet has to overcome the incident.

He comforted her and said, "Don't be afraid, dad is here no one can touch even a single strand of your body."

"Dad, I am fine" Elizabeth called out Harris. She can saw through his worries and comforted him.

"Alright," Harris sat on the side of the bed, observing Elizabeth. Only after he confirmed everything is fine, he relaxes.

His eyes were filled with love "Princess, how are you now?"

"I am well, I am well....." Elizabeth replied resting her head against Harris's chest. Her ears could hear the steady sound of his heart beating, and her nose turned sour.

She thought of the scene of her father's accident, she remembered she don't even get to see his father who held his last breath at the hospital at that time because the vixen injured herself attracting her attention and hiding her phone. Elizabeth couldn't help but strengthen her arm around Harris's waist, "Don't leave...."

"Silly child" Harris's eyes were filled with doting having a helpless smile.

"Dad, I'm fine. Presently when I think carefully it seems that the incident is planned by someone and is controlling everything behind the scene," Elizabeth said raising her head to face her father suddenly directing his attention to this issue. She knows well who planned this it was better if dad found the culprit himself. She hasn't said yet that Kevin had sent her to the hospital. In this life, she will not repeat the previous foolish mistakes.

"Eh....." After Harris heard her daughter's question, he hesitated for a moment before replying, "I will investigate it. You just have to get well soon don't stress over these matters."

Elizabeth knows that her father is aware of the truth and thought that she did not know about Lucy's true color. So he doesn't want to be misunderstood by her again.

Her heartache in her previous life increases her father's worry. But she had sworn to pay back the evil person and heavens blessed her by giving her another chance.

In this life, she will treasure her true friends and family. She will do everything to make them happy and have some less trouble regard to her.

"Yeah!" she replied perfunctorily and closed her eyes to rest.

"Dad, I want to go home," Elizabeth asked suddenly with a pleading look in her eyes. Harris first considering persuading her to stay at the hospital but looking at her daughter's pleading gaze Harris agreed he will also be at ease if she is home and can focus on his work.

In the evening, completing the discharge procedure they headed towards home. Harris was busy assisting his assistant while Elizabeth is gazing outside the familiar yet unfamiliar road.

Many memories flew past her eyes in a moment.