Chapter 47: Kiss

Elizabeth was in a trance after hearing the name. She reminisced memories.

"Brother Rin these children are teasing me."

"Brother Rin I want to marry you in the future."

"You can only be my husband in the future brother Rin."

"Brother Rin promise me you would always protect me."

Some memories are vague but Elizabeth remembered indeed she called him Brother Rin affectionately in childhood also urges him to marry her. She also forces Natalie to call her sister-in-law. Recanting her words and actions she was shy. She didn't dare to have eye contact with him and keep's her head down.

Her cheeks turned red. Aldrin also took notice of her shy appearance and red cheeks. He finds her extremely seductive.

Holding her chin slightly upward to face him he teased her more, "Remember when you said that time that Brother Rin is exclusive for you and only you will call me. Why don't you call me now?"

"Call Brother Rin" he meets her eyes and voiced out seductively in a low-pitched voice.

"Brother Rin" Elizabeth called out softly under the temptation of deep eyes and voice of the man. She was trapped in his charm for this moment.

The voice tickled Aldrin's heart many emotions surged inside him. To express them he clapped her waist and kiss her.

Her lips were soft. His tongue slid inside her mouth tasting her sweetness, both the tongue intertwined he can tell that Elizabeth's body was slightly stiff with his actions, but she didn't reject it.

Elizabeth was shocked by his sudden reaction but didn't know what to do. She liked him but wasn't ready to be in any relationship nor could her trust which was broken once can be built in a short amount of time. Several factors are blocking her. She was grateful towards Aldrin but didn't know whether it's like, love or nothing.

She tried to resist him but her force is quashed against him he held her tightly deepening the kiss. Their tongues were intertwined with one another. Aldrin's hand was moving around her waist. The heat in the room also rises.

He controlled himself and break free Elizabeth from his tight grip but slightly held her. Elizabeth was dizzy after the strong kiss. The breathing of both persons was rapid. Their heartbeat was aloud in the silent room. Elizabeth was leaning in Aldrin's embrace. He knew it was not the time he will wait till she will be his wife he wants to give her best for her first time.

"You! why did you kiss me?"

"Because you tempted me..!" he replied nonchalantly in a hoarse voice.

"You...." Elizabeth didn't know what to say to him, it's true she was tempted by him but he was also tempted. She was afraid the later will find out that she was tempted and didn't refute him. His voice also didn't seem right.

Moving two steps back from his Elizabeth huffed her cheeks and stomped her feet to show that she is angry, she knows she can't win against him in debate as another party was a sly businessman.

Aldrin thought her actions were really cute and laugh a little with some helplessness. The little fire in his heart was open but he suppressed it. He doesn't want to scare her with the little beast inside him.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing" the heat had calm down much now.

Suddenly the door of the room opened and Natalie comes in wearing casual home clothes.

"What were you doing?" she asked squinting her eyes at both of them.

Elizabeth was stunned by her sudden arrival and didn't know how to answer. At least they were not so close as before.

"What are you doing here?" Aldrin asked without answering her question.

"Mom asked me to call you for dinner." Without any negotiation, she grabbed Elizabeth's arm and pull her downstairs. Before exiting she turned and called out for Aldrin who was standing there without movement, ''Brother come fast."

Aldrin nodded and followed slowly. Looking at Eliza's back Aldrin's mouth raised in a smile. He raised his hand sweeping across his lips. The feeling was great. Elizabeth's reaction told her that it was her first time kissing. 'His sudden impulsiveness benefits him.'

"Eliza why is your face red?" Natalie asked looking at her face.

Elizabeth was nervous and didn't know how to answer. She was embarrassed thinking about the scene earlier she didn't resist him.

'Will he think she was a girl easy to get?'

Looking at her daze expression Natalie shook her hand slightly snapping her out of her daze.

"Nothing, it's just hot."

Before Natalie can ask more they reached the dining table.

"Let's eat," Elizabeth said excluding the previous topic.

"Okay" Natalie can't resist the temptation of food. She was really hungry and the smell of food is tempting. She swallowed the saliva. Natalie was a foodie from childhood and her biggest weakness is food.

All the members settled down at their seats.