Chapter 48: Warm Dinner

The aroma of food fills Natalie and Elizabeth's nostrils they swallowed their salvia.

Lilly was very happy with the family dinner and said to Elizabeth.

"Eliza we haven't made much just your favorite sweet and sour pork ribs, Beef sausage, spicy chicken, and lemony chicken dill soup!"

"Mom you only consider Eliza today is my welcome dinner." Natalie pouted her mouth, but inside listening to the names of the dish that Lilly made her swallow her salvia again.

Elizabeth was not better than her listening to the name of dishes she almost made her drool out. She became more and more hungry. She hadn't eaten her stomach fill in the afternoon due to the scumbag face now she can eat her favorite dishes she misses Aunt Lilly's cooking.

Just as she was about to thank aunty, she saw someone laughing and handing her a tissue.


"Wipe your saliva," his smile deepened.

Elizabeth was crying in her heart. she quickly covered her face and wiped it. But when she touched it, she found that there was nothing and she was teased. Everyone was holding their laugh due to this interaction, at last, couldn't control and let a low laugh.

She got angry and glare at Aldrin, who was chuckling indicating that he was the culprit.

"let's eat," Michael said and everyone started devouring food especially Natalie and Elizabeth. They were happy to see the interaction between Eliza and Aldrin. They are sure that Aldrin will conquer Eliza's heart.

Aldrin served a sparerib in her plate as well as on Natalie, "eat slowly, no one will rob food from both of you."

"Mm-hmm!" Both of them nodded and stuffed a large chunk of ribs, and the sweet and sour sauce caught Natalie's appetite. She was a foodie and her mom rarely eat her mom's handmade food how can she miss the chance.

"Eliza Stay here tonight," Aunt Lilly said suddenly.

Elizabeth's action came to halt, "No aunty it will be troublesome."

"No child it isn't troublesome" replied Michael.

"Uncle Dad must be waiting for me'' Elizabeth said finding an excuse.

"No he will not, Harris called me earlier and I have already said to him that Elizabeth will be staying with us today."

"C'mon Eliza we haven't met for decades you aren't going home and will sleep with me later. I have hundreds of things to ask from you." Natalie said more like ordered without any choice of escape.

Elizabeth let a sigh and said "Okay" she knows she has to face her questions she can't escape from them.


Natalie's bedroom

"So What the hell is going on?"

"Nattie calm down"

"Babe you have to tell me what is going on with you right now! I heard you have distant yourself from relatives and family after high school. You even contradict your dad. It's not right, how can this happen must be something wrong. You must have to tell me about all this, Listen I know it's not you, okay someone behind the scene must be provoking you. My Eliza can't do something like this." Natalie said in a breathe holding Elizabeth by the shoulder. All the inner thoughts of her were expressed without any stop.

Elizabeth was staring at Natalie's face in a daze. 'Yes, it's her best friend who didn't blame her or scold her like all her own people. She believes that she can't do anything wrong.' In her previous life, Elizabeth had never given any chance to Natalie to question her and cut off their relationship and also called her bitch. She is filled with guilt.

Many emotions surged inside her. After her rebirth, it was her first time that she doesn't want to conceal most of the things to her. She can express her feelings.

Instantly she started to cry. Natalie was startled by Eliza's sudden weeping and for a moment didn't know how to react. She knows her words must have hurt her heart but that's what she needed to ask.

She consoles her by embracing her. She patted her shoulder, "Ssssh...! It's alright you can cry! everything will be alright...!"

Outside the door, the figure who was quietly eavesdropping on their conversation was having a heartache by listening to the sobbing sound. Aldrin also wanted to learn the reason for changes within Elizabeth after her high school which everybody told them but it was not right for him to ask but he knew Eliza must be told Natalie if she asks so he just picks the chance.

'Whoever makes my queen cry must pay the price later on... In the future, he will not let her cry.' Aldrin swears.