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chapter 3

A taxi almost runs over me. But it stops suddenly right before it touches me. "HEY" I slam the hood hard "I am walking over here". Okay, that didn't happen but a girl walks over me, though. New York baby!!  It is just so nice being back.

I was tired from the flight but so relieved because I was finally away from California without meeting any of my so-called "family".  "You coming to campus?" Edia asked. I shake my head.

"I have to go to my aunt's. But I will see you tomorrow at Chem" I gave her a hug and she went inside her cab. I called another for myself and went directly to my home.

Yes, I lied to Edia, but this is my secret life and I don't want anyone to know about it.

The car stops in a big white villa house. Lena and Jeremy came fast when they saw me. "Welcome home Ms. Walker. How was your flight?" Lena asked while Jeremy helped me with the suitcases. Her dark long hair was in a ponytail and matches her uniform. But Jeremy was wearing a simple pair of jeans and a T-shirt.

"It was fine Lena, and what is with the formality for God seeks. Just call me Marsi and wear something you get comfortable with. Just look at Jeremy and learn" she just nods simply. Poor girl, she worked so many years for my mother she adapts her behavior. It was nice that I take her with me when I left.

"Where is she?" I asked curiously. "In her room, marsi." She replied.

I walked faster and run the stairs up to the first floor. She was sitting on the floor watching TV. Her big African curls were perfectly held in two ponytails. Her small hands were on her crossed legs, her green eyes not leaving the TV. God how much do I miss her.

"…and her curse will only be broken by the kiss of true love," Said some girl from sleeping beauty. Jesus! Things the world teaches kids these days. I suddenly pick the remote up closed it.

"I just ate, I am…MARSI" her eyes sparkled when she sees my face. She runs to me and hugs me tight. It's been 3 days but felt like 3 centuries.

"I missed you so much, you better brought me a present, or else I won't give you mine" she said with her small sweet mouth. I wish I cut it off and ate it.

"Let me see," I said searching my purse. "Oops looks like somebody stole it. I will buy you another time okay?" I joked.

She puts her one hand on her hip and gave me some kind of attitude look and said " oops looks like somebody is very unlucky today because she is not getting my present either" she replied with the same tone. Damn, she is just 9 and the things she says makes me so proud.

"Come on over here you" I pull her back and tickle her baby stomach. I picked her up and took her downstairs while she was still giggling. I opened one of the suitcases and gave a medium-sized, wrapped box.

She tears the wrapper impatiently and opened the box. She looks at the new brand watch I brought her. Zil was confused when I bought it, he said it was too girly and I lied and told him I had one when I was a kid and want to have it again.

She puts it in her hand and looked at it as a girl with a new engagement ring, her smile shining bright on her face. "It lacks a ring," she said looking up. I roll my eyes on her and she starts laughing. She climbs up the chair and then the table in front of us and hugged me. "I love it" she told me.

"Nope that's not enough, where is my present?" I asked. Natasha was a girl with great taste in fashion. Call me crazy, but she gives the best gifts. She put her hand in her back pocket and brought out a paper bent in square.

I opened it and it was a drawing of two people holding hands. There are three babies on the ground playing, one boy and two girls with hairs like hers.

"What is it, honey?" I asked hoping it is not what I think it is.

"You silly, it is us." She smiled. "This is you, but with a better hair cut," she giggles and continues "this is your true love, and these are your kids and I will have cool friends to play with." she looked at me. "Don't worry I will add my new watch later" she smiled.

I feel tears coming up my eyes.

"Lena please takes Natasha to her room" I shout and run to my room and slammed the door. I sob down holding my mouth not to make a sound. This is not true. Please God don't tell me it is true. Why her too. The last thing I want is seeing her hurt like I did.