WebNovelDark Fate62.50%

Chapter 4

"Tuz Tuz Tuz" my alarm wakes me up. I shut it up and stand up to take a shower. I came out fast because I forgot to take my phone with me. A shower without music is like a shoe without socks; you can do it but won't feel good.

I took a fast shower before I got dressed for class. I wore a pair of black jeans with light green crap top. I put on my black Nike and put my hair in a messy ponytail with a bright green rubber bandage, you have to match the colors right!

I went back to my bathroom and took some oxy from my hiding place and count them. 17, it was correct. Natasha likes to go through my stuff and her finding these is my biggest fear. I took one and put another one in my pocket for later.

I went downstairs for breakfast. Natasha was still in her PJ's eating cereals. "Good morning" I smiled at her. She nods still not fully awake. I made her a  sandwich and apple juice for lunch. I cook pancakes for myself and sat next to her. she is the slowest eater ever!

"You coming tonight?" she asks still half awake.

"Nop, I will stay at campus today. But Jordan will come" I told her.

"Oh come on, it's not enough you're not coming on top of that you are sending a dummy too" she rolls her eyes. I laugh at that.

They never get along. She always makes fun of him and calls him names. He really gets upset because he never has a good come back without cussing which I would kill him if he did in front of her.

"I am serious, call him and tell him to bring the ice cream he owes me" she demands.

"You small monster, are you bribing the man again?" I asked facing her in disbelief. She simply shrugs her shoulders.

"Tell me, what did he do this time?"

"That's not how bribe works, you know" she takes her eyes from me to her cereal.

"Okay at least tell me what you are getting?" I became the child and her l the adult. Seriously I was curious, she can get big things out of anyone she wants using her puppy eyes and incent voice.

"A chocolate ice cream, a new Barbie and spice food." she raised her little finger counting.

I gave her a look "that can't be it, what else did you get?" even I can pull out better from Jordan.

"Okay okay you got me" she puts her hands up showing surrender. "It was his idea" she stops again. I knew there was more. "I get to drive his car for two blocks".

"WHAT!!!!" I dropped my mug from my hand and it broke. She looks at me for a second and starts laughing hard.

"I ….oh God….I…" she tries talking through her laughter "I got you.

You should see the look in your face. I get to choose where will go for summer. But your face…" she kept giggling. I stand there like an idiot. What a child!

"You are mean. I will be late for class. You go upstairs and change into your uniform." I ordered still feeling stupid.

"And please don't make fun of the teachers today, I can't have them complaining about that" I begged.

"I won't" she looks incent, I narrow my eyes in disbelief "if they don't give me a reason" she finishes. Good God gives them your strength. I kicked her ass playfully and kissed her forehead "I love you" I said and went out.

The drive to campus was short. I reached there in 35 mins, 10 mins early for my Chem class. I decide to go to the cafe for coffee on my way. I take a sip of my dark coffee someone from my back tickled me. "Jesus" I yelled and my good coffee flipped out of my hand and spilled on the floor. Why now?

I turn full of anger to find Seth standing there. "You stupid, what's wrong with you?" I hit his arm.

Some people had that recorded, great another embarrassing story on Snapchat.

"What in history was right about him?" Edia said walking toward us. 

"Black coffee?" he looks from the spilled coffee back to me "More like black crazy" he smirks referring to me by the last word. I can feel my day already going bad.

My classes were long enough to want me to wish my death. How the hell did I spend an entire day in school? 3 hours on campus and I am half dead inside.

My phone rings and replied fast.

"Where the hell are you?" Brook yelled. "On my way" I gasped.

"I put the box in the fucking basement and covered with a red sheet. They are not labeled either. The paper is inside them, label the whole shit and deliver it all today" he demands.

"Sure" I hang up.

Brook was the delivery leader of the New York mafia. They deal drugs of all kind from Mexico to all over here. The mafias are highly organized and have inner people in every government institute.

I just work in transport undercover. The money is good and they guaranteed my safety so I have nothing to worry about.

I parked my car and went into the ancient Chinese hotel. One of the waiters smiled at me and went out. I followed him and he opened the door for the basement. I found the box just as Brook said.

I divide the drugs as the requirements said, put it in different shopping bags.  Barry (the waiter) came back and helped me carry them to my car.

My first stop was at a jewelry shop. I got into the shop and put my shopping bag on the floor. The owner talks to me casually and slides the bag inside with his leg. The other guy took it to another room. I kept looking for jewelry I won't buy, just pretending for the people inside and the cameras.

The guys came back and nod at the owner. Then he starts typing something on his phone. My phone vibrates after a few seconds.


"Delivered, keep going" 

I went out and drove to my next stop. This way I delivered 13 places and that was it for the week. Every week on Tuesday I do the same thing. I drive back to campus and went to my dorm directly.

"Hey, how you been?" my roommate Katie greets.

"Great, I had a long day" I replied and lay down on my bed. My phone vibrates again.


"Dear Marceline, 5000$ was just transferred to your account from 22567********"

A smile appears on my face. That's the feeling of success!