WebNovelDark Fate100.00%

Chapter 7

For the past 30 mins, my phone was ringing non-stop. "Jordan I AM STUCK IN TRAFFIC, I CAN'T DRIVE ANY FASTER IF THERE IS NO ROAD TO DRIVE ON" I screamed out of my lung answering my phone.  He is driving me crazy.

"Cool just came fast." And he hangs up. I swear he never listens. No matter how much I yell, tell him repeatedly or try to be clam, the dude has a problem.  My phone rings again. I swear I will literally kill him if he tells me to come fast.

"For the love of God give me a break Jordan. I will be there as soon as I can. I will block your number I swear if you keep nagging me for a stupid job I am not interested in. It's so not worth all of this. I make 3 times more in a week than the monthly payment anyway." I speak quietly not giving him any time to say a word.

"Ms. Walker, I am calling from Knightley Studio and entertainment, you are late for your interview." Some dude says.

"You don't say! Am I late for my interview?" I said inside making a face and mimicking his English accent. Some people will get embarrassed when such things happened, but I really don't care. I meant what I say.

"Oh yeah, I know. I will be there as soon as I can. Can you wait?" I ask politely.

"Yes we can, we are actually waiting for someone ourselves. But if you can reach before he does, it would be perfect" he told me.

"Okay, I will be there soon" I hang up the phone. I already hate this job. Jordan used his connection to find me a paid internship in some entertainment company to work on finance. Since it is my senior year at campus, he thought this will be a good start for me. But by the look of it, I blow the opportunity.

The road was finally somewhat free. The atmosphere suddenly filled with cars horn and some people cursing. New York baby!

I start the engine to drive my car as fast as can. As I drive some distance a car came from behind and crashed into mine. WHAT THE FUCK? This day can't go any worse. I went out of my car filled with anger ready to kick the ass of the idiot who crashed my car.

It was a gray fancy big Landrover. I went to the driver's seat and a guy was sleeping in the wheel.

I clam down and asked "hey are you okay" The guy just nodded. I can't see if he is hurt because his hair was covering his face but I know he is a guy because of his muscular body.

He went out of the car. Seeing his face made me even angrier than I was.

"Perfect! The asshole from Saturday" I snapped. He curses under his breath and opened his mouth to say something but closed it back. The crowd gathering us was talking something, asking questions and someone even called the cops. What is it with people reporting every single thing? Is there a price as in "the most case reporter of the year" or other stuff? I mean people seriously fill me in.

"Look Marta I …" he started but I interrupted with "Marceline" and crossed my arm.

"Whatever, I am so late for work. Just give me your number and I will pay for any damage I caused. I can even pay for other damage the car had, just let me leave before the cops arrive." A fucking jerk!

"Yea you will. But first I am late for work too so you will give me a ride there, since your car is fine enough to go, while my poor car is not. You got it?" I demand. I can pay for myself but I want him to suffer.

"No, I can't do that. Didn't you hear the part when I am late? Just call uber and I will pay for it as well" he smirked. Good God give me patience.

"I didn't but obviously you missed the part where" I pull my finger as I am counting "I don't care and we are in a fucking traffic jam!" I replied with an attitude. He runs his hand through his messy blondish head and looked back at me.

"I have no time for this now. Get in the car." He ordered. I took my car key and he called a craft man to take it to the mechanic nearby. My car was a small Sudoku so he crashed it bad. But his car was fine except for some small damage in the front.

I get in the back seat and closed the door. He followed me into the driver's seat.

"Where you going?" he smirked. I told him the address and just kept driving, silent the entire ride. He parked his car and I knew we were there. I went out of the car and so he did.  I gave him my number before I got into the big blue building in front of me but he followed me in.

"Hey, I thought you were late? Stop following me and go to your job" I reacted.

"I am" he replied and walked past me.  Some people in suit circled him as he passes the reception. Jordan came from my behind and said "finally".

"That fucking moron crashed into my car, I am okay but my car is not" I sigh.

"That Man dressed in full gray?" he asked. I nod in replied.

"Marceline that is Damien, the CEO's son, soon to be the Manager" Fuck!

"Hell no, I am not doing this" I turned back to go back to my house. The universe was giving me way too many signs on not to do this.  Yes, I ignored all of it but this I can't.

"What do you mean you are not doing this? You will go inside and kill the interview" Jordan holds my hand stopping me from going.

"Look Jordan, you were so sweet finding me a job, but there is no way I am getting it. I told the assistance I don't like the job and I can't hope the manager will be a good person because I know he is a pure DISRESPECTFUL IGRONANT COLD HUMAN BEING!"

He gave me the 'really girl' look before saying "Yea they call him the gray monster. But that's not the point.  You will graduate in business next year and you love music, I am telling you this is a place for you. The manager is a horrible, so what? You are the biggest pain in the ass I know."  Pep talk? You would say. "Now go in there and get the job"

I feel bad but whatever, let's do it.