WebNovelDark Fate87.50%

Chapter 6

"Once upon a time, there was a small family of 5 living in California" I start but Natasha interrupted me giggling. I don't really get her sometimes. I gave her a confused look but she holds her mouth trying not to laugh.


"Nothing keeps going, a family of 5..." she replied still trying not to hold back her laughter. I rolled my eyes and kept telling my story. "A mixed mother, a white father, and 3 children. One boy and two girls" I stopped when she burst again.

"I am...I am sorry, continue I... Swear I will .. sto..stop" she said between her laugh. What is funny about that?

"What is wrong, what are you laughing about?" I looked at her really confused. I put my hand on my face and my hair in case she put something in me.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked but she shakes her head. So what is it?

"It's just the way you tell the story, I know it is yours just don't try to make it a real "bedtime" story" she convinces. Now I feel like an idiot. She has the power to make me feel that way in everything I do. It's me who fall for it actual, I try to see her like a normal 9 years old while she obviously not.

"You are mean" I glare at her and she shrugs her shoulder and said, "I try". That makes me speechless, what do you reply to that? I feel Jordan's pain now.

"Anywhooo" I continue my story. "I was born and raised in California. My grandpa was from Africa while my grandma was a Native American. I have a big brother, Khalid, and a younger sister Abby. I was always the naughty one in the house and my mother was always against anything I do while my dad was always on my side in everything. He was the sweetest person anyone can have and for me, he was a hero." She nods.

"My parents are rich, my father has an export company while my mom is a doctor. But unlike any other rich family, me and my siblings didn't have money as we like because my mom thinks we have to have a manner in every way and we only have things we need and want" I sigh.

"I grow up I hated her and her protocol so much that I stop dealing with her. I will go parting every weekend and I will spend all my money on shopping and Jordan will give me extra. That pisses her a lot and it makes me happy. Jordan was my exist when I want to get away from home"

"The same Jordan I know? You actually went to him to get away from bad vibes?" She snaps as the black girl she is. I gave her a look and went back to the story.

"I have a best friend since I was a kid, his name is Brazil. He is so sweet and so popular in high school. So was I actually. Freshman year, my friends and I were the mean girls of my school. We dated all the popular seniors and bullied the nerds. We were just like the girls you see in high school movies"

"At least you had a better taste in fashion then" she giggled but stopped and "joking keep going."

I took a deep breath. "It was all fine. Until tenth grade, when this very hot girl transferred from Texas. Her name is Edia. Everyone in my school wanted to be friends with her, including Emma and me. We went to talk to her, make her one of our squad but she refused and laughed on us for trying. All of my friends get mad and start awful rumors but I thought she was cool" some of the bad stuff we talked about her came in a flashback in my head. It's funny she still talks to me after all of that.

"We first met at music class, she plays guitar just like me. We start hanging out after that and she showed what I was doing with Emma was wrong and pathetic. That there are bigger things in life than chasing designers' dresses and bulling incent people for not doing that. When I told my friends about this they said I was not like them anymore; which were true because I started to have life after that. I stop arguing with my mom and spend as much time I can away from her and my siblings. My father was the only family I could spend time with and I liked for what matters."

"And you don't have any friends except Edia after that?" she asked.

"Yes until senior year. I didn't know or care about them at all. They bullied me but Zil was always there to stand up for me. Zil is the type of guy who all girls wanted so they don't want to upset him by being bad to me. And as in for the boys, his squad respected him and the other didn't dare to get in a fight with him"

"Looks like this zil is more than a friend to do that for you" she teases.

"No way, he is my best friend for life. Just like Ben for you" she is right though, he had feelings for me since high school. Like a guy will care unless they want something.

"Ben? What about that clown? If His mother was not forcing us to be partners in everything, I wouldn't even discover him" she says snapping her fingers.

"And for her delicious cookies. When do you have a study session next time? I am having a craving" she giggles before she says "you are something else. I feel sorry for you at times"

"Why exactly?" I ask but changed my mind when she gives me a "do you really want to open that door" kinda face.

"How old are you?" I ask amazed at her level of savageness.

"I can ask you the same question" she kisses me to make me feel better after totally humiliating me. I really love the way she is. She looks sweet and childish while she is strong and scary.

My phone rings and I close the press silent as soon as I saw the name on the screen.

"Don't even bother. I already saw it. It is just I don't hide or shake when ben calls" she teased.

"Okay, that is it. Now sleep you little monster. I love you" I kiss her forehead and run out before she says something.

"Hey babe" zil greets as soon as I answered.

"Zil, how are you doing honey? Were you" I cleared my voice "were you sleeping?" his voice is deep and sleepy.

"Yes. Couch made me run 35 laps for coming late. He.. I mean I..yes I was late eating" he lied. How do I know that? His sentence gets broken when he lies.

"Oh, that should have sucked. I am sorry babe" I gave him pity.

"Yea and by the way, I ran into Dylan today"

"Dylan? Your old roommate Dylan? That is weird. What did he say?" Damn all the history and stupid decisions I made with that guy! Albert Einstein was right; there are no boundaries for the deep stupidity of the human mind.

"He said he went to rehab and he is all clean now. He looked all spiritual and stuff" He told me.

"Really? Good for him, right?" and I thought that kid will never change.

"Yes but he also said he moved to New York for some job opportunity. I don't know how that happened since he is a college drop out." he said unhappily.

"God have his ways" I am literally the worst atheist ever, I thought silently.

"Tell me this, have you ever run into him in any way? Tell me the truth" insecurities, I roll my eyes even though he can't see me.

"No babe, haven't seen him since I moved here. Besides New York is a big city with thousands of people."

"Yes but he sounds like he was looking forward to meet you. I bet he will search for you in there." He said annoyed.

"So what? Let him and see that I am perfectly fine without him. The real question is now, what did you when he told you this?" he definitely kicked his ass.

"nothing..ah I mean he .. I ..no I did nothing. I let it not bother me" there you go, lying again. I would win a huge trophy if one of those useless reality shows decide to do a program on how well do you know Brazil Jameson.

"Zil," I say with a cute accent.

"I broke his nose. What is the point lying to you; you are a lie detector" or you are very predictable babe.

"But listen he started it. He talked about all the "good old days" like those exist and he kept talking about you. He was defiantly asking for it." he defends himself.

"I know zil, things were different. Anywhooo enough Dylan talk. How are you?"

"I really miss you babe" and there we go again. I silently slide down the wall and my ass hit the floor.

"I really can't wait until I am out of college and start saving money for our wedding and future life." I point my finger like a gun and killed myself, not ready for the 2 hours of my romantic nightmare.

God, if you are really out there; do me this once thing at least. Give me the strength to end it. Or do your magical stuff to do make him fall out of this obsession you call love. But just like magic, you don't exist..., right?