Lunch brakes and roof tops

He was standing on the edge of the 20th floor high building and was about to jump.

Just one step and it's over he mumble to himself but his body wasn't moving.

He trembled and sweat was forming on his forehead.

"Could you please just do it! I'm already late for my lunch break." He heard a male voice next to him.

Startled he grabbed the railing behind him and turned his head slowly towards the other person. The man that was leaning against the railing just a few feet away seemed to be in his late twenties. He wore a black sweatshirt paired with a pair of black jeans, his facial expression was somewhere between extreme boredom and being highly annoyed.

"What?" Was all he was able to stumble.

"Look I'm really sorry for the stuff that happened to you and all but I still have to do my job here. So could you please just jump and spare us both some time? I would really appreciate it." The stranger said while slicking back his dark brown hair with his fingers.

"You want me to jump?" the man on the ledge said with a weak sounding voice.

"Yes definitely. I read your file and to be honest you life sucks but I still don't understand why you think killing yourself is a good solution to it. I mean is there really nothing else you could try instead?"

He questioned while slightly leaning over and looking down the ledge with a frown on his face. The man took a shaky breath and followed the eyes of the other man.

It seemed even deeper than before and his heart was starting to beat so fast as if it was going to jump out of his chest and over the small ledge at any second.

He gulped and his mind went to all what had happened the past week.

His wife left him and took the kids with her.

He knew that it hadn't been so great between them for a long time, because  she always kept on complaining him working too much and not earning enough and other stuffs.  At thier last argument he finally got the courage to call her a mean old bitchy gold digger and she just left, threatening that he would never see his children ever again.

Also just this morning his boss had told him that he was fired because the company had to get rid of some people. He had said that it was because of some financial stuff and so on and that it wasn't personal. After almost tweety years of working his ass off for the company how could he not take it personally.

His life was in shambles and he had no idea how to fix it and that made him feel so hopeless and lost. While starring down at the concrete deep below him, he took a deep breath. Maybe mom would know what to do. The thought came to his mind almost in a daze then he nodded and a small smile showed on his face.

She always knows what to do.... maybe i should ask her...and even if I loose my house  because I no longer have a job, I could maybe move in with her again.... At least for a little bit... She did said that she was feeling lonely when I spoke with her last time.... The man shook his head and started slowly climbing back on to the other side of the railing.

"Hey what the hell do you think you are doing?!" Shouted the other man beside him.  "I'm going to call my mother." He replied in a calm manner.

"Oh god damn it! Karen is going to kill me." The stranger said rubbing his forehead.

"Wait how do you know my wife?" he asked confused. The other man gave him an annoyed look. Then he disappeared and took all the memories of their encounter.

The man stood on the rooftop feeling way calmer than before and then took out his cellphone in order to call his mother. They talked about everything that had happened and she reassured him that everything was going to be okay. Then they went on and talked about the good old times when he was still a kid. They laughed together and before he hung up she invited him to come over for dinner what he gratefully excepted.