The wedding

"Weddings are nothing more than a stupid concept humans made up to enforce monogamy!" Lu complained while putting on his suit jacket.

"Yes but John seems happy with his decision." I replied.

"He knows her only for what two years maybe? How the hell can he be sure that that will last for the rest of his life?"

We where currently in the process of getting dressed for John's wedding later that day.

"I think she is the right one for him. She really loves him and didn't even leave when I behaved my worst."

"Oh come on. Your worst isn't even that bad. I can be way worse."

"Well I'm definitely not arguing with that."

Lu frowned and let himself fall onto my bed. "Poor John. I actually heard that Marriage shortens your lifespan. He probably won't have that much time anymore."

"Marriage isn't as bad as you make it sound and besides he still has me. And no Lu only because John and me aren't living together anymore doesn't mean our friendship is over."

"Yeah right. Tell yourself what ever you want."

A few hours later the wedding ceremony was finally over and I was standing at the entrance of the banquet hall were the party was held.

"You are late." I said while Lu was walking up to me.

He had skipped the entire ceremony because it had been held in a church and even though he wouldn't go up in flames in there he still didn't wanted to go in a house devoted to his father.

"Oh stop complaining at least I'm here."

We went inside and found our places at one of the big round tables.

Apparently John had set use on the 'single' table. That meant we where surrounded by midd thirty year olds that were extremely desperate because they all there friends were already married.

Lu ofcourse used that chance to flirt with almost everyone at the table while we were eating the five course meal.

Afterwards I started drinking one wine glass after the other and desperately tried to stay out of any conversation.

Lu on the other hand was practical the driving force behind the 'fun' at the table and even danced with a few of the women.

Only a moment after Lu had set down next to me again I felt two strong hands being placed onto my shoulders.

I knew exactly who was standing behind me without the need to look up.

"Hey guys are you having fun?" John said cheerfully.

"No but the wine helps." I replied while sipping on my glass.

Lu and John seemed to share a short glance at each other. Then John set down on the empty chair next to me.

"Dave. Me and Lu decided something. You probably not going to like it but we think it would be the best solution for the three of us."

I raised my eyebrows and starred into the red liquid in my glass.

"Are you getting a divorce?"

John tilted his head to the side and gave me a puzzled look.


"Well isn't this how all parents tell there children they are getting divorced?"

"Dave I'm married to my Sahra and not Lu and I'm also not your dad."

He sight and took the wine glass from my hand and placed it on the table.

Before he could continue Lu chimed in "Who the hell said that I would be the Mom!"

"Lu we don't have don't have a relationship at least not this kind. Besides there can be two dads it's the twenty first century."

"Oh yeah I forgot. But still I would never get myself get tied down like you. Well unless it's Dave maybe..." said Lu while mumbled the last part.

John just shook his head and continued "Well what I was about to say is that Lu and me agreed that it probably wouldn't be good for you to live on your own."

"I'm not getting a new roommate. The last one already almost drove me into madness." I said while glaring at John.

"I'm going to ignore that because you are clearly drunk. Besides you don't need to get a new roommate because you are going to move in with Lu."

"It's going to be fun." Lu said with an devilish grin.

I looked from one to the other.

"And what if I don't want to?"

"It wasn't a question Dave. You will move in with Lu. It will be the best for you."

He squeezed my shoulder one more time and than stood up and walked away so he could talk to the other guests.

The rest of the evening I spent on getting drunk as hell while Lu was trying to convince me how great it would when we were living together.