Good bye my friend

One last job and then it's over.

I thought to myself while walking towards the small suburban house.

Well at least I'm keeping my promise.

After I rang the doorbell it took a few minutes before I could hear someone walking towards the door.

When it was opened I was meet by a surprised look on John's aged face.

"Dave what are you doing here?"

"I have something to talk to you about." I answered while trying to put on a friendly smile.

"Oh fuck. It must be pretty serious if you attempt to smile." He chuckled and then asked me to come inside. We went to his livingroom to sit down.

I was way more nervous than I had ever been.

"How are the kids?" I asked after clearing my throat.

"They are doing great. They are coming over next Saturday for dinner."

I sight and looked at the floor.

I should probably tell him to cancel that.

"And how are things with Lu?"

I shook my head and chuckled.

"The same as always."

John nodded knowingly.

"Yeah that old idiot will probably never change. Damn I miss those good old times when we use to hang out all the time." John said while laughing.

"Still can't believe it has been, what like 50 years, since you moved in with that bastard."

"Well it was your idea."

"Yeah well I just couldn't let you live on your own. You would have probably drowned in your depression without anybody looking out for you."

I just nodded.

"Anyways what did you wanted to tell me?"

Well shit here goes nothing.

"Uhm....John do you remember the promise I gave you?"

"What promise do you mean?"

I took a deep breath and then looked him straight in the eyes.

"The one about when your time comes I would tell you?"

I could see John's face change from his usual happy grin to one of pure panic and then to one of defeated sadness.

"How long do I have left?"

"Until tonight."

"Well fuck. And how... I mean..." he looked down at his hands.

"It will be a stroke. Don't worry it will be quick."

"So I can't avoid it?"


We stayed in silence for what felt like hours until John stood up from his chair.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused

"Well I should probably not spend my last few hours sitting around and be depressed about something I can't change. Right?"

"I guess..."

The rest of the day we spent on meeting his friends and family. He also wrote down his testament and took care of some other stuff. When the evening came we where sitting in his backyard and where drinking a beer together.

"So is there a countdown or something or will it just happen?"

"It will just happen."

"Ah okay."

We both feel back into the comfortable silence we had gotten so use to over the almost 55 years we had know each other.

A few moments later John started to shake violently and fell out of the stool.

I knew I couldn't do anything so I just watch while my best friend died in front of me and his soul started to form on the stool his body had been sitting on.

"What the hell was that." He wondered.

"You died." I replied while taking the last sip of my beer.

"Damn that felt really weird."

I stood up and dusted myself off.

"I know. We should probably get going. There are people waiting for you."

He nodded and then we walked towards the portal like tunnel that had appeared in the middle of the garden.

"So... that's it huh?"


"Where will this thing lead me? I mean I wouldn't mind hanging around in hell with Lu and you but still..."

"Don't worry you are going upstairs. Just like your wife did."

He grinned from ear to ear then he walked through the entrance.

"Promise that you come and visit us."

I could tell him the truth so I just nodded.

Then he turned back around and walked down the tunnel.

I stood there for a while even after the portal had closed. Then I turned around and dialed the emergency number to tell them that there was a dead person at John's address.

After that I left.

My last job is finally over.

I thought while I felt my body turn into dust.