Enlightening Night in the City

Qian dressed down in the most modest clothes she could find. She had a lot of clothing that was new but none of her old clothes were amongst her belongings. It was a simple off-blue robe with royal blue trim. Her hair was tied up behind her in a tight bun as she tied the strap to her sandals - something she was able to sneak into the palace - before walking out of her room quietly to shut the door behind her.

Vy was dressed in his usual black. He typically didn't wear much color. He slid the door to his room closed and sighed. His heart was racing with excitement and nervousness. What was he doing? Sneaking out at night with his father's concubine... He wanted to see her though. The whole day had dragged. He'd been entirely too anxious and it was almost obvious.

When she got down to the edge of the garden outside her room, she stopped, realizing she hardly asked where they should meet but she decided he would find her near the entrance of the last garden before the second level of the outdoor palace. She laced back and forth in front of the gate of the garden, anxiously waiting.

Vy had guessed that that was where they would meet. They're common hang out seemed to be the garden so it seemed fitting. He saw her and smiled. Beautiful as expected, but he could tell she had tried to dress down. He was nervous now. What if he disappointed her?

She was wandering around a moment longer before she heard him step up and her head turned up quickly to look at him. She smiled, seeing him, but she felt her heart elate a little at his dress. He looked nice in those robes. "I realized we didn't state where to meet at so I guessed," she tried to break the ice quickly, unable to look away from him.

"I realized that a little late also. I guessed the spot to meet would probably be the place we keep seeing each other." He looked down a little sheepishly.

She blushed a little at the way he mentioned it and she looked away quickly, tucking back at the nonexistent hair behind her ear. She fidgeted a moment, trying to act calm, "I-I'll take it that it's just the two of us then and we can leave, right?" She asked him.

He looked up. "Yeah, let's go." He wondered if maybe he should have brought someone else. Maybe then this wouldn't look like he was courting her.

"Okay," she told him, walking forward to meet him at the main oath to the steps. "You don't go with a guard out into the city?" She asked him softly.

"No. It makes the people uncomfortable and draws more attention," he said as he led her down towards the city. "They appreciate the trust."

"That's interesting, I never realized that it was even a consideration." Qian breathed, pulling her robes up just enough so they were brushing her ankles so she didn't trip over them. She wondered why they made them so long. It was difficult to walk in such things. Usually her robe only extended down right above her ankles or near her calves. "Do you know anyone personally down here?" She asked as they continued to walk down.

"Personally, not really. I'm fairly close with the owner of the noodle bar, Po. We play mahjong every now and then." He tried to think of others. "Then there's Jen and Kai, they own a small shop in the middle of the market. They love talking about their grandchildren," he smiled.

"Oh really?" She asked him, her interest perking a little. "The land seems to resonate well with you then." She looked ahead, "Sometimes I would talk with a lot of people in my village, but they always said that the stars distracted me too much and that the Gods might have whisked me away when my grandmother would take me on the grain roads. Some of them even said that to the extent that I might have lost my ability to be mortal, as if Nuwa herself possessed me." She started to laugh more.

"Nuwa herself? The Goddess of Justice?" he asked. He knew a little bit about the Demon Pantheon.

"Yeah," she laughed a little at the mention of it. "When I used to live back at the village, people said I was her incarnate." She smirked, looking at him. "I don't know why. I don't believe I'm her. I think she's far smarter than me." She wouldn't be here if she was in Nuwa's position or at least had her foresight and ability to dole out justice when necessary. "I don't think I'm commanding enough to be her."

He breathed a small laugh. "I wouldn't really know about that. I don't think the God's would interfere that much."

"If they interfered that much, I'd pray more often to them." She smirked, looking down the steps. She took another step forward and tripped, catching herself as she stood back up. "Was it entirely necessary to make the palace out of stone with steps straight up and down and no railing? It feels like you're a short fall from death if you make a mistake." She breathed, her smile not fading.

He had half a mind to carry her. He looked ahead to keep from showing his blush at the mere thought of it. "They don't make anything easy."

"I suppose the land of armless men has no use for rails." She laughed.

He laughed. "Indeed," he looked at her. "Would you like help?"

"If you're willing," she told him, laughing a little.

He nodded and turned to her to quickly pick her up. He had one arm under her knees while the other cradled her shoulders as he continued down the stairs then.

She felt her breath leave her quickly, nearly gasping but she clamped her lips shut. That wasn't her imagination of help down. She thought maybe he'd let her take his arm but… She blush feverishly, looking up at him. "T-That's not what I had in mind." She told him, grabbing his shoulders quickly when she looked down the stairs and it looked a little more terrifying staring at them so suddenly. She turned to hide her face in his arm. "D-Don't drop me."

He laughed lightly. "I won't drop you." This was the fastest way. If he had just taken her arm then she wouldn't really have one to lift her robes to keep herself from tripping which would have raised the chances of both of them falling.

"I trust you won't then, don't break that promise." She hugged him tighter. She hated heights!

He couldn't help but enjoy her hugging him tightly. When he got to the bottom he almost didn't want to let her go, but he lowered her legs to help her stand up. "Wasn't so bad was it?" he asked.

She felt her legs shake a little as she stood and she looked at him. "Forewarning would be nice next time," she huffed, but she relaxed after. "Other than that, no… I-It wasn't so bad." She tried not to mind her racing thoughts but the warmth of his body lingered on hers and she felt like it had been the first physical contact she'd had with anyone in weeks. She craved it almost in a way.

He smiled. "Fair enough," he bowed his head. "Shall we." He motioned for them to continue.

What was with his smile? She couldn't look away when he bowed and her interest perked a little but he motioned for them to continue. "R-Right." She breathed, grabbing her upper arms slowly as she stepped towards the city. "Wha- Where are we going first?"

"We could go see Po. The bar is still open." Plus he would like to see if she'd play Mahjong.

"That sounds fine," she told him. "Lead the way," she motioned for him to start.

He led her to a small ramen bar in the middle of the market. It was a quaint little place.

Po looked up seeing Vy and smiled. "I was wondering when you'd show up again. Ready for a rematch?" he asked, then spotted Qian and his eyes widened. "You've brought a woman!"

She looked up at him, blushing a little at how he spoke about her as she tried to get comfortable. "I-I'm just from… the villages far from here. I asked… He's… He's going to show me around the city." She tried to tell him quickly to push off the image he was painting. Did they look like a couple? She looked at Vy, a little nervous.

Po's smile widened. "And you brought her here! I do have the best noodles, If I say so myself." He puffed his chest out. "Would the lady care for some?"

Vy shook his head at the old man. Always so eccentric.

"S-Sure," she brightened up a little. She didn't eat much for dinner and she was a bit famished, though she didn't need to eat necessarily. "What do you have?" She peeked over his counter a little bit to see his kitchen.

He went through his menu quickly. "The meal of the day is the-" He smiled at Vy then. "Which is also Vy's favorite.

She looked over at Vy when he stated that and she stared at him a moment, her lips drew in as she licked her bottom lip before biting it. "I'm willing to see what Vy likes so much about that. Go ahead and make it for me." She looked back at him, "B-But a bit smaller. I don't think I could finish a large bowl of that size."

He smirked at Vy then. "Two bowls right up then. Have a seat. I'll get you some rice wine too."

"Po no-"

She nodded, seating herself quickly before looking to Vy. "You drink too?" She whispered at him, a little surprised. He definitely wasn't anything she pegged him for.


"He sure does!" Po laughed.

"You just try to get me drunk so you'll win at Mahjong!"

Po laughed again and set the porcelain bottle on the table with little glasses.

"U-um, I... I've never really drank before." She admitted to them both. Maybe a taste but it hadn't been her thing when her brother tried to test to see how much she really wanted it when she was younger.

"You don't have to drink it," Vy told her.

"Well, one can't hurt..." She wanted to be polite. "Thank you Po," she told him softly. She picked up the small glass and held it out for him. "May I have a little?"

He looked at her and nodded. He poured her one and then himself. It would be rude to make her drink alone.

She looked at Vy and smiled a little before drinking it. Qian made a face at the taste and turned her head away to cover her mouth with her sleeve. "So sour!" She breathed, setting the glass down quickly. It did have a nice aftertaste though.

Vy drank his and looked at her. He smiled at her reaction. "It is." He poured another for himself and offered her a refill.

She would have protested it if he hadn't poured himself a second, but she nodded to him, letting him refill it a second time. "Why do you drink?" She asked him, sitting up to look at it while they waited for their food.

"Don't drink it yet. If Po sees we're drinking he won't pressure us about it when the food gets here." He grinned. "I don't really. Po is just really insistent."

What? She blinked at him. Her smile widened as she set it down slowly. Who was this man?! She started to laugh quietly, shaking her head.

He took his glass when Po busted back in.

"Here you go!" He said setting the bowls down in front of them. "The wine's not bad either, huh?" He winked at Qian.

"No, it's delicious!" Qian explained back at him excitedly. She looked down at the bowls and her stomach groaned. It smelled way different than the palace food. How do you eat this? She looked at Vy, curious, waiting for him to start. She'd mimic him.

"Po, utensils."

"Ah! Right, sorry I was staring at the pretty lady." He pulled out two pairs of chopsticks then and handed one to her. "You know how to use them?"

"Po…" Vy warned.

"Alright! I'll leave her alone." He winked at her again. "I'll get you guys some more wine." He turned to leave then.

"P-" Vy sighed.

She watched him go and she started to laugh at his eccentric personality. She looked at Vy again and couldn't help but cover her mouth. "He's very exciting." She whispered to him, picking up the chop sticks. She stirred the bowl a little with them and started at it before sighing. How was she going to eat at this?

"They're..." She made a face, trying to pick noodles up but each time she failed, she tried something different. She struggled for a moment with it before she just leaned in closer and pulled the noodles up on top of the two sticks so she could bite into the noodles.

Oh! It was hot! She made an airy gasp, trying to draw in cool Laur into her mouth as she ate them until she was done with the first bite but she was grabbing her mouth, covering it as she drew her head down. Mm! Nice one! She chidded herself, thinking she burned her tongue.

Vy tried not to laugh at her, but she didn't make it easy. "Mm," he cleared his throat. "Hold them like this." He showed her. "Pull just enough for a bite and let it cool." He told her.

She looked over at him and then down, "Okay," she tried to copy it. Easier said than done but after a few fumbles she was doing a bit better, though not perfect, and blowing on it before taking a bit.

He laughed lightly and took a few bites. He took a drink of the wine. "Do you like it?"

"It tastes pretty good," she told him after finishing another bite. She covered her mouth as she spoke before continuing. It was actually the best thing she's eaten since she got here!

"I'm glad you like it." He smiled. He looked up seeing Po come out with another bottle. He sighed heavily.

"How is it?" He asked, leaning over the table towards Qian.

Vy shook his head and looked down. He was incorrigible.

She looked up at him, laughing, "It's probably the best thing I've eaten since I got here." She told him, "How do you make the broth?" She asked him.

Po's smile widened. "Of course it is!" He laughed. "Now the key to it is-" He started talking about his ramen and what makes his the best versus other mediocre noodle bars.

She nodded, listening to him as they started to wrap into the conversation about ramen. By the time he finished, she had eaten her entire bowl and was leaning against the counter to listen to him in a warm haze. She closed her eyes slowly, "It's been really nice talking with you, Po." She told him after they stopped talking about ramen. "I honestly enjoyed the experience here."

He winked at her. "It's nice seeing you," he told her. "Vy, you're going to bring her again, right?"

Vy finished his bowl and looked at Qian. "That's if she wants to."

"I could come back again," she breathed to Vy, smiling a bit as she closed her eyes. She stood up, stretching a little to try to walk off the heaviness from the food. "Are you ready?" She asked Vy slowly. She wasn't ready to sleep just yet.

Vy nodded. He went to pull out his coin to pay and Po held his hand up.

"On the house." He winked at Qian again.

Vy nodded. "I'm ready for that rematch."

"Next time." Po smiled.

Qian smiled a little at that, her face more rosey at his gesture. " Are you certain of that?" She asked him. It didn't hurt to pay.

"Absolutely, you two go have a good night." He gathered up their bowls and started to walk back to the kitchen.

Vy smiled at her and set a couple coins on the table. "Shall we?"

"Yeah," she nodded, walking away slowly as she watched him disappear into the back. She looked at Vy and she leaned into him a little, tired, but she didn't think anything of it at first. "That was nice," she sighed, closing her eyes a moment. She rubbed her arm slowly before looking out into the city. "Are we going to the neighborhood next or are there a few stalls you were wanting to show me first?" She felt relaxed for once.

He was having a good time and enjoying her that he didn't think anything about it either. "Let's see the neighborhood," he smiled seeing she was a little tired.

"Sure," she told him, opening her eyes to straighten up. She started to walk out. "Which way, great Vy. Drinker and entertainer of the Commonwealth." She joked, closing her eyes. She felt her cheek a bit, feeling the alcohol in her made her warm. Just three little cups… she hardly noticed it kick in.

He laughed. "Are you going to be alright?" Maybe she had too much wine.

"I'm perfectly fine," she told him, looking up but her face was a bit red. She was more of a lightweight than she knew. "Lead the way." She turned her hand as if to cast it out towards the streets. She straightened up, excited. "I want to see more."

He knew she was a bit tipsy but she still seemed okay. "Alright." He stuck close to her as they walked in case she stumbled.

The streets were actually nice. The lights and lanterns cast a yellow glow down on everything. The night sky was black, but the large full moon hung just above the horizon.

She closed her eyes, tilting her head back and she breathed in the cold night air. "Almost reminds me of home..." She breathed in slowly, completely relaxed. "I could go for a swim right now." In lukewarm pools of water… Oh it was the life she dreamed of going back to.

Vy looked at her. She was so… He imagined her coming up out of the water, her black hair slicked back out of her face and clinging to her back. Water droplets sliding down her body. He blushed and looked away looking down the road. "That does sound nice," he choked out.

"It is." She told him, sighing, "I think you might like it if you went." She looked at Vy right then, her eyes settling on him. "What all is it that you do out here when it's nice like a night like this?" She smiled, noticing he wasn't looking at her.

He definitely would. "I don't get to enjoy the night out here often really." He told her. Hardly any point in doing it alone.

"No?" She asked softly. "What kind of guide do I have if you don't even know how to enjoy your own city on a pretty night?" She laughed softly, weaving gently from side to side as she bounced her head. This was nice…. Just talking… Walking under the stars in a quiet city. She breathed in slowly, closing her eyes and exhaled loudly before yawning. Qian covered her mouth a little bit right before she stopped and leaned against the side of the palace building. She stared up the long stretch of wall before placing her hands against it.

"It's hard to believe we live so far up there. It almost looks like a castle in the sky." She yawned again, quite full before she slid down to the ground a little more but not completely. She sat against it, keeping her back to the wall but her knees out in front of her as if there was a small chair under her, though there was none at all. "Though it's hardly lively. Sometimes it's like living in a museum." She looked at Vy, "Don't you think?" Her smile had dimmed a little, creating a more serious face.

He was going to tell her he didn't get to enjoy the natural beauty of the city at night. He watched her. She was going to have to get back to her room soon. "It is rather dull at times." He looked up. "Hardly feels like a home."

"It feels like a stone cage." She sighed, leaning her head against the wall as she closed her eyes. "Don't you wish you could live as a commoner?" She asked him. "I've lived this life. I think it's a lot more enjoyable even with its hardships."

"I just want to live comfortably. No rules. No have too, just… Free," he said softly looking up at the moon.

"Why not just do it anyways?" She asked him, beaming, "You'll be Duke after Koto. You could do as you want." She offered to him.

He nodded. "I can certainly try."

"Yeah?" She looked at him, holding her wrists up. "My only request for offering you one of my brilliant ideas is you release me from my shackles." She laughed, joking.

He looked at her. If he could. He held his hand out to her. "Let's head back."

"You sure?" She asked him, laughing as she let her arms drop. "Why don't we actually see the city from the commoners side of life?" She asked him.

"How would we do that?" he asked.

"Come on." She waved to him, standing up before she held her hand out for him. "Let's go see what we can find. I'm sure there's something to do." She laughed, trying to sober up a little more.

He took her hand. He shouldn't. He should take her back and- "Lead the way," he told her.

She smirked, pulling him along till she was further down the neighborhood. She brought him out to the middle of it and she looked around before she noticed one of the wooden poles sticking out the side of a building and she grabbed it, climbing and pulling herself up slowly. "Follow me, okay?" She sat on it, holding her hand out to help him get up there. They'd go to the roof top.

He took her hand and pulled himself up. "What is your plan?" he asked. This seemed a bit dangerous.

"You're so cautious, it's fine." She placed her hand against the wall, steadying herself before looking up as she carefully stepped onto the next beam and took another step and jumped. She pulled herself up, struggling a little but then laid on it to hold her hand out for him. "Just come here. Don't be such a scaredy cat."

He laughed at her. "I'm right behind you," he said and took her hand again. "I thought you were scared of heights. Or was it just the stairs?" he teased.

"Stairs," she breathed in, looking at him a little more skeptical. "It's a slope. Of course I'm scared. Heights are straight up and down. That's not a height." She snorted, laying as she helped pull him up. She sat up as she pulled him onto the next ledge before she stared at him a moment then climbed over onto the roof of the building and stared up at the night time sky.

"I never pegged you for a climber," he said as he pulled up the rest of the way and watched her go to the next.

"There's all sorts of lush trees to use when you live out where I used to be." She smirked, "You had to be witty to find some of the better food but also so that you could hide away from the jaguars when they frequented the area." She told him. "Climbing is not my favorite experience but I definitely do love the view that you get to see when you sit at the top." She breathed.

"Fair enough." He rather preferred his feet on the ground but…

She looked at him and stopped, pointing across to a house far down the street. "See you can see things you don't usually see from the palace. Like a family getting ready for bed." She pointed to the two kids jumping up and down in the room. Her eyesight was pretty good.

"Or you can see the market more closely." She placed her elbow on the ledge to gaze out at the people bustling through it. "It's nice. Isn't it?"

Different perspective. He looked out to the city. "It is," he said standing next to her. "I'm sure it only looks this good at night."

"I think it only looks dazzling at night but during the day it has to be the best. I could probably take a nap up here one day, just listening to commonfolk talking or trading this…" she mused. She looked at people as if they were only merely an extension of her small word, leasing her off into places unknown where their lives weaved on and she huffed a little as she breathed out.

He looked at her. He never would have thought to come up here and enjoy the city like this. He hoped she was enjoying their night. He certainly was.

"And that." She rolled her eyes, looking at Vy. "Look okay you, listening to me babble again. You certainly are a good host." She laughed, realizing he was supposed to show her places. She had taken that over a bit. "The more I start to talk to you the more I realize that you don't really give me the concept of much of anything that I expected." She laughed, "By now I'd probably be thinking that you probably wouldn't care about the perspective that I had but you ask me questions instead…" she smiled, looking back out to the city. "I like that."

He smiled and looked out again. "I like your perspective on things. It's… refreshing in a way."

"Really?" She liked hearing that. "You're the first to compliment me on it." She told him, breathing in slowly.

How unfortunate. She should be complimented more. He looked at her and then down.

"What is it? Why are you so quiet now?" She asked him, looking over to see him looking down. Why did he look so shy? She felt a certain rosiness rise to her cheeks as she gripped the ledge. "Vy?" She started, feeling her breathing catch a little.

He looked at her and couldn't help but blush a little himself. What was he doing? "I- guess I'm just at a loss for words."

"Loss of words over what?" She didn't get it. "We're just talking… unless you don't often talk to other women. I guess that could be weird." She looked down. "I'm not strange or anything, am I?" She asked him, feeling a bit more nervous to talk. Maybe she said too much.

He laughed a little. "No I don't really talk to women much." He shook his head at her last question. "No, you're not strange. Not to me." Quite the opposite. He was just realizing how much he was investing in this.

She blushed a little, feeling somewhat special but that nagging was at the back of her head, telling her something was wrong. That this was wrong. Again! "Really? I'm supposed to be like a second mother to supposed siblings you might have and I've drug you onto the roof of an unknown home to talk to you about sights and views? Doesn't seem a little strange to you at all?" She laughed, revealing her insecurity but also trying not to make it seem like she was too worried but was aware. She was aware, but the insecurity of it was building a bit of tension.

He sighed and looked back out to the city. He didn't want it to be strange. He… Really liked her. She was the only person he really clicked with. It wasn't just her beauty. Her witt, her humour, her interests. He wanted to know more. He enjoyed their conversations and- What was he doing?! He could not be with her! But she-

"Vy?" Qian turned to look at him. He was doing it again. That worrying silence. She shifted uncomfortably, running her fingers against her sides as she wrapped them around her stomach. She bit her lip, trying to contain the anxiety trying to well up in the bottom of her throat. "Vy?" She called again, turning her head to look at him as her head dipped into her shoulder a bit. Her smile was gone.

He looked at her after the second time she said his name. It sounded so nice when she said it. "I-" His words stuck. He didn't want her to be uncomfortable. "What are we doing?" he asked her finally.

"I-" she looked away a little, "I was… I wasn't sure myself. I don't think I paid much attention to it till now." She shifted uncomfortably. She had been lonely… Yes, but she didn't think she was going after him as- Well… It could have looked that way! "I-I mean, I'm not trying to seduce you or anything." She looked away, turning her shoulder up to hide most of her face.

He knew she hadn't been trying. "What do we do now?" he asked. At least now that it was brought to their attention.

"Um…" She thought about it a little, looking at him. "I-I don't know." She admitted sheepishly. "I don't want to stop talking to you though. No one else visits…" She bit her tongue, chiding herself. She shouldn't be saying that but- It also scared her that she wouldn't get to enjoy anything anymore and she would return to just sitting in the garden as a pretty wallflower, only staring out into a world she once lived in.

He felt his stomach turn to stone a little. He wanted this to continue too, but they shouldn't. He knew though that if they continued this, they wouldn't stop. How far would they take it he wondered. Already he was starting to feel deeply for her. He knew it wouldn't be platonic. She was far to- perfect. "I don't want that either," he breathed. Why did he feel like he was laying his heart out?

She felt her nerves rise a little more, "I-I just don't want to give you the wrong idea." She told him, looking down. Well… Anyone else more than anything. She had liked him, a lot more than she wanted to admit but she knew that wasn't a road she was willing to travel down. "M-Maybe some ground rules…" She breathed out quickly, trying to keep her mind from going into a panic.

"Alright," he told her. He could respect that. If she wanted things to be a certain way he would not force it. Especially when- they weren't allowed to do anything anyway.

She tried to think of something but her mind was drawing a bit of a blank. "U-Um…" she drew in a tight breath, trying not to be so tense but it was harder than it looked. "Y-You… You have to let me know when you're visiting before you do." That was a start. "I don't want you to meet with me if someone else happens to be around." Which made it sound like they were more of a secret. She winced a little at the image of that.

"A-and you can't show favoritism towards me in front of Bao Ma." That'd just rile her up.

He nodded. "Alright." They seemed like fair enough rules. He was waiting for more.

She looked down, trying to think of more. "Obviously you can't come into my room. You'll address me formally and…" She chewed at her lip, "Try to bring your siblings along so we aren't alone together so often." She blushed a bit more at her last remark.

"I will try," he told her. His siblings wouldn't go with him so easily, but maybe…

"A-And… We um, obviously don't have feelings for each other." She said the last part a little late, "S-So I'm sure… we can… Not be intimate." Was that a rule? She wasn't sure if she got that across clear enough.

He nodded. "Obviously," he repeated. That was the rule to have. They shouldn't. It shouldn't have needed to be said. Then why was he disappointed? He didn't let it show though.

"U-um but first… Let's get off the roof." She told him, blushing a little. She'd need a bit of help with that.

He nodded and moved back the way they came. He looked down and sighed. He knew this had been a bad idea. "I'll-"

She crossed over to the side with him, following. "Be careful," she started, reaching to stop him.

"Y-eah," he said. Was now the time to tell her he was the one that didn't like heights?

She climbed over the side and stepped down slowly, looking at him. "Do you need help coming down?" This honestly was the easiest part. Getting down.

He sighed. "No," he said. She made it look easy. He sighed again before following her down.

She watched him, "If you're scared, just keep your eyes on the roof and make sure to pay attention to the supports. It doesn't seem so far if you just pay attention to that and have something to ground yourself with." She explained, letting her hands slide from one beam till she fell to the first set on the lower floor.

She stared up at him, smiling, though a part of her was trying not to fantasize of him breaking the rules they had established. She blushed a little at the idea of it and her hand moved from one beam to the next and she winced, snatching her hand back to stare at a fairly large splinter. "Be careful." She warned Vy, "Use the wall to steady yourself."

He made a note to himself as he slowly came back down, not to do this gain. He looked down at her and stilled before looking back up. "Right," he said. Honestly if he fell, at least he'd be on the ground. Not necessarily reassuring. He swallowed and continued.

She tried to be tender with her hand, babying it as she sat down on the last beam before sliding down slowly and jumping off. Her hand rubbed the splinter in further as she tried to grip the beam a little to slow herself and she hit the ground easily, standing back up to look at it. She hissed silently to herself, looking at it as she pushed her thumb up under it and into her palm.

He lowered down, but when he was a bit more comfortable he let go and landed on his feet. He looked at her. "Are you okay?"

She looked up at him and smiled weakly, "Just a splinter. I'll take care of it when we get back." She tucked her hand in her sleeve to hide it from him. She was a bit squeamish with blood.

He held his hand out to her. "May I see it?"

She looked at him a little nervous. "You're going to try to pull it out. Aren't you?" She asked him quickly, holding her hand to her chest.

He smiled at how adorable she was being. "Please?"

She looked at him, suspicious, but gave in and slowly held her hand out before looking away. "Don't mess with it. Okay?" It was a pretty large sliver. It went from one end of her palm near the bottom before it crossed over to the palm near her thumb, reaching about the size of a small needle but half the length.

He took her hand gently to examine it. It looked painful. He looked at her, he needed to get it out. He raised her hand to his mouth and used his fang to slide the splinter back out. He felt it pop out with his tongue and spit it out.

She blushed a little as he raised her hand up and she turned her head quickly to look at him. "What are you-?" She winced, feeling his fang against her skin. "I told you not to mess with it." She protested, feeling her stomach turn as the blood raised to the surface.

He let go of her hand and stood up straighter. "But now you don't have to worry about it."

"Now it's bleeding! It's going to go everywhere!" She huffed..

He ripped off part of a tie for his robes. He took her hand again and quickly wrapped it not too tightly. "Now it won't."

She bit her lip, staring at her hand and she tucked it under her robes. She felt herself blush a little more. Was she the royalty and he the servant boy? What a fantasy. Her mind fluttered a little at the idea and she sort of wished he had done it again. Her stomach churned. "I-I told you to leave it. N-now I have to wrap it later." She repeated, but her cheeks were pink.

"I… I need to go back." She couldn't mesmerize herself with him. The rules made things more painfully apparent and she felt she was better having not spoken at all.

Vy saw her blushing and it excited him, but he knew better. He hadn't really thought about what he was doing when he'd- He blushed a bit too. "Yeah. I'll walk you back."

Right. Walk her back. She looked away, "Of course." She told him. "We live in the same place anyways." She swallowed, trying to push off the way he worded it to make it seem more normal.

The walk back was awkward and quiet. Vy tried to think of a way to make it less so, but couldn't.

She noticed it too and her hand rubbed at the top of her injured hand. When they started up the stairs, she looked up to the top and she felt her stomach tighten into a knot. "V-Vy?" She called to him, stopping to turn to look back to him. She looked worried, probably more about how she felt than anything.

His stomach felt heavy at the thought of leaving her. He knew he should forget his feelings and just go back to his rooms. He was going to. He would follow her rules and respect them. At least he would try to. He looked up from the stairs to her when she said his name. He felt his cheeks burn a little. "Yes?"

She stared at him a little while before she spoke up. "U-uhm…" she blushed a little at that expression of his. "Thank- Thank you for tonight." She whispered to him quietly.

"You're welcome," he bowed his head a little then stepped back. Leave.

She looked back ahead and stepped off the stairs onto the second level of the palace. "I'll be returning to my room. If… if that's alright." She didn't want him to have an awkward departure at her room though a part of her was almost certain he liked her. He had to… he just… Her face brightened a little but she told herself it was only him and it wasn't right to indulge it. "Go-Goodnight Vy," she told him quietly.

He watched her go. "Goodnight, Qian." He turned to walk to his room then.

Qian disappeared behind the garden gate, walking to her room.

"What are you doing?" Keelan caught Vy walking away from her. Had they just been out together?

Vy stopped and looked at his cousin. "Going to bed," he answered.

Keelan looked at him confused, "No, I mean… What were you doing out late with her?" He didn't even know they were acquainted.

Vy knew that he couldn't hide it. He couldn't lie to Keelan, but it would seem like more than what it was. With a sigh he answered.

"She wanted to see the city."

"So you took her in the middle of the night? Alone?" He raised a brow at his cousin.

"Yes." If he said anything else it would seem like an excuse.

"Probably not the best idea." He was worried about him. He's been rather absent as of recent. "You've been acting different as of late." He started off. "I don't know what you've been doing with your time but… I came to find you. Baba is sick." He told him, frowning. "Siam left to see her but I couldn't find you. The doctor is saying it isn't good."

He was about to agree. He hadn't realized it was that obvious. He winced at the last bit. "Baba, she's-" his throat felt tight. She was dying and he had been out with someone he shouldn't have even been with.

Keelan stood up, "Come on," he told him, "let's go see her. I'm sure everyone has left by now." He knew his father would see her more in the morning anyways, believing she needed time to rest. Siam was going to stay anyways. Keelan planned to as well. He didn't want to leave his grandmother alone.

Vy had no intention of leaving her side either. He nodded and followed Keelan. He felt terrible now. He hadn't known… he should have.

Keelan led them both back to her room near the gazebo on the third level of the palace. He stepped up to her door slowly before opening one of the double doors where Siam instantly looked up. Keenan was surprisingly still there and he was looking over her as she laid in bed.

"She's fading from old age." The doctor told Keelan and Vy from the door. "There's nothing I can do."

Keelan winced, walking in quickly to go inside. He came down next to her and he reached to grab her hand slowly. "Baba?"

Vy looked at the doctor and then to his grandmother. She'd been so lively and- He couldn't move.

She grunted and opened her eyes a little. "Who's here?" her voice was soft and raspy.

"Keelan." He started, leaning in. "They said you fell after a servant came to bring you tea." He tried to keep his composure but his expression faltered as he tried to keep from letting tears blur his vision. "We didn't know you were sick."

Siam watched her quietly. "We'll help you." He told her quietly but his father looked at him and that grim expression only told him her time was limited.

"I'm not sick," she sighed heavily. "My boys-" her voice cut off.

Vy bit his cheek. He was torn between wanting to be here for his grandmother's last moments and not wanting to remember her this way. His hands trembled at his sides.

Keelan squeezed her hand, "It's okay. You're not sick. We know." He told her. Siam leaned in over her and Keenan pulled back to let his son's through. He knew they loved her and that was enough for him.

"I'm sorry." Siam told her, biting his tongue. "J-just…"

She breathed out a hard wheeze. "My boys…" She said again. She heard Siam and Keelan, but… "Where's Vy?"

Vy's eyes widened a little. His throat felt so tight. "I'm here, Baba," he managed to choke out.

Siam sniffed, his eyes red as he shook a little. He didn't touch her. He was afraid to show her how scared he was. "You'll be okay." He breathed, "We're all right here."

She smiled a little at that. "I'm glad you're here, but-" She took in a shuttered breath. "No. Not this time." With that she sighed heavily again.

Keelan chewed at his inner cheek at the corner of his lip. He was biting back a quiet gasp but he leaned down to hug her. "Thank you," he told her, hugging her gently.

Siam stared at his grandmother, trying to keep it together but he was crumbling. Who else would he have now? Their mother was gone. Now… Now she'd be gone too.

Vy watched as his cousin's started to break. He felt tears well in his eyes and it stung.

She felt Keelan hug her and she reached up weakly and gave him as good a hug as she could muster. "You boys be good." She reached for the other two.

Siam held himself back but when she reached out he could help himself when he hugged her too. He loved her so much. It was hard to imagine letting her go.

It took everything in him to take the step towards her, but he saw her strength leave her, her labored breathing stop, and her eyes close. He felt his breath catch then and his eyes widened. "Baba?" he breathed. "B-" His voice cut off as it hit him. Tears fell down his face then and his chest ached painfully. She was gone.

Keelan didn't let her go and Keenan only sat back, watching the three young men huddled over the lifeless body of his once mother. He watched them a little while and Keelan seemed to gently lay her down.

"No." Siam tried to pull her into his arms more but Keelan let her go as Siam sniffed, hugging her. "You weren't supposed to go yet."

Vy winced hearing Siam. He looked away and his hands trembled.

Keelan rubbed at his eyes, not letting himself cry and Keenan, their father, finally got up and left the room. His chin quivered as he tried to keep himself together but he drew his hand over his face, letting his fingers touch his forehead as he hooded his face from view.

Siam clenched his teeth, feeling her warmth fade and he coughed, a sob breaking through that he had long since tried to suppress. "Please come back." He turned his head, burying his face in her hair. "We don't have anyone else left." He whispered.

Vy's chest tightened hearing him. He couldn't take it. He turned to leave. He couldn't just hover over her dead body while Siam broke down. He didn't want to believe she was gone. God's would she forgive him for his distraction? He should have been here with her. But even as he felt pained that he'd been out with Qian, he wanted to see her again. Would she comfort him? What would she say?

Keelan looked up to see him leave just as soon as he had come. What had been wrong with him recently? He had been distant and hardly seen her and now… He looked at his brother, chewing at his lip till his fang pierced the flesh and it bled and the taste of copper flooded his mouth.