A Beloved Soul Floats

Keelan was up early, emerging from his chambers to prepare. By the time everything was arranged he was back at Vy's room, knocking on the door to get him up. "Vy?" He called raspily. His voice was pretty spent from talking so much. Even Siam was up and down at the carriage, getting in and ready to leave.

Vy looked up and towards the door. It was time then. He smoothed his hands down over his front. He wore all black this time. No accent or anything. His hair was tied loosely behind him. He opened the door and looked at his cousin.

"Come on. We're getting packed into the second carriage. I figured it was better to ride with me and Siam over with your father." He told him. He'd spare him that at least.

He nodded. "Thank you," he relaxed a little at that. He stepped out and wondered if Qian would be going. Would she be in the carriage with his father and Bao Ma? Why was he worried about that? That should have been the least of his concerns right now. But he couldn't stop thinking about her.

"Which carriage am I riding in?" Qian asked Koto quietly. The children were all loading up into a separate carriage and she was standing outside by the time Vy and Keelan would descend the stairs to the streets.

Koto looked at her. Bao Ma had Zuri in one arm and Fai by the hand. She raised a brow at him. He sighed. "The children should ride in the other carriage," he told Bao Ma.

She looked at Qian. "Have her ride with them," she growled.

What was she, a nanny? Qian gave Bao Ma a questionable look but looked to the other carriage. "That's fine." She sighed.

Ying stood on the edge of the carriage in the doorway and looked at her mother then to Qian. "Why do we have to ride with a commoner?" She asked her mother, making a face.

Koto shook his head. "No. Qian will ride with us. Vy, take your siblings to the other carriage."

Bao Ma glared at Koto. "No. Our children will ride with us. Have her ride with…" she looked at Vy. 'Them," she said meaning the boys.

Qian looked over at Vy and then Bao Ma's words rang in her ears. She looked at Keelan, trying not to seem eager.

Ying slipped back into the carriage, getting settled.

Keelan sighed, "I don't mind." He told her. He looked at Vy, "She can sit next to Vy."

Koto looked at Bao Ma and sighed. He took Qian's hand in his. "I will see you when we arrive. Don't fret too much. You'll be fine."

He was almost sweet, but it was likely just a show. Vy knew he wanted her with him like a jewel around his neck. She was an ornament for appearances.

"Okay," she told him softly, trying to keep her features lackluster. "I'll wait for you when we arrive." She told him, her eyes fell to the ground as she looked to the other carriages then. "Thank you for considering me." She made a soft jab at Bao Ma, unable to quite contain herself.

Vy bit his cheek to keep from smiling. He bowed his head to his father and started for the carriage then.

Bao Ma growled, but said nothing else as she had gotten her way.

Qian looked at Keelan, trying not to make her budding relationship with Vy so apparent. "Which one is yours?"

"Third." Keelan pointed to the one behind Koto's. He started to walk towards it. "It's just myself, Vy and Siam."

"Alright." She looked at Vy. "We'll be sitting together then." She let a small smile form on her lips but it was only noticeable if you were close enough. "I hope you don't mind."

He looked at her. "Not at all," he said quietly. At least it would be more peaceful.

Keelan climbed in and sat down next to Siam.

Qian reached for the railing to go after but stopped herself to pick up the ends of her robe so it didn't catch on the step.

Vy watched her as she got in before him. "Careful," he told her.

"I am." She told him, placing one foot in the step before she went to pull her other foot from the ground. She struggled to keep the robe in her hands as the silk fabric slipped between her fingers and she fumbled with it, a little frustrated.

She hated wearing these garbs! The end of it caught as she tried to place her foot down and she looked back, kicking her heel at it to loosen it as she teetered a little and the carriage jostled at her movement.

Keelan got up to come back to help. "What's wrong?"

"I'm caught." Qian huffed, watching the fabric twist and snag even worse. She went to lean down while holding onto the rail but Keelan caught her wrist.

"Let Vy get it." He told her.

Vy leaned to pull the fabric loose. He helped her gather it a little better. "Here," he said, handing her the end of her dress. He'd twisted it so that she didn't expose anything.

She blushed softly as she looked down at him as she took it from him. "Thank you." She felt her heart pick up speed a little. She shouldn't… oh but she was. Couldn't he- No! Today was a funeral. She turned her head down to duck as she stepped into the carriage.

Keelan moved back to sit again and watched her sit down. When she turned her head immediately to look out the window, he watched her a moment longer before looking at his brother. Siam wasn't looking at him… at all. He frowned.

Vy noticed her blush and his heart ached. His affection for her was only growing stronger. He sighed before climbing into the carriage behind her. He looked at his cousins before sitting down next to her. She was staring out of the window pretty intently. Was she avoiding looking at him? He looked down at his hands in his lap.

Siam looked down at his hands slowly as Keelan spoke up.

"Is this your first time going to a funeral?" He she'd Qian slowly. He was trying to be polite.

She looked from the window at him and she grabbed her arm slowly, discolored by the thought of what it was and how she felt. She didn't feel connected to it at all. "No, but it's my first time at one this large."

He looked at Vy, "She was… She was our grandmother. The previous empress. She had a controversial background but she was supportive to Vy, myself and my brother." He thought she might feel better if she knew her. He wanted her to. Maybe she'd take her words and think on them.

Vy looked at Keelan, understanding what he was doing. He looked to Qian then. "The only real maternal figure we had," he said quietly. He looked at Siam. Would he be so bitter still?

Siam was quiet, listening to him but he still looked troubled by the whole experience.

"I see." She felt she understood them a little better.

"She also was starkly against concubines."

Qian looked up at Siam, hearing him. She didn't expect him to talk. He looked so withdrawn. "What do you mean by that?"

Vy looked at Siam surprised. He didn't know if that was meant to be a jab at Qian or not. He looked at Keelan. What could he say to that?

Siam looked down, "She would have been the first to be against you even being brought in as you were. You're a woman, not a toy or something to have when someone pleases."

Qian felt her chest squeeze. Someone who understood her so well and she never met her. "I wish we met."

"She would have treated you like her own. Like a person deserving respect." Siam went quiet after that but Keelan was speechless.

Vy frowned and looked away then. Baba would have accepted her. She likely would have given him direction on his feelings and what he should do in regards to Qian. He had an idea of what she'd say, but it wasn't the same without hearing it from her. He wished he had her guidance right now. Qian would have liked her.

Qian looked down, chewing at her lip. Maybe she would have helped free her from this? An impossible dream but she couldn't even question it now.

Siam looked away, feeling a bit better for it. He just wanted everyone to mourn her for who she was. A great woman… The closest thing he had to a mother left…

The rest of the ride was in silence then. Vy didn't look at the others after Siam was done talking. He was kind of deep in thought.

As the ride progressed, Qian felt the stress building in her. She looked tired as they proceeded through the desert and when she finally had enough of staring at the desert, Keelan spoke up to her.

"It's going to be all day to get the oasis. If you're thirsty, there's water packed beneath the seat."

She looked down between herself and Vy and she shifted her robes to the side to lean down and reach for it, fishing for it but she caught the strap under his side of the seat and pulled on it gently. "Thank you," she told Keelan, feeling pretty worn out.

Vy had been nodding to sleep when he heard someone broke the silence. He felt Qian rummage under the seat and he lifted his head. He looked out the window and sighed. He hated the desert.

She pulled the leather flask out and she took the cap off to slowly drink. When she looked at Vy, past the neck of the bottle she watched him staring out the window. Had this been how he felt too? Did he agree with his grandmother's sentiments or only love her for who she was to him? Was it both?

She took another swallow and stopped, feeling it go down her throat and then catch. She winced, pulling it down to turn her head away and started to cough hard. "Ah!" She grabbed her chest, coughing again.

Keelan looked at her and then away, letting her resolve it. Just just drank too fast.

Vy heard her cough and turned to look at her. He fought the urge to help her. "Take a slower drink," he told her.

She nodded, turning her head into the crevice of her arm so she could catch her breath. She held the drink away from her, catching her breath slowly before she looked at the water and she hesitated to take another drink to try to chase the cough.

It would help her force the air down and clear her throat. He waited to see if it helped her.

She took a slow small sip and felt the water clear down the irritation in her throat and she sighed a little, leaning back against the wall as she let the flask sit in her lap. All day, huh? She looked at Vy, smiling a little. "Thank you," she told him softly.

He nodded to her and looked back out of the window. The heat was making him tired. His eyes started to close again. All day...

Qian tried to move some of the robes aside, trying to get comfortable but it was hot. She noticed that too. She shifted uncomfortably next to him, nudging him with her elbow and then her hip as she tried to sit up despite wanting to slump in the seat.

Keelan didn't pay her any mind as Siam slowly passed out during the ride. It had been hours since they started now.

He looked at her when she couldn't seem to get comfortable. Was it because she didn't want to brush against him? He smirked at that. "Lay down. It's alright," he told her quietly.

She looked at Vy, feeling uncomfortable. Lay down? She looked at his lap and blushed a little. "I'm just hot," she tried to pass it off as she fanned herself, pulling her hair away from her neck as she tucked it under her head and pressed it between her head and the carriage walls. She looked up at the ceiling. On such a hot day no less?

He saw her blush and bit his cheek to keep from smiling at it. Was he losing it because of the heat? He nodded and leaned against his hand again. He closed his eyes and tried to think of cool waters.

By the time they would arrive, it would be late into the evening and the sun was setting.

Siam had lowered himself down to the floor and Keelan stretched out over the seat.

Qian moved her legs so Siam could sleep but tried to get comfortable in her place. By the time she adjusted again from her neck against the wall, her head was sore and she was shuffling over half-awake to lay her head on the seat, or so she thought.

Vy was sleeping with his head against the wall. He'd been pretty un moving the rest of the ride. He felt something lay on him though. It was already so warm and now- He took a breath and raised his arm and laid it over her a little without waking.

When they finally arrived, the evening air started to seep into the carriage, giving teasing snippets of cold air to base them out. The carriage stopped and Qian woke up slowly. She went to lift her head but stopped, feeling something over her. She looked down to notice Vy's lap and his arm…

No. No! She pulled her head up quickly, making it look messy and unkempt. She sat up quickly, brushing down the front of her robe. "A-ahem! We're ... arrived!" She announced, looking outside to see the waters as the carriage started again a moment then stopped.

Vy moved his arm when she jerked up and he opened his eyes. His lap was still warm where she had laid. He wondered when that happened. He looked at her and then out the window. So they were. He saw the waters and felt the cool breeze and sighed. Finally.

Siam looked up at the ceiling, feeling hot and overwhelmed. When Keelan kicked his feet out of the way, he finally sat up and the door opened now as a servant waited for them to step out.

Qian was busy fixing her hair, trying to get the small frays of hair out of the way. She brushed her bangs back, looking out the door. She was only thankful she didn't drool in her sleep. Gods, this was embarrassing.

Vy straightened his back and worked out the crick in his neck. He'd wait for his cousins to exit before he would. He looked to Qian. She was still blushing.

When the two exited the carriage, Qian moved quickly to push herself back against the seat. "A-After you." She told him quickly, trying to adjust the braids in her hair as her fingers plucked at the small pins. She looked up, groaning internally as she felt one them bunch up one side of the braid awkwardly as she tried to adjust it.

He nodded and got up to step out of the carriage. He was so stiff and sore, not to mention groggy from having slept so hard in the heat. He looked to the other carriage to see his siblings running about. At least they hadn't ridden with them. He couldn't imagine how restless they had been.

Qian stepped out a few minutes after to go back to Koto's side. She looked defeated, honestly, completely out of her element. "Where are we heading?" She asked Koto quietly, looking out at the vast oasis before them. She almost thought it could have been a lake.

Koto looked at Qian. She looked beautiful. He touched her face gently. "A little further before we send her off." He seemed so detached when he referred to his own mother.

Vy watched as his father touched her face. He bit his cheek and looked out to the oasis trying not to be bothered. She was his concubine…

"Further where?" She asked, looking out at the water. Were they going into the water? She honestly wouldn't mind the cold water over her. Why did he hate to answer her properly? Couldn't she just- She felt so hot in all of this. She just wanted to lay in the water and let it sooth the heat from the carriage.

He let go of her face. "We'll take the ferry to the island out there." He pointed.

She sighed, letting her head fall. "It's hot," she whispered quietly, looking at Bao Ma. It must have been wonderful to be dressed in something nice and airy. She cast a gaze on her that didn't look too pleased but it didn't look hateful either. "Will it be long to cross?" She asked him, looking back up.

"It shouldn't take too long," he said. He looked at her hair and saw it was a little messy. He took one of the pins and fixed it for her. "I'm sorry the carriage ride was so uncomfortable.

She sighed, feeling herself longing for that touch. That interaction. She shifted into him a little, "It wasn't." She told him, not mentioning how she slept. "It was just hot." She didn't want Bao Ma to make more jabs at her. The clothes that were picked were so heavy for some reason. "Would I be able to change clothes after this into something lighter?" She asked him softly. Surely there was a town nearby.

Bao Ma looked back at them. She glared at Koto, but he didn't seem to notice. He was enjoying her.

Koto smiled. "You may," he told her. He leaned in to give her a kiss, but then Zuri pulled his robe. He sighed and looked down at his daughter.

"Mom wants you close to her on the boat. She said she'll get sick if you don't."

Qian sighed when he pulled away, but she felt a little relieved at Zuri's impeccable timing. "Koto," she started again before he turned away. "What boat am I riding on?" She didn't want to do this whole squabbling with Bao Ma again. She could have Koto honestly. It would have been if Vy- She squinted up at the light, trying to mask her own wince in disgust at the idea of having Koto over Vy. "I don't think I can walk or sustain this much longer."

He looked at the boats. "You'll ride with me," he said, pulling her close to him. "Tell your mother she'll be fine." He saw Bao Ma stiffen clearly hearing him. He honestly liked the little squabbles.

Qian closed her eyes, her brow knitting as she struggled to maintain composure when he pulled her against him. She hated it. Her body recoiled at the thought of it even but she couldn't push him away. "O-Oka-" She chewed her lip before changing her tone to open her eyes and catch Bao Ma's face. "Thank you," she told him, but she hardly felt it. She looked away, looking for Vy but Keelan and Siam were already heading down to the docks a distance away where she saw the casket.

Vy was in tow with them. He wouldn't let the inevitable upset him. Plus it wasn't about that. They were here for Baba. He was surprised though by how upset it was making him though. He hid it well enough.

Her casket went first in the front boat. Keenan got in the second, leaving the third for Koto then the fourth for Keelan, Siam and Vy with Bao Ma and the children towing the line before the servants followed in larger boats.

Qian stepped up to the second boat, walking past Vy and his cousins as she tried not to look back before she stepped up next to it. She looked inside of it and noticed the servants sitting at front to paddle it and she didn't like the situation she was in.

She looked up quickly at Koto, "I-I'm not sure I can ride in this." She told him quietly, but only because she was afraid to ride alone with him.

"What are you talking about? You'll be fine." He stepped onto the boat and held his hand out for her.

She ground her teeth together, staring at him in the boat. He was being a lot nicer than he had at the party - the last time they reality interacted - but she still didn't want this. She didn't want any of this! She hesitated, looking at his hand but she knew she couldn't reject it. "And if it tips?" She asked him quickly, trying to draw up an excuse.

"Then you'll finally be cooled off," he said impatiently. "It won't tip."

Vy watched them. Was she afraid of the water or just the ferry?

She looked ahead and then back. Everyone was on. It was just her. She felt panic rise over her as she slowly but hesitantly stepped onto the boat. There it was again. The same person from the party… She didn't want to be fooled, but only because she was desperate for a way out. She'd gotten to avoid him for much of this till this point. Her other hand was in a tight fist as she felt her hands start to become clammy. Qian tried to find a place across from him despite him helping her onto the boat, knowing full well he might drag her next to his side anyways.

He took her hand then and pulled her onto the ferry. The boat wobbled a little, but didn't tip. "See," he told her coldly.

She clenched her teeth. He was making a fool of her now. She looked away from him, going to sit down opposite from him. "Of course." She told him, "Silly me. I didn't know what I was talking about."

He grabbed her again and pulled her to sit next to him. "Don't forget your place," he told her quietly.

She winced, looking down quickly. "Of course. I'm sorry. I didn't realize…" She cringed, trying to not let her emotions fluster her. Everything screamed at her to run away. She was here…. On the water. Her place- She stared at it, holding herself back. "I just- I was trying to be respectful to the occasion."

"That's enough. You don't need to say anymore." She was beautiful, but she was such a village girl.

Right. Her mouth opened but closed. She forgot herself a little, having gotten so comfortable with Vy…. Of course Koto didn't care to hear her speak, let alone think. She looked down, feeling dejected. How could she have been so stupid? So naive. He didn't care for her intellect. She was something pretty.

Had Vy's feelings for his grandmother really meant anything to her testaments? Koto didn't care, or she wouldn't be- She swallowed the lump in her throat, pushing her hands between her thighs. She was a concubine anyways… Even the sayings of an old empress obviously meant nothing to them. She was here anyways.

Koto was glad that she listened. He enjoyed the rest of the ride in silence. He couldn't wait for this to be done and over with.

Vy looked ahead seeing his father and Qian. She looked so rigid sitting next to him. His father had his arm around her keeping her close.

Siam looked up, watching the ferries behind them but he couldn't help noticing Vy. He was staring off in the distance and he noticed a look he hadn't seen before. Keelan turned his head to look ahead of them and Siam took the opportunity to look as well. He noticed Qian and a part of him started to question it then.

"Won't be long," Keelan frowned, his voice quiet and small. "Then we'll be eating a late lunch at the edge to celebrate her. I wish it wasn't so short." He felt his chest sink.

Siam didn't comment.

Vy looked at Keelan when he spoke. "Mm," he agreed. He didn't trust his voice to work.

Qian waited for the boat to dock and she looked far from happy. She couldn't even hide it. After their talk…. She didn't even want to be here anymore. The ferriman got off the ferry and tied it to the docks so they could get off. She looked up somewhat to glimpse him and then waited for Koto to get off the boat so she could follow. This was how it was meant, right?

Koto stepped off the ferry and helped her off as well, but wasn't as gentle this time. He was impatient and he wasn't going to let her delay this any more than she already had.

She bit her inner cheek, trying not to show how it affected her. She wouldn't let him make her look like she was just being thrown away. She stepped off quickly, affirming her first step on the dock before standing up straight.

Siam got off the boat, looking down from Koto. Of course he'd use this time to show off his concubine during a funeral for a woman who strictly abstained and advocated against it. He drew in a tight breath, trying not to get riled up.

Keelan placed a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Siam?"

He shrugged him off quickly, walking forward. "Leave me alone." He growled at him.

Vy watched Siam and then looked to Keelan. He sighed and started off after his family.

Bao Ma was watching too. She walked over with her children to stand by Koto. She handed Zuri to him. She didn't have to say anything, but she wasn't going to let Koto make this about her.

Koto took Zuri and went to say something but Bao Ma stepped between him and Qian as they started walking. He thought again that her jealousy was amusing.

Siam came up behind Qian as she watched them start to walk and she held her head up to proceed but Siam stopped her.

She looked at him, a little shocked.

"Stop." He told her. He looked back to Koto, his uncle and let him go on. "Walk in pairs. It'll be fine."

She hesitated but slowly stepped forward with Siam as they ascended the steps up to the building. She felt so tired on top of being hot and the feeling of being demeaned again just reminded her how inferior she was here. Just a play thing.

Keelan walked beside Vy slowly as they went up. He tried not to pay it any attention but he was missing his brother dearly and he hated how he pulled away from him.

Vy saw Siam go up to Qian and he felt a bit of jealousy then. He swallowed it down though. Not the time and it certainly was nothing. He looked at Keelan seeing how down he was about his brother. "He'll get past this," he told him quietly.

Keelan heard Vy but he knew the truth. He didn't answer him, "She'll be laid to rest here and we'll never see her face again." He told Vy, looking up. "I just- I'm worried what the future will unfold into now that she's gone."

Vy understood that. "So am I," he said quietly looking ahead.

"Siam already hates me." He told Vy, "I think… I think he'll never forgive me." He bit his inner cheek.

When they all arrived at the top, Siam parted ways from Qian to join the servants who had her casket laid at the top. He looked over her first before leaning in to kiss her cheek once more before pushing the flowers over her and then they slowly started to sing.

Keelan and Vy were the last ones up and Keelan started to feel himself waver finally now that his brother was completely disregarding him. It was taking a worse toll on him than he let on.

Vy didn't want to believe that. They were brothers, they might only have each other… Vy stopped when they got close to her and froze up. He really didn't want to see her like that. He didn't want to see his grandmother dead. Not again.

Qian stood next to Koto, watching them slowly slide the coffin shut as Siam backed away so they could lift her up and carry her in. "Is that where everyone goes when they die?" She asked, looking at Koto a little scared. She wanted to go home, not be placed here.

Koto looked at her. "What does it matter where you go after you're dead? You'll be dead."

Vy winced hearing his father. Why was he so cold? He stepped back and looked away. He didn't want to see this.

She almost argued with him. Almost! She bit her tongue, refraining from being made a fool twice. Of course she'd be dead. It was just a matter of being surrounded by her family instead of strangers. She was homesick suddenly just thinking about it. Couldn't she run away? She looked at the casket and wondered if that's how she'd go if she attempted to escape.

Vy walked back over to Siam then. He was quiet and pale. He looked at Qian for a second. She looked like she felt the same way he did. The feeling of not wanting to be here anymore was overwhelming.

Siam just stared at the doors as Vy slowly came up beside him. He didn't move from where he was, though. "And she's gone. Just like that." He winced, closing his eyes.

Keenan walked away, leaving everyone. He barely stayed, but Keelan followed after his father quickly.

Siam turned to look at Vy, catching his brother cross behind them as he went out of sight. "I'm sorry, Vy." He told him, looking down. "I'm not- I haven't been feeling my best."

Vy looked at him. "I understand," he told him. He saw everyone leaving then. "Let's go." He said. His discomfort could be heard in his voice. There was no reason to stick around anymore.

"Right." He agreed, following after him.

Qian watched them all start to leave and she looked down. She didn't want to continue this. How could she? She looked at Koto and Bao Ma. They seemed to be enjoying each other. She hated being subject to their little game. Her teeth clenched as she tried to hold back her frustration, her upset. She'd been alone and the only one who spoke with her much was Vy. He didn't treat her this way. Why couldn't she-?!

She looked up at Bao Ma, glaring at her, reading to take her anger out on her. If she couldn't get at Koto, she knew she could put her frustrations out on her. She wanted to say something but nothing came to mind at the moment and she stilled her hand, letting it grow into a tight fist.

Then Ying came into view, dragging the tails of her long robe across the tile instead of lifting them up after she had stepped on them as they became unraveled a bit. She looked up at Qian as she walked up to her then down as she smiled at her, but it wasn't a kind one. "Most people like you die easily," she told her. "My mother said it's because you're built weak."

Qian held her tongue, not lashing out at her but she knelt down at her level slowly to look at Ying, staring into the small child's eyes. Yes… Of course her mother did. "Only weak women prey on other women to gain favors. Your mother should teach you to be more kind as even foul women die from fragility."

Ying looked puzzled, not understanding her and she furrowed a brow. "Favors?"

Fai looked back at his sister and then to Qian. "Ying! Come on," he called to his little sister.

She stared at Qian a little while longer, puzzled before she glared at Qian, a bit angry with her. "I'll ask my mother about what you said." She puffed, trying to act big before she turned and stomped off after her brother. "I'm coming." She told him, looking back at Qian again as she stood up and Ying trotted off.

She stood there by herself a moment, trying not to get irritated. Let her tell her mother! Let her! Bao Ma was always giving her hell! She clenched her teeth, just wanting to argue with her. She was tired of being bullied by her.

Vy climbed into the carriage quickly. He sat in the far corner so no one would have to step over him to get in. He looked out of the window. At least it would be cooler at night.

Siam got into the carriage shortly after Vy and he looked at him then down. He scratched the back of his neck, feeling like he wanted to talk with him but he did probably sully their relationship at this point. Maybe in time… He just- He sighed.

Keelan didn't get back in with them and the servant came up to close the door.

Siam noticed it a little but he figured it'd happen. "He's not coming." He sighed, looking out the window. This was it. Everything was going to start changing.

Vy looked at the door and then back to the window. He guessed not then. Would it really be just him and Siam then. He didn't have a problem with Siam. He figured he wanted space and time to come to terms. Vy honestly was just tired. Physically he felt heavy and mentally… he didn't want to think. He was so uncomfortable.

He closed his eyes and tried to not think about his dead grandmother. The idea of her passing was fine, but her body…

And then there was Qian. He didn't like how his father treated her. It angered him which he never liked feeling. It all just drew more attention to the fact that he was developing deeper feelings for her. What the hell was he going to do?

Qian slowly started to leave as well. She didn't wait for Koto, but she knew he'd be one to tell her she was doing something wrong. What did it matter? He'd just- She cringed a little, fighting within herself over it. She didn't want to bring attention but she just wanted out of the heat. She wanted to get away from this all and she stepped past the large stone tomb that she knew she'd eventually be locked away in too.

Her heart felt heavy at that. That her brother might not see her. That her grandmother would pass away and she'd never get to be laid to rest near her either. Tears started to well up in her eyes and she never felt more homesick than now. She stepped past the mausoleum and down to the road behind it where the carriages were. Walking up to the first one, she opened the door slowly to look in and see Vy and Siam.

She stood there a moment, dumbfounded but also because she realized the expression on her face was far from pleasing. Qian looked down, wiping her face a little before dabbing the small handkerchief over her eyes before she stepped in. If Koto had a problem with it and wanted to cast off Bao Ma, fine. She'd get out. She just wanted some time to sit in peace and quiet.

Koto honestly hadn't paid much mind to it since Bao Ma wasn't giving him a chance to. He climbed into the other carriage with her and their children leaving her be for now.

Vy didn't bother to look up when the door opened again. Maybe it was Keelan.

Qian drew in a slow breath, trying to breath in and out to let her nerves calm before she climbed in. She gripped the handle tightly and picked up her feet to step in as the skirt of the robe caught and she fell in. She turned quickly, grabbing at it as her ankle started to throb and she blew out air deep in her chest that made a sound of extreme displeasure.

Vy looked over quickly when she fell inside and frowned. He felt like he should have paid attention and helped her. "Are you alright," he asked, leaning in to try and help her.

"I'm fine!" She told him, snatching her hand up. She looked down at it and sat up, bunching up the fabric before she attempted to unhook it. She pulled it left and then right in her frustration but it only tore. "This-!" She huffed, brushing her hair from her face. "This infuriating thing. I just-!" She had tears in her eyes though and she was already far from alright.

Siam looked at her and a part of him quietly pulled back to let Vy handle it. He knew tension was high right now. He felt bad. Especially for her.

Vy stood up and leaned over to pull the robes loose. The end tore off, but she was free. He held his hand to her again. "Come on," he said gently.

She stared at it as he undid it and she felt more embarrassed at how helpless she was. How could she just- She looked at him as he held his hand out again and she took it. "Thank you,"

He pulled her up gently. "You're welcome." He looked at her still holding her hand. "Are you alright?"

She got up so she could sit in the seat, but she winced, lifting her foot a little as her ankle pained her. "No. No, not at all." She looked down. "I'm having a rough time." She sighed, unable to keep the airs about her as she looked down at her leg. Just another thing to add to an already miserable day. She was certain the whole day was an omen in itself but she wouldn't say that out loud.

Vy wondered just how poorly his father had treated her. Her mood was not like this when they arrived.

He saw it was her foot that was bothering her. He looked at her and then down to her ankle as he gently took it. The heat definitely wasn't going to help. It was swollen. He was careful not to pull or bend it. "You'll need to keep it up," he told her. He was bold enough to have her rest her feet in his lap, but he was very aware of his cousin. "Can you turn and lay your feet up here?" He wasn't sitting any longer. He'd get her comfortable then sit next to Siam.

She looked at him like he was out of his mind but Siam wouldn't look their way. "Sure," she told him, too scared to protest. She didn't want Siam to get the wrong idea.

Siam shifted, glancing at Vy and then away. He didn't get why he went out of his way for her, but at the same time… It was quite a particular day to even do so on. He didn't want to think anything of it. He tried to mind his own business when the carriage yanked forward to start moving despite them trying to get settled.

Vy bunched up the end of her robe to tuck it under her foot. He had to catch himself as they took off so that he didn't fall on her. He looked at her. "Is that better?"

Qian bit her lower lip when he fell over her and she looked up at him. "Yes," she felt her chest squeeze tightly. How could he have been Koto's son? It seemed unbelievable. "You don't have to help me." She felt like he was getting her hopes up.

He knew that, but he also couldn't just watch her suffer. He just nodded and moved to sit next to Siam.

"Thank you, Vy." She looked down, disappointed. A part of her wanted to stay comforted by him. She looked up, staring at him a long while before her eyes trailed down to the floor and then to her hand over her thigh.

Siam looked back at her to see how she was and he looked down as well, contemplating it all. "How is she going to walk down to lunch like this?" He asked Vy quietly, wondering what he'd say. He knew Koto might handle it, or he might not. She also needed a change of clothes.

Vy looked at Siam. "She won't be able to walk," he sighed. What was his father going to do about this? He couldn't show off a broken prize.

Qian looked at him and sighed. Great. Now she was going to get scolded for this too. "It's fine." She told Vy. "I'll be fine. I can have it cared for when I get home."

Siam looked at her like she was out of her mind. "And if it gets worse?"

"Better that than being made a fool twice." She bit her inner cheek. "Don't mind it much. It only hurts because of my ego, not because of the pain."

"I doubt it." He referenced, a little shocked by how she opened up. He didn't expect her to talk like this.

Vy shook his head. "You can't walk on it. I know you're just trying to tough it out, but I know my father. He'll be more annoyed by you limping around than you just being out of site."

She breathed a sigh of relief, "Good."

Siam raised a brow and she backtracked.

"That I don't have to continue walking on it. I just… I just can let it heal at least.

Vy tried not to smirk at her desire to not be around his father. "Rest," he told her.

She looked up at Vy and she felt bad. He was still being kind to her. She was too worried to sleep. She couldn't think of anything to point to and argue so she closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Vy looked out of the window, but would check on her every now and again.

As for the others, Ying sat with her mother and father, staring at Fai a little before she eyed her mother. "Are you fragile?" She asked her mother, not sure how to pose the question.

Bao Ma looked at her youngest. "Fragile?" She thought about it. "Depends on what you mean."

She tried to remember it, but Qian used a lot of unfamiliar words. "Foul?" She remembered that. It stuck. Foul? Or fowl? "She said foul women are weak and that you pick on her." She blinked, furrowing a brow.

"She told you this?" she hissed. Koto just laughed and she glared at him.

"She said that you can die fragile too for being foul." She looked puzzled. "What does that mean?"

Bao Ma grit her teeth and sat back. She'd talk to Qian about who was the foul and fragile one.

She couldn't tell if she should be upset or laugh. Neither one of her parents were making sense but her mother was furious, that's what she knew.

Koto looked at his youngest. "Do you think your mother is fragile?"

"No," she told him honestly, looking up at him. "She doesn't seem fragile."

He looked at Bao Ma. "Huh, I don't think she is either."

"Is she going to get in trouble now?" She asked her father, trying to keep a smile from her face.

Koto looked at her. "Who? Qian?" he looked at Bao Ma and chuckled a little. "Possibly, but you shouldn't worry about it."

"I want to see," Ying told him quietly. "Commoners should know their place."

"She is my concubine now, just like your mother. Her status has risen. Do you still feel the same?"

She thought about it. "Isn't mama better than her?" She asked him, confused.

He smiled and looked at Bao Ma. She had a brow cocked awaiting his reply. "I think she is." She was his most favored and likely the only one he'd ever truly love.

"So then she's still lesser than mama." She leaned back against the seat. "I want to eat soon. I'm hungry." She started, growing disinterested.

"Patience, little one. We'll be there soon."

Ying glared at her brother and sister, slouching in her seat. "I'm tired of waiting! It's hot and I want to eat something cold." She whined, turning to look out the window. "This is dumb. I don't want to be here."

Bao Ma shook her head. "None of that," she told her.

Ying stared up at her mother, and then let her head fall back as she stared up at the roof of the carriage and clamped her lips shut. "Yes, mother." She frowned.

At long last, when the journey had made them endure the sweltering heat of the desert, they finally had arrived at the place of resting.

Vy had managed to fall asleep just before they arrived. He had fought it to try and make sure Qian was alright, but after the monotony of the ride he'd lost the battle.

They had crossed over a bridge to a small temple and the servants had it set with food and water. The water was crisp and clear here, edging the beaches gently and Qian woke up when the smell of water and a few palm trees flooded her senses and she thought she was home. She picked her head up quickly, sitting up as she felt the crust of dried saliva on the edge of her lip and she gently rubbed it away.

Siam was already outside the carriage, walking down the beach towards the temple when she looked at Vy and she wondered if she ought to wake him. "Vy?" She asked, leaning from her seat a little without moving her ankle. She tried to reach for his shoulder. "Vy, we're here."

He opened his eyes and took in a deep breath hearing her. He looked at her and then out of the window. The smell of the water hit him and he relaxed a little. "So we are," he said quietly. He looked at her. "How is your foot?"

"It hurts." She admitted, leaning back against the wall to look at her ankle. "And it's a little purple on the side, but nothing I can do about it." She sighed, feeling a little defeated. "Honestly, if I could just give for anything it'd be to have a nice robe that isn't so thick and maybe a moment out on the beach in the water. It smells just like home." She groaned, feeling disappointed by how she couldn't even spend time in it.

He wanted to give that to her. "Tonight?" he asked. They would likely just eat dinner and stay the night here to leave in the morning back to the palace. Everyone would be asleep and he could help her out to the beach.

"You'd do that?" She asked him, looking at him. "I mean… Not the robe." She blushed a little. She was certain a servant could help with that but- The night… On the water. She looked at Vy, feeling her face warm a little at the thought of the two of them alone at the beach and she pestered herself to bat away the frivolous ideas at hand but she couldn't help but be stunned and awed by him. He was much different than what she was intended for and she couldn't help but be attracted to his kind nature that usually ended in pampering her.

"If you wished," he told her. He knew he would likely do anything she asked. He looked out. "The water will be the perfect temperature after the sun sets." He could imagine it now. He imagined laying in the water as it lapped at his skin.

Her smile faded, "Are you sure you're Koto's son?" She asked him, breathing a laugh but her smile was gone. He was so nice to her. She sucked in a hiccuped breath. "Because I feel like the two of you are like night and day." She felt a few tears start and she rubbed at her face to wipe them away, knowing it would ruin her makeup.

"I have heard that before," he smiled at her. He wished it was easier for her. "Let me get a servant to help you. I'm sure you're hungry." He said as he started to get out.

She stopped him, grabbing his sleeve. "No." She told him, looking down. "Give me a minute okay. I… I don't want to be caught crying. I know others will use it against me." She ground her front teeth together, nervous to ask. "Stay. Please. Just for a moment till I calm down."

He stopped when she took his sleeve. He nodded and sat back down. Whatever she needed.

She took a staggered breath before more tears fell and she kept wiping her face till most of the makeup had been worn away onto her sleeve. After a few minutes, she stopped, letting him go when she felt her throat tighten that maybe she might be guilty of being too intimate with him. "I'm sorry, you… You can go. I didn't mean to keep you." She felt her teeth chatter a little.

He used his thumb to wipe a bit of makeup that was messed up off her cheek. "Don't be sorry." He lowered his hand. The heat was making him bold.

She turned her head slightly and his knuckles gently brushed her cheek and she felt herself soothe a little. That small bit of affection, even if it was a brief touch. She knew he wasn't her brother, but… Even as a lover. Her face warmed again, flushing a little. "You're here for your family tonight. I'm keeping you from them. It's not your responsibility and here I am, keeping you here." She sniffed. "It's fine now, though. You can join them."

"Tonight," he told her and then stepped out. He made sure to tell a servant to assist her before he followed his family.

She let him go and then looked at her ankle as she drew in a tight breath when the servant walked up.

Keelan was sitting with his father when Vy arrived. Siam looked like he was in shock, watching the two of them but what was worse was the woman sitting next to his father. Siam was nearly in tears, he was so angry.

"Come, Vy. Sit while your father and Bao Ma arrive." Keenan held his hand up, motioning to the seat.

Vy bowed his head and took a seat. He had noticed the woman next to his uncle immediately. He looked at his cousins. Siam looked like he was about to explode. He looked down then.

Koto came in after that. The twins ran in and quickly took their seat. Bao Ma was behind him holding Yings hand.

"It's about time you bring her out," he laughed.

"I didn't think it would hurt considering the circumstances." He smiled at his brother.

"Where's the other one?" He asked. He liked looking at her though she was quiet, he could tell she had a lot she wanted to say. "This is Aoife," he smirked, touching her cheek. "She looks just like my previous, doesn't she?" He asked his brother.

Siam stared at his father, trying to keep himself from saying anything but it was the look. His mother looked just like her. He was losing it.

Keelan wasn't even looking at them and he had his eyes cast to the floor.

Vy bit his tongue. His father had no respect for Baba at all it seemed. He wondered if the servant was having trouble helping Qian.

Koto looked at his oldest. "She was in the carriage with you, was she not? What's taking her so long?"

Vy hated to feel like he was tadling on her. "She hurt her ankle getting into the carriage. A servant was helping her."

Bao Ma laughed. "Clumsy cow," she said under her breath. Clearly still bitter about what Qian had said to her daughter.

"So she is fragile," Ying laughed.

Siam stood up, "You brought her here?"

"Is there a problem with that?" Keenan asked him, looking at Siam quickly.

"Of course there is! You did this on purpose!"

"She looks just like her. Of course it's on purpose. This is her younger sister." He explained.

"I'm sick of this! I'm done playing games and watching you insult my grandmother. You hardly care about anything she valued. Yet here you are on her funeral day. A day about her and you do the very thing she said was wrong."

"Just because it was her wish doesn't mean I have to honor it. She wanted a lot of things. It's been this way for a long time and if you know your heritage you would know we've done this for centuries. One wish of a woman isn't going to change years of tradition."

"Then I refuse to play a part!"

"You're just emotional right now. Calm yourself. You haven't eaten-" Keelan started but Siam glared at him.

"Of all the people. I hardly expect my twin brother to side against me."

"I'm not, Siam." He retorted, frowning at his brother.

Vy was a bit shocked when Siam started in on his father. He understood how he felt, but- He was going to try and deescalate the situation, but his father gripped his shoulder painfully and kept him in place.

Koto waited to see how his brother would handle this.

"That's enough Siam. Sit down."

"You don't get to order me around. I refuse to comply with your wishes if you're going to spit on the very woman that raised us better than you ever did."

"Sit down!" Keenan snapped, standing up.

Siam grabbed the knife from his hilt and the guards came forward but he grabbed his hair and cut it off from the ponytail. "I'm not going through with anything further in this family."

Keenan was grinding his teeth together as Siam dropped the bundled hair down onto the table and he watched it. His chest felt tight and he felt rage grip him. "Remove this boy from my sight!" He ordered the guards. "He's no son of mine."

"You're right." Siam challenged. "We're hardly blood."

"Siam!" Keelan stood up but his father shoved him back to his seat. "Think about this! Dont-"

"Leave him." He ordered his son. The guards went to grab Siam but he wrestled his arms from their grip and stalked off.

"I don't need an escort. I can leave of my own accord."

Vy winced and closed his eyes when Siam cut his hair. He had underestimated how upset Siam actually was. His father let go of his shoulder, but Vy didn't move. He knew Koto was testing him. If he had tried to get up to go after Siam his father would have just knocked him back down and told him what his place was. He just sat very still despite his worry for his cousin.

Keenan looked at his brother, sighing, "This is why women ought to be watched." He shook his head, "Let the servants raise them. At least I know a servant can be held accountable for teaching them things they ought to not be spouting."

He looked at her and touched her cheek. "I only kept her away to keep her from protesting it. Nothing to be done now. There will be more children soon enough, so I guess the loss of one child is better than the whole."

Vy wanted to believe his uncle was just saying that out of anger.

Koto sighed. "You shouldn't have hid her. She would have given up eventually like she did with me," he told his brother. "She'd have gotten over it when the children were born."

"Hardly." He told him, "She visited often," he told him. "She showed up after my wife died and was starkly against a concubine and recommended I just re-marry." He sighed. "Every time I was meeting with someone she hovered. It wasn't what you went through." He sighed. "Anyways…" He looked at Bao Ma and then back to his brother. "I have reason to believe we will be quite successful in future endeavors. I am advancing over Itou's territory and seeking to claim it soon. They'll suffer a devastating blow soon enough to their market as well." He smirked, "Now that we have control over a large majority of the forested region I took over."

Koto grinned. Talk of over taking the foxes did bring him joy.

Vy tuned them out as they continued on like nothing had happened. He glanced at Keelan.

Keelan was looking up, paying attention to them now but he looked uncomfortable.

"I'm going to be invading their Manor to the low West. Kristina and her children will have to flee it and I'm contemplating giving them time to pack and leave or to slaughter them all. The dragon boy would be happy with it but I feel leaving her alive would give a good message." He told him.

"Don't spare a fox. If you have the chance you kill it." Koto was not above slaughtering them all.

"True…" he contemplated it. "They do have sahar while we do not. I want to use them to see if I can extract it. I hear it can be stolen."

"Can it now? Where did you hear that?" he asked, even more intrigued.

"From a few old texts." He explained. "I'll show you when we get back. I think it's be appropriate if we were to exact this back on the foxes… if even… maybe her children would prove essential to the task. She does have many."

Koto grinned. "I bet they would."

"I have an attendant. She's from a long line. Venomous and we'll hidden to the lineage. You'll have to view their breed. I think they'll carry out the task well enough." He leaned forward. "Just wait. I'm certain you'll enjoy this when we return to the palace. We can take a trip there and I'll show you."

Koto nodded. "I look forward to it." To extract power from a medium, that was certainly something.

He looked at Vy, "Certainly. I am curious though… How is my nephew's training going with Mansa?" He asked.

Vy looked at his uncle. "Um-" he was not prepared for the conversation to shift to him. "I haven't started yet." His throat was dry.

Koto clasped his son on the shoulder. "He'll start as soon as we get back."

Vy tried to suppress his wince.

"Excellent. Keelan has already started. I'm hoping to see some improvements in the near future before he displays for the sword dancing events. Have you prospected for Vy to marry yet?" He had an idea of who to push if he didn't.

"I haven't yet. It is about time though." He had expected Vy to at least have taken an interest in someone, but nothing. "You seem to have someone in mind." He knew his brother well.

"Yes," he nodded. "I was thinking of arranging him with a lineage I found. They're a smaller royalty but the women are beautiful and quiet. It should be an easy match. "

"Quite," Koto agreed. "What do you think, Vy. It's about time you had a wife and started a family."

Vy couldn't argue. It didn't matter his opinion on the matter either. His father and uncle would arrange it and he wouldn't have much say. He decided to speak up a bit though. "I'd rather focus on my studies and lessons for now."

"A wife won't distract you much. All you need to do is breed with her and let her get pregnant. The maids and servants handle the rest." Keenan waved. "I think you'll do fine to meet with a few from the family in mind. You might change your mind."

He refrained from making a face at "breed with her". That just hit him wrong. "I might," he agreed, but knew better. There was only one he was even remotely interested in, and there was zero chance of that.

Koto sighed. "Ever the scholar. You'll have an heir yet my boy."

"Good. I'll arrange for a meeting for yourself and the girls they have on hand. I'm certain we can work something out in the coming weeks."

Vy bowed his head and said no more. He couldn't argue with his uncle and king. He couldn't wait for lunch to be over. This was not the company he wanted to keep. He was worried about Siam and Qian.

He laid off the heat after and everyone resumed eating. Keenan was the first to retire to the inner building to relax with his concubine. Keelan followed suit, walking out to follow his father to talk briefly before he would find a place to rest in the heat.