Never a Dull Moment part 2

As soon as Adam identified the object left there was a bomb, he immediately opened up the structural map of the capitol ship to find what room was below the point the bomb was set. "Charles?" He called out of the room he was in, hoping the slave could still hear him.

"What is it this time?" The quadruped re-entered the room. He wouldn't have bothered heading towards his master had the young man's voice not wavered in what Charles could easily understand as stress.

"Stay here, would you? Someone planted a bomb in my storage facility," Adam finished up, the search function he used to look through the gargantuan ship bringing up the room where the bomb was placed. He scrolled around the areas below that room, seeing mostly empty hallways that he queued up for a simultaneous bomb threat warning. What surprised him more than anything was that the room that the bomb was directly under was the room of a Vanid.