Technology Mania and The Reason for Grinding







--1,000 years--

It is 2,611 years passed since I first came to this world. I am now starting to get bored waiting to finish these 10,000 years of stay on this planet.

To ease my boredom, I just grind stats and skills. But even that is starting to get more repetitive and boring. I do the grinding now just for fun and the pain. The pain part is just for me to get stimulated and makes me feel alive and well.

HEY, WHO SAYS I AM A MASOCHIST!!? I AM NOT A MASOCHIST!!! REALLY, I AM NOT!! Don't judge me, being alone here is making me sick. I need some stimulation to keep on going alright. Jeez, even Sys laugh at me.

Games are not gonna work for me either. Either it is video games or outdoor games, it is not gonna work. Remember, my stats are so monstrous that playing games are a walk in the park for me. Either it is my strength, senses, tactics, and technique, I am top-notch in all of it. So no, I cross games.

The one thing that came to my mind 1,000 years ago is inventing and researching the technology. It was an instant success for me to get me on moving. For 1,000 years, I have created many technologies that are far more advance than my world (Earth). To be honest, I didn't hurry inventing and researching technology as it is more likely I will finish it in a matter of years.

At this time, I am in a laboratory wearing a white lab coat. I am now experimenting with my new quantum computer. Oh yeah, I am soo getting this.

Anyway, I didn't just invent quantum computers. I also invent other things like spaceships and weapons of mass destruction.

I am sooo getting trouble if people knew I have this kind of technology. But since I am alone with Sys right now, maybe it will be alright? Right?

Anyways, I have been sometimes thinking of making another A. I for me but I'll choose not to. I have Sys as my company and friend. I don't need another A.I. I-It is not like I-I am being s-stared at by Sys and feeling threatened by her. N-No, it is not. It is not really. *Nod* Hmmhmm, definitely not threatened. Am I right?'

As I finish experimenting with quantum computers, I finally finish my technology mania. I already finish inventing things I could think of. It took me 1,000 years to accomplish it and today is the mark of my finish in technology mania.

Now that I am finished experimenting, researching, and inventing new technologies, I am left with nothing to do but grinding stats and doing my leisure activities.

It is the start of my repetitive and boring lifestyle of grinding stats and skills. I already acquired martial arts and weapons mastery skills. I also maximize it to the full level. I also got a ton of titles too.

[Martial Arts (Passive) Lvl Max: A skill being used since ancient times as it is mainly used for self-defense and attack. Passively increase skill in martial arts, physical damage, and attack speed by 200%. Passively increases Agility, Dexterity, Strength, and Vitality by 300%.]

[Weapons mastery (Passive) Lvl Max: Passively increase weapon mastery in 200%.]

[The God of Martial Arts: A title was given to those who truly master the ways of martial arts like the God of War. Passively increase Agility, Dexterity, Strength, and Vitality by 200%.]

[The God of Weapons: A title was given to those who truly master weapons as they should. Passively increase mastery in weapons to 800%.]

[Lucky Bastard: A title given to a very lucky individual. You Lucky Bastard!!! Passively increase Luck by 200%.]

[A Fool: A title given to an idiot or stupid. You get the idea, IDIOT.]

And there is something I want to say yet again, 'The Gamer' is soo OP!!!! All I gotta do is spamming skills until Lvl Max and voila, I get myself to maximize leveled skills.

AND WHAT THE F*CK IS THIS 'LUCKY BASTARD' AND 'A FOOL'S TITLE, HUH!!! First of all, I get 'A Fool' title because I Lvl maximize the 'Fool's Act' skill. I get it through posing myself in a mirror and I am not a fool in that matter. Second, what's with these descriptions. Who is the one making them? If I ever see the one who makes them, I'll beat them up.

Anyways, the titles as well, they are OP too. 'The God of Martial Arts' and 'The God of Weapons are an OP title. Wait, there is a description of the 'God of War'. Does this mean there are actually Gods and Demons too? Why am I not surprise, I mean I have 'The Gamer' ability and there is mana, not like I can use it now but I will be soon. It is not surprising to think there are Gods and Demons out there. Maybe Cultivation exists too, perhaps?

"Status", I said as a 2D blue panel appears in front of me.

[Name: Alex Bourne

Race: Human

Occupation: The Gamer

Title: The Loner, The God of Crafting, The God of Martial Arts, The God of Weapons, Lucky Bastard, A Fool

Level: lvl1 (10.00%)]

[HP: 439,798,680/439,798,680

MP: 0/164,023,020]

[Strength: 664 -> 3,645,040(+18,225,200 Martial Arts and 'The God of Martial Arts passive)

Vitality: 544 -> 3,664,989 (+18,324,945 Martial Arts and 'The God of Martial Arts passive)

Agility: 539 -> 3,644,949 (+18,224,745 Martial Arts and 'The God of Martial Arts passive)

Dexterity: 576 -> 3,644,001 (+25,512,747 Martial Arts, 'The God of Crafting' and 'The God of Martial Arts passive)

Intelligence: 553 -> 3,644,956 (+7,289,912 meditation passive)

Wisdom: 489 -> 3,645,026 (+7,290,052 meditation passive)

Luck: 430 -> 3,643,079 (+7,286,158 Lucky Bastard passive)

[Points: 10

Cash: 10,000 $]

[Passive skills:

Gamer body Lvl Max

Gamer mind Lvl Max

Crafting Lvl. Max

Martial Arts Lvl. Max

Weapons Mastery Lvl. Max

Physical Endurance Lvl. Max

Pain Resistance Lvl. Max

Programming Lvl. Max]

[Active skills:

Massage Lvl. Max

Observe Lvl. Max

Fool's Act Lvl. Max

Future Reading Lvl Max]

[Passive / Active skills:

Meditation Lvl. Max]

YES, I AM VERY OP!!! All thanks to 'The Gamer' ability and of course my hard work in all these years.

Even though I have 'The Gamer' ability as a cheat, I can't level up because I can't create instant dungeon to level up to. I don't have mana yet to use on battles and I purely rely on my physical strength.

Yes, I can get stats by grinding through training alone but there is a catch. I can't get stats without suffering from it. I NEED TO WORK HARD FOR CHRIST SAKES!!! I need to train like crazy and I need to feel the pain too. And guess what, I do it every day.

And I get to see my HP goes to 1 HP as I feel the pain all over my body and mind. I need to increase the intensity of the training too. I get to feel a headache and body ache on the same day.

Why do I need to do all that? Of course for protection and to stave off boredom. Why do I need to when I am basically an immortal? I need to, because of what I get from my 'future reading' skill.

[Future Reading (Active) Lvl Max: A skill that reads the future. When active, you can read the future in 100% accuracy]

Basically, I get this skill when I was looking for luck-based games to play with to grind Luck stat. I use the tarot cards and I suddenly get this skill.

In my future readings, I found out I am basically dead but not really dead after the Big Bang emerges. I don't know what will happen after the Big Bang happens but I don't take any chances.

That's why I basically grind like my life depending on it. Maybe I get to encounter powerful beings? I don't know but maybe someday perhaps I will meet them and I will be darn ready when that time comes.


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