The End?







--1,999 years--

It is 9,999 years have passed since I came to Apeiron, I experience many things in the past years. What I mean about 'experience many things' here is that I mean a whole lot of experience.

I have already learned to play musical instruments like piano, violin, and even other unpopular musical instruments. I get a title and a skill for it too. The title and skill are already at the max level too.

[The God of Music: a title given to those who truly masters the ways of music. Passively increase mastery of Art by 200%.]

[Music (Passive) Lvl. Max: It passively increases the user's mastery in music skills by 500%.]

I also learned to play sports with Sys as my opponent. Don't underestimate her though, even though Sys has a robot as her body, it is much more flexible and durable than you think. Her robot is so advanced it can mimic human body movements with ease and it is durable too.

As I finished playing with Sys, I got a skill and a title for it too. The title and skill are already at max levels too.

[The God of Sports: a title given to those who truly masters the ways of sports. Passively increase mastery of sports by 200%.]

[Sports (Passive) Lvl. Max: It passively increases the user's mastery in sports skills by 500%.]

I also get a lot stronger and have gained a lot of stats and my size is getting bigger as my final size is like having 10 hulks on top of each other standing. My final weight is 14,000 lbs. And I have gained a lot of muscles too.

Anyways, as I said, many things happened to me.

Now for the moment of truth, this evening will be the most memorable and the one that I have been waiting for all this time since my stay here in Apeiron.


It is the event called the 'Big Bang'.

This is the moment I have been waiting for, the reason I have been grinding stats and skills just for this moment.

The 'Big Bang' will happen at 12'o'clock, midnight summer. It is 10 minutes before the 'Big Bang'. I am outside the house, watching the starless night sky as there are no stars, to begin with. Right now, I am getting nervous and scared at the same time.

Nervous because what if the 'Big Bang' won't happen. What happens then? Do I need to wait for more years to come if it didn't happen at midnight? I don't want that at all, not even a little bit. I am even lucky I get the 'Gamer's Mind' or else I'll get insane years ago since I came to Apeiron. 

Scared because I don't know what to expect after the 'Big Bang' happens. Will I meet cosmic people that have not good intentions? Will I meet some humans after this? What if I don't meet one at all after the 'Big Bang'. It's okay for me to not to meet humans, what I want is some kind of intelligent species at least to talk and interact with.

There are now 5 minutes left before the 'Big Bang', as I thought about those things.

"Hey Sys, it is now nearing 10,000 years mark. Will the 'Big Bang' really occur?", I said as I am getting nervous and scared.

{Yes Alex for the 10th time, the 'Big Bang' will occur. Trust me, according to my calculations, it will occur after a few minutes.}, Sys said as her voice is filled with a firm tone.

And then as I waited for the 'Big Bang' to happen, I thought about the things I did today.

The first thing that I did after I know that I am in nearing the 10,000-years mark was, of course, I celebrated this day like I am celebrating for New Year's Eve. I didn't grind stats and skills at all just for this occasion.

I cooked food for myself, and I make sure that my food will be so delicious in a foodgasm level. I watch new movies release from Netfl*x. I get to relax a bit and I take a nap to calm myself a bit.

As I thought about it, suddenly Sys starting showing a font red countdown timer appears.

{Showing count down of the start of the 'Big Bang', Counting down in 60 seconds.






54...}, said Sys as she begins to count down and the countdown timer is ticking.

As the countdown timer begins, I began to feel restless. It is like Sys's count down is intentionally making me nervous.

As the countdown hits 10 seconds, I start counting down as well.

{10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1.....0.}, said Sys as she began to inform me what comes to pass.

{Alex, Look, at the night sky!! Do you see that white star-looking dot? That is the 'Big Bang' happening far away from here.}, said Sys as she pointing her index finger towards a white star-looking dot in the starless night sky.

As I look up to where Sys points at, I see a white star-looking dot getting bigger by the second. As I was about to point about it, suddenly a second white star-looking dot appears in the starless night sky.

"Uhhh, Sys? Is it me hallucinating or there is another 'Big Bang' happening just now.", I said as I stare at the second 'Big Bang'.

Not long after, a third and fourth 'Big Bang' happens at the same time. Then came the fifth, and so on and so forth. Eventually, the night sky is filled with 'Big Bangs'.

" Sys!! What the heck is happening right now!?

I thought the 'Big Bang' will just happen once. Why there are so many of them happening right now.", I said as panic sets in me but I eventually calm down because of the 'Gamer's Mind'.

{Alex, the thing is, I miscalculated it. 'Big Bang' will never happen once but there will be many 'Big Bangs' happening right now.}, said Sys as I saw many more 'Big Bang' appearing in the night sky.

As I watch the night sky filled with white star-looking dots getting bigger and getting farther as the universes began to expand, suddenly earthquakes began in Apeiron. All trees are beginning to shake because of the earthquake, only the house is standing still with no signs of damage from the earthquake.

{Initiating connecting to all 'newly formed universe's physics' to Apeiron.....


Connection confirmed...

A new kind of energy is detected.

A new kind of energy is detected.

A new kind of energy is det...

Scanning for any dangerous elements for the host.

Scanning Complete. No harmful elements were detected.

Initiating putting all energies to Apeiron...

Putting all energies complete.}, said Sys as she initiated what she has to do.

All of a sudden, I began to feel the air shifts itself and I can see a white light emitting from the ground. As I thought about what just happen, I began to glow in white light in my chest and I feel a warm feeling in my chest as well.

The warm feeling in my chest gets hotter and hotter by the second as the white light brightens in my chest and eventually, it gets hotter to the point it feels like swimming in a lava pool but in a comfortable feeling way. Then the warm feeling and the white light in my chest spread out all over my body. Then as I feel this comfortable feeling, this feeling became a nightmare feeling to me as I begin to feel pain all over my body.

"AHHHHH!!!!!! WHY IS IT SO F*CKING PAINFUL!!!???? I HAVE PAIN RESISTANCE FOR F*CKING SAKES!?!?!?!?!? @+#;$+$(#(;" $/!?!?!?!?", I said as I scream and utters profanities because of the pain all over my body.

As I scream and uttering profanities, I didn't notice my body became smaller by the second as all I can see is a white light emitted from my body including my eyes.

My already condensed muscles condense itself much more. The bones of my body began to condense as well as I can hear my bones cracking and breaking for the first time.

My body is starting to form and condensed itself into something I didn't know into what form I could be into as I sometimes starting to look like a deformed titan like the titans in 'Attack on Titan'.

As I experienced all that, the white light-emitting from the ground is getting brighter as now all I can see in my surrounding environment is a white light emitted from the ground.

The earthquake is getting more severe as the ground cracks itself and as some trees starting to fell down one by one like dominoes.

As that was happening, I look up in the night sky, as now instead of a dark and starless night sky, I see the white light from the 'Big Bang'.

In short, all I can see right now is white light. And this white light is getting brighter and brighter.

As it is getting brighter, my pain and suffering increase in intensity. Resulting in me, still screaming my lungs out and uttering profanities with all my might.

Eventually, I fell unconscious on the spot because of exhaustion. As I started drifting off to wonderland, I immediately splat to the ground while my body is still deforming and condensing not stopping anytime soon.


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