I am not alone







"*Sigh*, I am glad it is over.", I said as I sigh in relief.

It is been one day has passed since I get all my new skills and titles, I finally finished 'accidentally' destroying stuff in my way.


As I guessed, I get to accidentally broke things in my way. One time, I accidentally destroyed my keyboard and mouse on my computer (Quantum Computer) while searching on the internet. Luckily, It just fixes itself just as I destroyed it (courtesy of advanced technology).

As I saw the keyboard and mouse are destroyed, I decided to train myself to control my body which I just finished training myself right now. It takes me one day to control my body.

But enough of that, I got a dilemma that I need to deal with right now.

As I searched all the newly formed universes by using my computer, I found something that makes me excited and nervous at the same time.


Apparently, I am not alone in this universe. I saw intelligent life on some newly formed universes. I finally have found 'someone' or 'something?' to mingle with.

Well, there are some universes that don't have gods and there are some that are straight-up empty or dead. There are even universes that have weird laws and physics like I literally see some universes that have two cube-like and human-shaped people(Gods?) like 'Steve' in 'Minecraft' talking to each other in space. Did I just stumble upon a newly formed Minecraft universe? Uhmmm, I don't know what to say about that.

Well enough of that as there is a problem, I don't know who to go to. I mean, I am not having problems communicating with people. I have been communicating with Sys but the problem is not that. The problem is that there are too many of them.

What I mean about 'too many' is a whole lot of them. I saw millions of 'them' and I am still not done counting all of them.

I am having a dilemma about who to choose and I don't know who to choose and where to go. And there is another problem, they might be aggressive and dangerous.

Right now, all the intelligent lifeforms are acting like gods in their newly formed universes. What I mean is that they have godly powers in them and I can see them doing destroying and creating their own creations. I can see some doing nothing.

Well, I can probably create things like a god if I have been given enough time to grind and practice some energies but right now, I can destroy things but not create things like a god.

I don't know if I should go to another universe with my current state. Should I grind stats and skills some more to get to another universe safely or practice using magic only?

"Sys, in your opinion, should I go to another universe or I should I wait it out?", I said as I thought about what to do.

{Well, you can go there but not now as you need strength to be out there.}, Sys said as she pointed to other gods fighting each other in the live video.

The fight can decimate planets and galaxies using their powers and I, on the other hand, can decimate planets with my physical strength alone which is not enough.

I should practice using my newly found energies that were nuked into my body. I am suspecting I can probably do something good with the introduction of new energy and probably, I can make some new technologies with it.

"Wait, I could go there without actually going there. I should create another body to share my consciousness in.", I said as I remember when I was in a technology mania. I remember creating a robot T-1000 from the latest movie 'The Terminator' but much more advance.

It is an android body that is like a liquid metal that can shape itself into anything like slime and I can mimic anything including people, animals, and objects.

Well, I am just gonna use the robot body to explore and talk a bit to other friendly people in other universes.

If the android body is destroyed by other aggressive people, I will make another one again which will rarely happen as the android body is nearly indestructible.

Anyways, I already created one but I will just make a new one to keep me occupied and for safety. I might as well add some extra features to the android body.

As I started creating an android body, I thought about the things that I wanted to do. I already experience all the things a normal human could not achieve and I achieve my immortality even though I don't really need it or even wanted it.

What I want is just live a simple life and live my life to the fullest. Enjoying what I like best is just what I wanted most.

Now that all of this is getting further away from me, the question is, what should I do after this? Having lived my life for 10,000 years before the birth of the universes, I am starting to question myself even more.

As the years passed me by, I began to see life is getting bland and lifeless in my day to day life. Adding the fact of my inability to die and age, I started to want things to just end it all.

You might think having immortality is a great blessing to have but in fact, for me, it is a double-edged sword and a curse.

Seriously I wanted to ask why antagonists in some movies and anime on why they wanted to live forever.

But thanks to the fact that having a 'Gamer's Mind' skill is a great help as it prevents me from insanity.

And thanks for the fact that having Sys as a companion is a lifesaver even though she is an A.I. 

As I think about those things, I already finish making the android body. I already programmed the robot body and all the finishing touches of it.

[T-1000(Legendary): A shapeshifting android body designed to shapeshift and mimic into all sorts of things including people. It is made to share consciousness with and control its body for the user. Made by Alex Bourne.]

The android body is now ready to be used as an avatar for me. I should probably make an Iron Man suit for the body too because why the hell not.

As I finish making an Iron Man suit, I starting to think of going to create a skill 'Create ID' and 'Escape ID' so that I can now level up for the first time and practice magic.

I should do that later but for now, I should test this baby go and see if there are some problems with it.

As I think about that, I started to wear a helmet-like device to share my consciousness with.

As I started to wear it, I immediately share my consciousness into the android body. While the android body is activated, my original body is now in a state of deep sleep.

As I share my consciousness, I immediately shapeshift my android body into some objects that I wanted to mimic like paper, books, and other things.

I also shapeshift into animals like dogs and cats. Then I revert the android body into my original face and body.

Even though I invented it years ago, it still amazes me as I watch myself shapeshift and mimic other things.

This android body is a perfect device that can make spying a piece of cake and it's disposable in case I meet someone powerful and very aggressive who wanted to kill me even though I can't die yet.

Now next is the Iron Man suit. Well, I don't really need to suit up an Iron Man suit even though it is much more advance than the latest Iron Man nanotech suit.

This suit is just for decorative purposes and the android body is powerful enough. But just in case, I will let the android body wear this.

I can still use 'The Gamer ability' while sharing my consciousness on the android body which is a great benefit to me but sadly all of my stats didn't apply to the android body which makes a lot of sense.

Now that is finished, I should think of where to go next. Should I travel to another universe now or wait a little while longer? Who should I go to?

As I thought about this, I already finished testing the android body and was heading towards the kitchen to cook for my breakfast.


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