When the clock struck nine o' clock the first round of the interview ended. Everyone was told to wait while the interviewers were busy plucking their hair.

Every single one of the interviewers had the same urge except Mr. Ronald because Ahem… He was already bald.

(sighs) Marking the answers was the most difficult job.

The first round was designed to test..,

Number one: Work Ethics

Number Two: Well what is it other than the one and only reason the interview is held in the first place?

Resistance to Mr. Carter's charms (Winks)

No offense when someone likes a hot actor or actress. But it will be better if a person can like an actor beyond his looks.

Dude!! They are actors. They are supposed to be liked for their acting.

This is a personal choice. But!! When a person has to work for Mr. Carter he MUST not drool over this eye candy….

So the most difficult part of the day started. (sighs)

The first question gathered every single quote on HARD WORK in the internet.

(Hard work is the key to success)


A brilliant person wrote..,

(Hard work brings property)

Everyone was dumbfounded. Wasn't it supposed to be prosperity? Dude, were you thinking about salary when writing this? Even if it was like that at least act with some propriety till you get the job. Don't drool over the entire place.

Some also wrote about smart work

One intelligent person wrote..,

(You don't need to work hard to earn an empire; there is an army of slaves to do it for you)

Noah: "..."

Eve Everson: "...….."

Others: "...….."

Dude we asked you to write about YOUR WORK in the company. Why the hell are you writing about the CEO? Even the CEO works like a donkey… Oops!! Sorry… We mean even the CEO works hard. Where is it your turn to complain? Do you want to take the salary for sitting idle and ordering around others? Or are you going to make the interns work like dogs? Just where will you buy the slaves?


Some people wrote satisfactory answers.

But one particular answer stood out. "It is not hard work that is dreary but the superficial work".

Though this is also a copy-paste from the internet at least this gave a refreshing feeling. This answer earned good points.

Well that was all about first question. When it came to the second one every interviewer had the urge to go ballistic and kick everyone's ass.

One person wrote a beautiful love letter for the second question.

(Who cares about beautiful actors? I am a person who values a real hero than a reel hero. I prefer Mr. Owen to all the actors. He is a perfect gentleman. It will be my honor to work for him. I always dreamt of meeting him at least once what more work for him as a secretary. I would give my everything to this job if I got selected.)

Well normally when someone gives this kind of answer in an interview it may be flattering and all.

But who was Noah? He has a sharp nose. His nose can smell the fan girl vibe within 100 km radius.

He roared at the security and got the details of the person.


The girl was a member of the 'Fanatics' group. She attended every single interview in the past six months for the secretary job. If not for Eve stopping him he would have kicked the ass of the girl. Just how did she slip out of his hands yesterday? She even had the gall to attend the interview today?

He almost went mad and tore the paper. The girl was black listed from entering the company again.

Finally, after calming down the angry Noah, the screening began again.

Someone wrote their favorite actor as Sebastian Atkinson (Mr. Bean) because he was very talented.

The surprising thing was that the first Q and A which impressed them and this one was written by the same person.

They all looked at each other and smiled. Probably their Perfect Secretary was on the way.


Meanwhile all the candidates were seating in a meeting hall. The meeting hall was constructed like an auditorium with steps. The strange thing was that the chairs were arranged in an opposite manner that is., the chairs were facing the back wall of the auditorium.

Every candidate was at a lower level compared to the person in front. Nobody can see what the person in front of them was doing.

Everyone began to speculate what might be the reason for this strange seating arrangement. Maybe they are going to conduct another Q and A session? which is kind of not possible, because, they already had done one.

Anyway today was the strangest interview they had ever attended. So they stopped thinking and waited for other instructions.

But what they did not know was that this was purely a coincidence that they were seated like this. That is to serve a single purpose.... to be monitored. Nobody would have thought that the reason would be so…. So…. Avant-garde.

Noah sprinted into the meeting hall early in the morning happily. He was excited to see the results of that day's events. But who knows he will be met with a problem? The monitoring camera in the back of the hall was down for unknown reasons.

So he had no choice but to arrange seats like this. Well when Eve asked him why all the fuss, He made a fuss himself saying that monitoring the candidates and their 'Activities' is very important for their second test. Eve left the crazy and excited Noah alone.

So that's that! A crazy mistake led people to think that it was some kind of innovative test.


When the candidates got to know that they have free time they began to wait patiently. The clock struck ten. They waited patiently.

The clock struck eleven and they still waited... though not patiently.

When the clock struck twelve the patience of some of the people was eaten by crows. They began fidgeting in their chairs. Some wanted to go out and stroll but were denied. Without any option they opened their mobiles.

Then they discovered a beautiful thing. The WIFI was FREEEEEEE!!!!!