I have more money...

"Do you remember what you did that day?"

The lady asked Luna while looking at her newly painted beautiful nails. Her every move was graceful.

Luna only gave a blank look to her question. Yes! She did not even remember what she did yesterday. What more three days ago and that too when she was inebriated. She only knew that she snuck out of the house after her friends called her for a car race that night.

She wanted to have fun. Was it wrong? She stole the keys of her cousin's car and ran to them. She did not regret it even now. She was happy. She had one hell of fun night that day.

But… what did she do after car racing? She ran off with them to a night club after that, perhaps… They drank and did drugs.

After that? She did not remember. She only remembered flashes of something.

The lady gave a cue to Toni. He gave the girl a tablet after playing a video. It was CCTV footage. There, a super expensive car could be seen knocking a man out first. Then the driver recklessly turned the car and almost hit a person who was standing beside a car.

That's not the end of it. Luna came out of her car and staggered. She looked at the lady and began yelling. She also made some signals. Then she tried to run towards the lady but was stopped by bodyguards. She could be seen behaving like a rogue.

Luna shivered. She did not remember any of these. This lady abused her brutally just because she spoke a little. Now she had humiliated her and don't even remember what she spoke. Will she let her go? She would not kill her. Would she? She shivered with fear.

But then she consoled herself. How is that even possible? She was the cousin of Sam Coleman. She would never be hurt. The lady did not dare to do it. Luna looked at her with fear and some confidence at the same time.

The lady did not even look at her. She gave another cue to Toni. Toni snatched the tablet from her hands and played an audio file.


"Ma'am shall we teach her a lesson?" Toni's gruff voice was heard.

"Just leave her be. Lessons are to be taught when they can be remembered. Look at her… She is not even in her senses. Let's just leave!"

Then the car door opened and within a few seconds it closed with a bang. The sound was so loud that Luna was sure that the windows of the sports car must have been broken by her. And…. She gulped hard. She would definitely be killed by her cousin.

"Hey… Hey you!! Wh ... Who are you? You …." Luna began shouting.


"Hey…. You!! A Dirty (Hiccup) slut like you dare not answer me? Tell me! Damn it! You came to seduce my cousin again. Didn't you? Sluts like you… I know you too well… all you want to do is to climb my cousin's bed and (hiccup) become the mistress of Coleman's. Right?"


"Hey…. You ... You are so gutsy. You dare to (Hiccup) ignore me? Mee!! The great to be Mrs. Luna Coleman!! How dare you?"


"Hey... don't leave yet!! You can't leave till I am done. Tell me how will you leave him? I will give any amount you want...(hiccup)"


The sound of a glass crashing was heard. Luna was sure that the victim in the audio was her cute latest iPhone which was worth thousands of dollars.

"I told you not to leave. Why are you leaving again? Don't you want to live anymore? Sluts (hiccup) like you should bend on your knees and beg me. Beg me (hiccup) and I will let you go…"

Till then the lady who did not want to speak finally said something.

"Why should I beg you?"

"Of course to remain (hiccup) alive!! Even if I kill you nobody can do anything to me... HAHAHA... my aunt will back me up. She also hates sluts like you...(Hiccup) I only need to say a word to finish you off. Even if I ask you to lick my shoes you MUST do it! Do you know why? Because I can change your destiny with a single word. Now I have changed my mind. Come! My shoes are dirty. Lick them!! (hiccup) Also you should disappear from my cousin's life. Also… also… ah... after licking my shoes beg me on your knees to let you go… only then I will let you go."

The tape ended.

The lady was nonchalant as always and was still looking at her nails. But Luna was sweating a ton. She was terrified. Truly terrified!! This tape can cause chaos in her life and turn it upside down. She confessed her feelings, humiliated and offended this cruel lady all at once.

She confessed!!! God Damn it!! It is incest! She knew she had feelings for her cousin but she never told anybody about it. It was her deepest secret. Not even her aunt knew about it. And she confessed just like that? Will she be able to face her cousin if he knows about it?

She looked at the lady resentfully. She did not know why she even provoked this lady.

Luna looked at the lady with fear….not… something more than that. She shouldn't have drunk so much. She shouldn't have caused an accident. She shouldn't have provoked this death star… so many regrets. Not a single solution. Luna lowered her eyes and hid her tears.

She was usually arrogant but she would not humiliate others to this extent unnecessarily especially strangers what more innocent passersby. How did she degrade herself so much? Was it all because of alcohol?

Or was it something else? Jealousy? No… even then she will not be this audacious. No wonder she would be treated like this. Originally she thought that she was wronged. But now she felt that she was still treated in a humane way. It is not that she was not angry at the lady now but she still had her reasoning. She was arrogant but she still had conscience…. A little bit…. She knew that she was wrong….. just a little bit.

Luna waited for the lady to speak. The lady looked at her and finally spoke, "Whatever you told me to do in the audio you have to do it… Now!"

Luna could not believe her ears. It is true that she behaved arrogantly but the lady did not do it. Did she? Why should she do them? God! Beg on knees, lick her shoes? No fucking way! Even if she died she would never do it.

Toni brought out a pair of beautiful white sandals and placed them in front of Luna. Luna looked at the lady disbelievingly.

"We don't have all the day. So make it fast."

Luna could not stop her tears. She will NEVER do it!!

"I will not do it!" luna said it in a low but determined voice.

The lady looked at the girl for a long time silently.

"I will give you a way out. You like to humiliate others so much because you have money, don't you? I have more money than you. So I will do the same. Now you will be in their position. Since it is a competition of 'who has more money' I won in this. So... My rules!! I don't want to waste my time with you. Humiliating you write a thousand words letter and give it to me. After all you are an expert at this. Aren't you? If it is satisfactory… mark my words!!! Only if I am satisfied I will let you go."

Luna was not willing. But she had no choice. She brought it upon herself. She looked at Toni once. She will not be let off unless she does this.

Luna consoled herself. She took deep breaths. Yes!! You can do it! It's just a letter. Write it and you will be free. It is obviously a better choice compared to the other one.

Luna tried to take the tablet but Toni did not budge.

"You should write it yourself and sign it ON PAPER." The lady gave an ultimatum.

Luna took the paper and a pen with shaking hands and began… WAR.....