Blake's fantasy....Or?

On the other side Blake was on cloud nine when he thought that he would be meeting his 'dream girl' in a few minutes.

He couldn't contain his happiness so, he started the speaker and played his favorite song in full volume.

Luckily the road was deserted and not many people could witness such a scene.

He reached the location Aaliyah has shared with him. It was an outhouse located in the beach road. The outhouse was nothing special at a glance. If anything, it was a little shabby...

Well according to the 'great Blake Carter' this was very shabby. But Blake didn't mind this at all at the moment. The place where his dream girl invited him was a heaven for him.

When he reached the door he pressed the calling bell. But there was no response. Then he observed that the door was ajar. He entered the door without any hindrance.

When he entered, the first thing he observed was that the lights were switched off. Only two candles were illuminating the room lightly. The room which was lit in the candle light changed the ambiance of the night.

The room was a very large one. It should probably be a living room. It looked classy at a single glance.

The nearest wall was painted with a couple kissing each other. Then the picture changed. There were half nude pictures of the same couple on the other wall. Then on the next wall….

Blake being a dirty minded person himself, still blushed at that sight. He himself was very shameless. But his home would not be decorated this way. It was just too.....BOLD!

He became enthralled at the thought that his dream girl was so… Open minded. Even though he was a little bit disappointed at how things have changed from his imagination he was still excited.

But... where is his queen? Oh sorry….his goddess.

'Goddess of love?' he giggled at his own thoughts.

He tried to call her name aloud, "Aaliyah…. Hello? Anyone there? Aaliyah…"

But no one came. So he moved towards the couch. He sat a little awkwardly and tried to call her number.

She did not lift the call. He tried again and again. But with no luck... He was beginning to get anxious. Then a message popped up in his mobile.

"Hey handsome… Not so fast... honey… Your challenge is to find me in this house. If you win, there will be a big surprise for you."

Blake almost had a nose bleeding seeing this text. His goddess was really naughty. He was in for this game.

He smiled widely and began to search room by room. The house was not small. There were three bedrooms, a kitchen, two sit outs and the living room downstairs. He tried to switch on the lights when another message popped up.

"Naughty… Where is the thrill if the lights are on?" So, he gave up.

When he searched every corner of the rooms in his mobile light, he heard giggling sound suddenly. The sound was so eerie in the silent night that any sane person would have been terrified by this sound.

But… who is Blake? He did not mind a single thing about this. If anything, he felt invigorated by this sound. He slowly ascended the steps.

He felt so happy because he was sure that she was in one of the rooms upstairs. He could literally feel her. He was busy thinking about the upcoming 'Wild night'.

When he started to look in the rooms one by one, he felt thrilled. He had been with many women but the feel 'she' gave him was really different.

He wanted to tame her the first time he saw her. When she gave him the attitude he was so happy and excited that he found the tough girl he was anticipating.

Now she was playing games with him. Even now, he felt thrilled. At least she was really different. She had a unique style that kept him attracted to her.

'Will she be beautiful? Yep!! My choice is always right! She will be a stunning beauty....' he thought to himself.

When he neared a bed room he began to hear low, husky and beautiful moans. He was so….. aroused just by listening to them.

When he entered the room he saw that an erotic scene was being played by a projector. Blake could not describe his mental state. He couldn't put his present feelings into words. His goddess was really naughty and she has a very special charm.

He just couldn't wait to make her his. When he came out of the room enthusiastically someone came from behind and blindfolded him.

"Aaliyah..?" he was sure that she was playing this game with him.

A low, husky voice slowly entered his ears.

"Yes... Darling. How did you feel tonight?" she blew air in his ears. He was still blindfolded. He did not even struggle to unbind them. He was clearly enjoying this and waiting to see how this ends.

"Yeah! I am very much excited by how you have planned all of this. But are you sure about this? I mean you didn't like me in the party. Right?"

"Oh that…. at that time I was irritated by your stupid friend. But you…. my dear are my dream boyfriend. I always wanted to date you. Will you give me a chance? Hmmm?" she slowly inched towards him and bit his ear lightly.

Blake felt an electric shock throughout his body. It was always him teasing others. Nobody has ever teased him before. Actually everyone was afraid of him. They saw him as a superior.

And he just saw them as playthings. But she was so different. She had the guts to treat him as an equal. But.... he liked it.

He turned around and tried to take her into his arms. But she escaped from his grasp and laughed.

"Ah...Ah...Ah... not yet dear! We will be continuing our game. Now I will guide you and you will follow me. Alright?"

"Yes!!" Blake agreed instantly.

"Now… walk straight for five steps and then turn right." He did as he was told.

"Now… walk four steps straight." When Blake did so, his legs touched a bed post.

"Now… sit down on the bed." When he sat down he felt smooth and soft hands touch his hands. He was immersed in their feel. He let her do whatever she wants to do with him.

She made him lie down and began stripping him. Then she bound his hands tightly with ropes.

He was exhilarated at the feel of her touch. When he was only left with his boxers he felt a little shy.

So this was how it felt to be unable to do anything while your partner takes the lead. It was entirely new to him. But there was a little anticipation.

Then she slowly bound his legs too with the ropes. Though this time the action was a little rough.

But the elated Blake was too blind to notice this change. Then everything went silent.

"Hmm…Aaliyah?" silence was the answer. He called again.

"Aaliyah…? Where are you?"

Blake was a little frustrated when he got no response. Then he felt some weight near his legs. Someone sat beside him on the bed.

"Dear…. Shall we begin?" the same voice asked with a clear excitement.