
I know my question is random, but I just want my mind to be clear because I recently dreamed of what I just dreamed of earlier; I'm not sure why, but those dreams don't feel like dreams, and aside from my memories of that boy I met in the park, I have no recollection of memories from when I was a kid.

"I just want to share something... I had a strange dream about a child that bad men are seeking for and they want to kill the child, and there was also a fire on my dream and the child was put on the flames. I'm not sure why I'm thinking about that, but I think the dream has a hint."

My mother was taken aback by what I said, and Hillary even gave me a sidelong glance before continuing to eat and ignore us.

"W-why are you dreaming about that? Or maybe you're dreaming about it because you're stressed, so you're dreaming about it. You have to be less stressed next time, M-maybe next time it'll be worse."