
She walked slowly to her own seat after writing on Calvin's table. After a few moments, the door opened and Ma'am Vein walked in, and the students all fell silent.

"Good morning, class," she said as she sat down at her table with her bags. "I know some of you are undoubtedly aware of what happened to your classmate, Maxx Valiente, and her surgery was successful, and I hope you will pray for her quick recovery so she may return to school," she continued, as everyone began to chatter about Maxx once more.

"Calvin will also be suspended until Maxx recovers and he is punished for what he did, so that he can teach his lesson and no longer be a victim," she continued.

"That's great news."

"When I heard what happened to Maxx, I was scared of him."

"He should be kicked out of this school because he's so terrifying."