It has been a week since the incidence between Perry and Ariana, none made a move to talk , they crossed paths avoiding each other like nothing ever happened, it broke their own hearts, it broke Ariana's even more, sometimes she'd gather so much courage and decide to talk to him whenever she sees him,only to pass by him staring at the ground. She soon gave up when she realised she wasn't that courageous, not to mention, that the boy was very intimidating. Surprisingly, Efe and Ida were familiar with him, and it seemed they were always talking. Most of the time she'd be silent watching as they interacted with one another...
Ida barged into the living room followed by Efe, they were laughing loudly and it made Ariana frown, wondering what could be so funny, the book Perry had given to her was still in her custody, she was a fast reader but she didn't know why she was taking much time reading this one, she placed the book aside sitting upright directing all her attention to her cousin and friend.
"Why are you two so happy?" She said pointing her index finger at them.
They turned to look at her briefly before looking away, Ariana sensed something was up with them.
"You both look funny" Ariana thought out loud observing them closely, her lips pouted on their accord as her eyes narrowed at them.
"What are you two up to?" She rose up from the couch, the short dress she was wearing pulled up due how she had sat.
"what?" This came from Efe, who was trying hard to suppress her laughter
"okay.. so... you know about the task I was talking about the last time?" Ida said smiling slightly, Ariana nodded for her to continue.
"We actually put it into action" Efe said beaming, Ariana frowned confused.
"We told Perry you wanted to see him" Ida blurted out.
Ariana's eyes widened as panic took over her, she begun pacing through the living room.
"Why would you do that?" She asked rather calmly, still pacing through the room.
"He's actually waiting outside now" Efe said making Ariana stop abruptly, she turned towards Efe, mouth opened wide.
"I'm not going out there" She said her voice quivering, she slumped into her seat sighing so deep.
"You can't do that, that would be plain rude" Ida said, sitting next to her cousin.
"But... but... you know how nervous I get with him, what would I do.. what do I say to him... I don't want to make a fool of myself like last time" Ariana's gaze fell to her lap, as her face dropped.
Ida and Efe watched her with mouths open, this went on for a while before Ida finally said.
"You like him"
Ariana frowned as she looked at her cousin, she wasn't sure herself what it was, but she knew it was more than like, and she was not going to tell Ida that.
" Do I ?" She asked herself , frowning. A sudden knock on the door made them all jerk their heads towards the direction of the main door.
Efe went out to get the door, as the other two sat in silence.
"Dede, it's Perry" Efe said grinning.
Ariana sat there dazed, she slumped deeper into the couch looking at the floor.
"I'm not going" She stated softly.
"Come on Aria, okay, just breathe okay, it's not a big deal" Her cousin assured her.
After much encouraging words and persuasion from Ida and Efe, she left.
She didn't see him in front of her door, she went outside and found him standing at a corner.
She stood there watching him, contemplating on what to do.
He smiled briefly when he saw her, he gestured for her to come over, she hesitated for a moment before moving towards him. He watched closely as her hips swayed as she walked, the dress she was wearing really brought out her features, and he wondered what it was going to be like touching her.... he quickly erased those thoughts as she got closer.
"Hi" Her baby voice soothed him abruptly, he couldn't help but smile as warmth washed over him.
" uh you wanted to see me?" without observing much he realised how nervous she was, she kept shifting her gaze towards the ground.
"Yes,Aria, How is your leg" He asked.
"It's fine now" she said looking down at her knees.
"How about the book I gave you?" He asked ,
as if the scene was changed, everything suddenly clicked and they begun talking endlessly like they'd known each other forever.
Ariana didn't know how long she had been standing outside with Perry talking about almost everything, he really was a nice person like Efe had said, she kept on blabbing about the book and other things about school.
When they realised how dark it had gotten they reluctantly decided to part ways.
"So I guess we are friends now?" Perry asked her scratching the back of his neck.
She nodded beaming happily, she was much comfortable around him now.
"Goodnight Perry" She said happily as she begun walking towards the gate, his voice made her stop and spin immediately. He stepped closer to her looking a bit nervous, the next thing he did made her feet wobbly, she took in a sharp breath as he kissed her cheek, she couldn't hide her smile as she looked at his face, one feature that still intrigued her.
"Goodnight Aria" The way he said her name. It made her name sound foreign to her, it sounded much nicer rolling off his tongue. She nodded before leaving him.
He watched her as her figure retreated before disappearing behind the gate. He went on to his house which was secluded from the main compound, a storey building, the door to his room lead to a balcony which was hidden behind a tree.
As he entered the house, he heard his parents voices, he frowned wondering why they were not in their room.
He decided to avoid them if argument should rise. As he passed the living room he heard his mother call him, he sighed before heading back to the living room.
" You called" He said, his voice much deeper than he had intended for it to be, he didn't understand why talking with a deep voice angered his father so much.
"You don't get to use that tone Son" His father said pointing his index finger at him.
"What do you want, I'm really tired , it has been a long day for me" He said and it was partly true, at age fifteen his parents thought it was a wise decision for him to start working in his father's company, he had been so busy during the break, all he wanted was a time alone at that moment.
"Do you have to be always rude?!!" His mother exclaimed looking furious, he stood his ground looking calm and collected.
"How I'm I rude,Mother" He spat the word mother, his mother looked at him wearily before looking away.
"Your sister is coming back tomorrow" His inside was riling up with emotions, his sister was coming back after almost a decade.
"Okay" Was all he said as he left the living room.
"Is it because of the arrangement son?" He heard his father called out as he reached the entrance of the spacious room.
"Why do you even care?.... All you think of is that company of yours" Perry said bitterly, glaring at his parents. They looked away avoiding his gaze, sometimes he wondered if they were his parents. He stomped out of the room heading straight to his room.