The day was a beautiful one, the sun hid shyly behind the thick clouds that covered the sky, some of its rays were still able to break through, the birds chirped loudly flying from tree to tree, they flapped their wings nosily and flew away when a human was too close to them.
People got out of their apartments greeting one another happily, the children begun playing, continuing with their unfinished games of the previous night, it was a beautiful scene for Perry as he leaned on the wooden rail that encircled the balcony, he watched quietly, hidden behind the tree, his mind kept drifting to one girl, and he was expecting her to come out anytime soon, he missed seeing her, her voice, her smile even her childish and timid behaviour.
Uneasiness washed over him when he thought of his sister, who was arriving in the middle of the day, even though she was his twin, they never got along.
He was the outcast of the family,
his uneasiness even became more stronger when he realised that, his sister was definitely going to arrive with a company, someone he'd never wish to see in a lifetime, someone who was definitely going to come between him and his beloved, Aria.
He stood upright as he saw her get out of her apartment, from afar , he couldn't make much of her face, she walked slowly behind her cousin, who was talking happily with her aunty.
He watched them leave the compound, their figures disappearing as they closed the gate behind them. He sighed before entering his room, he laid on his bed his mind drifting to his greatest worry, how was he going to solve that particular problem?
Ariana, stood up from her seat following her mother and Ida out of the restaurant, they had decided to have breakfast at a newly opened restaurant in their community, it surprised her that her mother had easily agreed to Ida's idea of visiting the new restaurant.
They walked silently, the sun was no longer hiding in the late morning and it shone so bright, they squinted their eyes as the walked faster.
"I would be going out to work in the afternoon, I don't know when I'll be back though" Ariana's mother said as they entered the compound.
"oh I thought you'd be staying longer today, and it is almost twelve, what time are you leaving?" Ida asked her aunty, a frown on her face.
" Thirty minutes from now" The woman said as she removed a key from her purse and unlocked the door to their apartment. Ariana smiled as she bounced into her bedroom, her mother was leaving soon, which only meant she could go out to see Perry again, the previous night, they had decided to meet at the same spot, in the evening, how excited she was.
She stayed in her room as Ida and her mother conversed, laying in bed, she stared into space thinking of all the things Perry and her could do tonight, he might kiss her again, and a giggle escaped her lips as she thought of that. She wondered if he liked her, and she was certain he did, she could obviously see it in his eyes, the way he came to live, and smiled genuinely, so carefree around her.....
She hadn't realised she had dosed off, until Ida woke her up, squinting her eyes to adjust it to the brightness of the room, she groggily got out bed , washed her face and mouth and went to kitchen.
"You slept for hours, I was beginning to think you might be starving, the way you kept making sounds and mentioning food in your sleep...." Ida said a light chuckle escaping her lips, she watched as her cousin's face morphed into a frown, Ariana sat on one of the stools opposite her cousin.
"Is that so.. I don't remember having a dream like that" She frowned again looking at Ida.
Ida shrugged placing a plate of food in front of Ariana.
Ariana and Ida jerked their heads towards the entrance of the kitchen as Efe barged in, she blew air out of her mouth before sitting by Ida.
"Before you ask any questions, I have something important to tell you guys" Their attention peaked as they sat watching her expectantly.
"okay... so you know Perry has a twin right?" Efe asked, the other two frowned looking at each other, they turned their attention back to Efe and shook their heads still frowning.
"Oh Yeah, you definitely do not know" She muttered smiling, the girl was always smiling, sometimes Ariana wondered how someone could be happy all the time, especially Efe.
"What do you mean by that?" Ariana asked.
" Apparently, Perry's sister left when she was barely five, ten years ago, and is back now.
I personally don't know her, but my parents did" She explained further, gaining an 'oh' from the two girls.
"But that's not the problem" Efe stood up a serious expression on her face.
"She came back with some girl" She continued.
"And I'm pretty sure she's something to Perry" She said looking directly at Ariana, who suddenly lost her appetite for the food in front of her, she pushed it further away, a frown on her face.
"why do you think so? She could be family" Ida said.
"No, I'm sure of it, you should have seen Perry's face when he saw her" Efe said, Ariana felt a sudden lump form in her throat, she imagined how sad her face might look at the moment, there was a sudden ache in her chest and it dropped to her stomach, like waves, it rushed to her throat, forming a lump, and making her feel light headed.
"How did he look?" She asked, her soft voice much softer as if she would cry any moment.
"Now that's the confusing part, he looked like he had seen a ghost, angry, frustrated and when the girl hugged him, he didn't even touch her" Efe explained, even Ariana, at that moment was confused, then who could this mysterious girl be? she wondered.
The more she thought of Perry and the mysterious girl, the more sad and worried she felt, she wondered why she was worried.
Perry never said he liked her.