The Real Clan Leader

After coming to the courtyard where he has spent most of his childhood with his mother, Tang long relaxed a bit by releasing a sigh of relief. His Mother looking at his reaction chuckled a bit and said " Are you really that afraid of her"

Tang long looking at his mother said" She's very scary you don't know as you aren't here often, even the servants are afraid of her temper "

" hooooh... " saying his mother while raising an eyebrow.

Tang long as if remembering something shook a little with a scared expression and said" You don't know, one time a servant accidentally poured water on her dress and she drowned that servant until the last breath she almost died if not the patriarch stopping her. And one other time she didn't like her food and started beating the chef..... Brrr just remembering it causes me to be nauseated. "

His mother had a strange expression on her face said" Doesn't anyone complain of her? "

Tang long said" Well most of the time patriarch and the old man are not here, you know they go to the near town to their shop. She is also usually with them to manage the household there but as both of her sons are still here so she stays here often... Even her sons are like her so we usually avoid them... Even if we complain who would listen.. They are the clan leaders family... No one would even bother for it as if not to offend them. " while having a long face.

But smiled immediately and said" but now mother's here right "

" How will that bitch act haughtily with that old hag over there," thought his mother.


"Achoo!!.... Its getting cold already" said the old lady looking at the sky outside. She looked at the young woman beside her and said " Take a blanket over, it's not good for the baby"

"Yes, mother!" said the woman and thought ' Maybe it wasn't the cold' while looking at the old lady.


Lady Chen looking at his son who was smiling at her give a reassuring smile and said" Yes, You don't give to worry now. No one will have the guts to bother you even if they do I will complain to the old Master he would listen to me. If he doesn't I will pull his remaining hairs off. "

Tang long who was listening to her mother started laughing as if remembering something and said" Old grandpa was almost crying the last time you almost pulled them, but he is a nice person as he often visits me when you are not here. "

" Hmph. He was lucky last time " and hearing her son's sad tone said" Don't worry I won't be going now for some time"

Tang long immediately looked up and asked " Really"

" Yes really" and hugged him "Let's go and fix that eye of yours"


In a town far away from the village an old man suddenly shuddered. Looking at him a middle-aged man said" What's wrong father? "

His father" Huwa!! I just feel like a terrible being is remembering me " and started thinking of the person.

The middle-aged man raising his eyebrow said like talking to himself" Maybe its sister Chen "

The old man hearing this shuddered again and said" Please not her"

The middle-aged man looking at his father chuckled a bit as if remembering something but was slapped immediately. Looking at his father who slapped him said " What did I do?"

" You are still asking" looking at him while raising his hand.

"No no" while shaking his head hurriedly.

The old man as if thinking something " I wonder if that stupid daughter in law did something?. Hayee! She was still a good child wonder what possessed her now" while shaking his head.

"Shu'er where is that big brother of yours?, I haven't seen him"

Tang Shu looking at his father said " He went to investigate the fields of our medicinal plants. There was some trouble there."

The old gramps looked towards the direction of the fields and asked " Who is it this time".

" Its both of them" Tang Shu said while looking a bit worried.

The old man looked at his son and said " Don't worry at least that brat is strong"

" Yeah, you are right." nodding his head and thought of something and said, " Well, we also have her."

The Old man who heard it looked around hastily and then sighed a relief while slapping him again "At least look around first".

Tang Shu holding his head"Sorry!.! " rubbing a bit said again" She will help right "

The old gramps looked to the sky and said" It's hard to say. But if something happens to the one she cares, there will definitely be a blood bath here "

Tang Shu who heard this took a deep breath and said"How strong is she?"

The old man looked at his son and said" She can blow me to death"

Tang Shu took another deep breath and said "Brother Chun should talk to sister Su Wei"

The old man 'hmmed' a bit as if thinking about something.

"Still this will definitely affect our sales"

"Hmmm." hmmed the old man again then looking at his son as if remembering something " how's An Ni doing?"

Tang Shu blushed a bit and smiled as he thought of his wife and said " She's doing alright. A few more months and you will be a grandpa again" while having a cheeky smile.

The old man looking at his son's stupid smile laughed a bit and said " Hahaha well not all news is bad. Where is she by the way."

Tang Shu looked at his father and said lowly " With mother"

The old man who was laughing until now choked a bit and shuddered again. Looking at his son he said " You are done for"

Tang Shu also shuddered after thinking about his mother and said " No way!! My mother won't do something to harm me" while shaking his head nonstop.

His father looked at him and let out a weird chuckle and said" I thought that too. "

Both of them got silent after that.


After getting treated by his mother they talked a bit. Tang long asked what she was doing for the past 3 months and his mother answered all the questions saying things like travelling town to town. Selling medicinal plants and forming new connections and looking for new business opportunities. After some time his mother said him to take a rest and left the room.

Tang long looking at his mothers fading figure whispered slowly " I missed you very much" and then as if talking to himself " I love you" and closed his eyes to sleep.

The figure which was far away from the room shook a bit. If one look closely they can see a small curve upwards and then as if remembering something moved towards the inner courtyard.

" How dare that bitch hurt him" said the woman under her breath " Heheh I guess its time for repayments"

Later in the night the guards heard weird sounds coming from the inner area but no one bothered to check it as they all thought that maybe the Patriarch's wife letting out her frustration on some poor soul. How would they know the person behind the weird voice was thinking constantly that someone might come and liberate her from this horror.