Why Chinese!!?

The next day, Tang long woke early in the morning so that he could have breakfast with his mother. He went to take a bath, took out his newest clothes, and stood in front of the mirror admiring himself thought' Well well look at this handsome! Hmm, the swelling on the eye is also getting better.'

As he was admiring himself he said" Well at least I will become an adult sooner than expected" while having a perverted smile on his face.

If someone were to look at his face at this moment then they would definitely have a scare, as this definitely didn't look like the face of a 5-year-old.

Tang long who looked at his perverted smile in the mirror hurriedly conducted himself in a gentlemanly way as if the earlier perversion was just an illusion.

As he walked out of the room towards his mother's courtyard he looked up at the sky and thought, ' Another day gone just like that'

One must say that right at this moment he definitely had a certain charm in him and if someone were to look at him they would definitely have an illusion that they aren't looking at a 5-year-old.

But at the same time, there was a woman who was looking at all this from a distance and thought ' well he certainly has grown up'

Walking towards his son Lady Chen said " Long'er! What are you daydreaming about."

Tang Long who just woke up from the thoughts and looked at the woman in front of him and said " I was just having a wish to have the first person I met today should be you. Well the wish has been granted I guess." and smiled

The woman who was Tang Long's mother looked at him and laughed " Hahaha well well my son is definitely getting sweeter day by day. Maybe it won't be that long now" and started to daydream on her own.

Tang Long who saw his mother daydreaming said " Mother, let us have breakfast first"

Lady Chen who had been dreaming woke up and blushed a bit but hide it quickly and said "Let's go!! "

Tang Long followed his mother and looked around to see any disturbance but got nothing wondered in a slow voice as if talking to himself said' Wonder why is it so quiet today. Even that Old Hag is unusually quiet. Hmm, maybe she's having her periods today."

Lady Chen who was walking in front of him smiled wickedly at his first sentence but got a weird expression when she heard the last.

Tang long who saw his mother suddenly stopping asked cutely" What's wrong mother? "

Lady Chen who saw his cute expression said" Nothing! Let's go! " and thought ' Maybe I was imagining'.


After having his breakfast with his mother walked towards his own courtyard. On the way, he saw a lot of children practicing their Martial arts. Looking at them he lost himself in thought again ' When can I start practicing'.

As he was thinking about it, he heard a loud sneer from the way the children were practicing. When he saw the face of the person his only thought was to get away from this troublesome cheap talking bastard or my head will hurt all day.

" Heh! Look that trash is running away. He knew he was trash that's why he is getting away from here."

" Hahaha, maybe he is going towards his mama to be breastfed again"

" Hahahahah"

" Hahahaha"

As everyone was laughing loudly on this Tang long had a very angry face as veins on his head could be seen clearly. He walked back towards the person who was laughing at him and kicked with everything on his nuts.


Everybody stopped laughing and to see the person who was rolling on the ground as if in pain with a wide mouth that even an egg could fit in it.

" Big brother Huan," said the person closest to him. That's right they were both sons of Lady Su Wei named Huan and Huang.

"You fucker what have you done to Big brother Huan," said Tang Huang

" Ohh, What did I do. He just choked himself while laughing so loudly that's all"

" You fucker!" And he started beating Tang long. You should know that Tang Long had a weak body that didn't have any martial arts practice, so you can imagine the result.

" Fuck bastard! A trash like you trying to fight us! "

" Stop," said a voice as deep and cold as ice

When she heard the commotion she saw Tang Long beaten up and came running towards there direction in anger. She stopped in front of Tang Long who was bruised badly and turn towards the young boy. " Did you do this Tang Huang"

The boy who was so afraid that he would almost start crying said " I. I. I..... I"

" Speak Up!"

" Mother it is alright. It was my fault. You shouldn't scare him like that. I am fine!" said while looking down.

"But long'er..."

" I am fine mother! I just have to take a bath and I will be cleaned up" said while walking slowly toward his courtyard.

" Wait son!" said Lady Chen but as if he didn't listen he kept walking while looking down.

She didn't know what to do at this moment as she knew about his condition. ' If only I could have found that' thought Lady Chen as she looked at the small figure fading in the distance. She looked back at the boy, glared at him, and walked towards Tang long's room.

When she got there she saw him standing as he spaced out. Looking at his figure she couldn't hold herself back and hugged him gently and said " Long'er you don't have to hold yourself back. Just cry it out! You shouldn't bottle up your emotions. Just cry it out loud and tell how you feel."

Tang long who was holding himself couldn't do so as he cried out loud while questioning " why.! Hic.... Why can they practice and I can't... Hic... They always say me bad things... Hic... I don't mind it... But when they badmouth you... Hic... I can't do anything... Hic .. I. I Had to listen to them every time... Hic.. I want to punch them in the face... Hic saying... I am not a trash son... Hic... But I can't do it... Awaa... I am not strong enough... "

Lady Chen who heard him saying this couldn't help but smile" No! My son is very brave. He is the bravest as even when he knows he is weak but still stands up for his mother.. And I love you for that.. " said while kissing his face and hugging him tightly.

Tang Long who heard it quieted down slowly and said" But I want to become strong so I can show you and everyone that they were wrong.. Sniff.. I want to be strong enough to protect you just like how you are protecting me know... Sniff. " while looking at his mother's face.

Lady Chen who heard this laughed a bit and said" You don't have to prove anything to me... I know you are the strongest. " as she looked at him again

Then she said" You also know that your body is weak that's why it will have less effect... You will have to train very hard but will only achieve 1% of the effect of the training other have... Do you still want to try " asked Lady Chen when looking at his expression to see any doubt

" Yes!! I wanna do it even if it is hard. Even if its only 1% I will try my hardest and will never back down. " said Tang Long with a never been seen expression before.

Lady Chen who also saw this knew that she cant stop him now or it will effect his mentality ' hmm maybe I should improve his mentality first... Hmmm' thought to herself.

" Are you sure there is no backing down after this"

" Yess! I am sure!" said Tang Long

"Ok! Let's get you cleaned first." said to him


Looking at the bundle of books never seen before Tang Long thought of how is this related to Martial arts??

Looking at the lost expression of her son Lady Chen chuckled a bit and said " Whats wrong? "

" Mother were we not going to practice Martial arts??"

" Hmm we can't! Your body is too fragile. I must first look for something to help you strengthen your body only after that can we begin but for a strong Cultivator it is necessary to have a strong mind too so start working. I don't want my son to be a muscle head. " said Lady Chen while having a wild smile.

Tang Long who saw the bundle of books and picked one, he open the book and looked at the content thinking' well I was in my university days in my previous life so this will be a walk in the park'..

But after a few minutes he had sweat on his forehead while looking at his mother before saying " I Don't Get a Single Word!!"

Lady Chen who was waiting for this smiled and said " Well well, Looks like we will have to start from the basics.

Tang long who heard this thought loud in his mind ' Why the hell is this in Chinese'.