Past life and New life

Its been 5 years since the day he started his journey to become a martial artist, That's what I thought. But I still had not practiced a single technique. Whenever I ask my mother about it she will always tell me to be patient, that it's not time yet but always bring a new set of the book whenever she is back from town. Sometimes I wonder whether my mother wants me to become a scholar rather than a martial artist. I could still remember at one time she brought me a weird book with the content about "How to talk to a girl". New ways to persuade your love, 'How to talk with women 101.'

Tang long: "Mother! What's this? Did you bring the wrong book?"

Lady Chen: "Nope these are the right books."

Tang Long looking at the cover again: "Are you sure?"

Lady Chen said smilingly: "Yup I am sure!!"

'But why?' Asked tang long

"Well I don't want my boy to be tricked by vixens, you are such a cute boy and you should at least try to conduct yourself in the same way. I don't like boorish and muscled headed people." said Lady Chen while trying to maintain her smile while thinking about something."Besides its good reading, you can pass your time and you won't get bored too"

"But when will we start my other training," asked tang long while looking at the content of the books. I must say that these books were not as bad as I got instantly hooked to it. And about the Chinese language, I still can't understand all of the words but my mother said that I was a brilliant student as I could learn so fast.

I wonder if she was making it up just to keep me focused.

"Well, we will start it soon. I am looking for some 100 - 500-year-old herbs for you but they are expensive in the market. Maybe I will have to look in the forest to our north" muttered lady Chen as if thinking about it.

Tang long who heard it was a bit shocked too as the 100-year-old herbs were not candy balls. So he remained patient and started to get hooked to the book again try to read between the line in broken Chinese.

Lady Chen who was looking over him saw his focus and smiled to herself thought" Yes! Just be patient like that. No need to hurry the more you wait the more developed your mind will be. Then looking at the book, she had a weird expression as if waiting for something ' Ahh, when will he use this experience I wonder' and started daydreaming again with a blush on her face.

While this was not the only thing happening, as last year she brought a little girl from her travels. She had the same black hair as mother's but with green eyes, a bit long face, and good height and was quite pretty despite her age. Mother just dumped her on me saying that she'd be my new maid.

I wonder what's in her head. Maybe she might have just brought a daughter-in-law of her preference? I mean come on even Tang Huan and Tang Huang had envious expressions when looking at my little follower. But that was not all of it.

Tang long looking at the girl for the first time asked his mother: And this is?

Lady Chen " Well, I found her selling herself, due to her small age it was difficult for her to have a job besides shes so cute, I just couldn't bear the thought of having her fallen in a pervert's hand so I just brought her here. She will be your new maid from now on."

Tang long who was observing the girl looked shocked though he was happy his mother doesn't think of him as a Pervert and asked " Huh! why me, I don't need a servant"

Lady Chen who was looking at him smiled and said" Don't worry about the small stuff. Just treat her how you like but be mindful of your actions. " jokingly.

" What are u saying! " said Tang long with a blush on his face. And here I was just praising her.

" But what's her name? " asked tang long

Lady Chen looking at the girl said" Meihui! Her name is Meihui. "

Tang long who heard it, welcomed her as he said." Welcome, Meihui. I might not look like much but I will not let anyone bully you."

Meihui who looked at her new young master who was even more girlish than her thought." Maybe it is I who needs to protect your chastity" then looking at her mistress with the same expression and saw her nodding she confirmed her doubts.

Meihui " Thankyou! Young master! I will do my best to take care of you."

While lady Chen on the side nodded approvingly.

For some reason I thought, they both were thinking of something rude but that's not possible right!

So Now Meihui usually takes care of me like handling clothes and food etc when my mother is not around and she also studies with me. Well having a companion of the same age is certainly preferable by me.

One other happy news was that my third uncle had a son 4 years ago and named him Tang Kai. Well, he was certainly cute running bald all around the house.

And I also have a new member to play with. She is Tang Lan my second uncle's daughter. Her mother's name is Li Ling. My second uncle is still alive but bedridden after been injured in a fight. I don't know the detail of it as nobody seems to want to talk about it. I have often seen him around the inner courtyard with his family on a type of wheelchair.

Tang Lan was usually a shy girl. As there are not many females of her age in the family... But she often plays with me and Meihui. I wonder why.

I treat her like my Sister so all is good I think. Thinking about my sister I remembered about my family on Earth. I still had parents and a little sister there. Maybe they thought I am dead.

As I remembered the last day I spent on earth


My name was Ali Qasim. Well, I lived in Asia, so it was not that weird to have this name as many countries on this continent have it... I lived in a country near the Chinese border. Well, the country's relations are good as they often had dealings with each other or what I heard on Tv.

I was 18 years old and just about to start my university life and being confessed by a half Russian girl who was in the same department as me. Well, we knew each other from childhood, so it was definitely a very important meeting but who would have thought that it would have been my last day there. (A.N= This idiot knew her for 18 years but still the girl confessed him what an block of wood!! ;P)

Just when I was about to confess her too about my feelings I got a call. Looking at the call I answered it but what I heard still give me the creeps.

" Haa. I finally found you" That's the last thing I remembered as I saw a scared face of my new girlfriend who was calling my name but I couldn't hear it. And just as I muttered "Sarah" I blacked-out. And then here I am now.

I still remember when I opened my eyes and trying to move but could only flail around with my tiny hands and legs.

And I still remember a bit about a man shouting and a lady crying but I couldn't remember it as I soon passed out again. After that the second time I opened my eyes only to see her before my eyes. She looked very beautiful with the light rays of sun shining on her face saying " Hooh! Aren't you a cute baby!" Honestly, I felt a bit offended at first but after looking at my appearance I let it go. But at that time I thought that when I grow up and she's still single I'll definitely marry her.

And here I am sitting in the courtyard thinking about the day again.

"Ahh, its ten years already now huh. But still, How the fuck did I ended here. Why can't I reincarnate in a western fantasy? The name of people here are so tough and the history and the couplets and o my head hurts. Was it due to living close to the border.? Maybe it was a 'border effect' "

As I was muttering to myself self my mother came to me and saw me looking in space. Said" Long'er! Get up! Its time. "

As I saw the woman who came in front of me with the same smile as I always remember I asked" what time? "

Lady Chen smiled and said," Time to start on your journey towards your dreams ".