Its been 3 years, since the day mother said "It's time for training." I have been training and learning different things about the business being conducted here by my family, the continent, and the different stages of cultivation.

Hmm... let's talk about the continent first. The place where I am living is called the 'Eastern Turtle Continent'. Some weird names for a continent but it is said as we go to the center the land rises upward looking like a giant hill so the name. There is not much written about it on the books that I have as this area is far from the Big cities, I was able to find that the area we live in, comes under a Kingdom called Eastern Han kingdom and because this kingdom is almost on the shore of the eastern continent it is far away from the other kingdoms leaving it pretty isolated.

The royal family here is named surname HAN and they are the hegemony of this area. The royal family has also opened an academy for the gifted students in their kingdom. The name of the Sect is The Raising Dragon Academy. It's heard that it is very difficult to be in that academy as the requirements for admission are pretty tough as one had to be in the later stages of Body Strengthening.

As for what cultivation stage it is, it goes like this, first comes Body strengthening stage. It has nine stages divided by 3 major stages as (lower-middle-later) stage having 3 minor stages in each. Then comes the Qi refining stage which is also divided into 9 stages with a similar pattern.

It is said that the path of cultivation starts from the Qi Refining stage, so that stage is usually very difficult to break-through as one can tell whether he/she will be able to Soar in the high sky or will remain as an ordinary mortal.

Then after that is the Foundation Establishment stage which is divided as (lower-middle-higher-peak) stages. It is already a very high stage in this place. It's been said that people in this stage can fly using the legendary flying sword. I wonder if I will be able to fly someday with my own flying sword.

Well here goes the cultivation stages it's been said that the cultivation of the current king in the Eastern Han kingdom is at the peak stage foundation Establishment and is a very powerful figure. And the same goes for the Raising Dragon Academy, because of this not many want to mess with them.

The Raising Dragon academy is not the only sect as there are four more sects but are not as popular, they are The Buddha Sect, The Poison Mist Valley, The Fiend sect, and The Joyous Forest sect.

The Buddha sect as the name said is a sect for monks. It is quite a good sect but sorry I don't want to go there as I already died a virgin, I have no plans to stay one in this life too. I have heard that if one wants to have high attainment they have to follow a very strict routine, and their cultivation levels are also different like Zen, Etc I don't know.

Then there is the Poison Mist Valley, As same as the name goes they are people who are proficient in poison. They are quite a handful bunch and mother often tells me to be careful as it usually is a matter of seconds to die without knowing how.

Then there is the fourth the Fiend Sect. I only know that they tame a demon beast as they fight together with them. Well, they can be a handful too, especially if we have to fight two against one.

Then there is the Joyous Forest Sect, well Mother didn't really tell me anything about it but you guys can figure it out anyway. I doubt any of you guys are that much of babies right, but that Forest thing in the name got me triggered somehow I am sure you guys are also thing the same thing.

Hmph!! I guess that takes care of the things around me, now let us talk about the family. Our family the Tang family is one of the big families in the city. The name of the city is White Flower city, as there are many white flowers seen around the city-state. The Governor of the city is called Qing Chao and could be said to be a wise man. He doesn't side with anyone and is neutral about his position.

He is from a medium family background but still an amazing figure. then the next medium family is the Yi Family. I don't know much about them besides that they have some business in the medicinal fields and weapon craftsman. Mother said that we have a pretty bad relationship with them but not enough to kill yet.

Then there is the Jun Family, they are a family of traders and have many big stores in the city they are also pretty much neutral with everyone. They also do Special Auctions on a 1-month basis and are said to be well filled. hmm, I have never seen an auction before, maybe I will be able to see it in the future.

And the last of the big families are the Li Family. well describing Li's, mother didn't really tell me about it much but she said to me to be careful about it when meeting with any of there members. they are a family of Alchemists and are said to be well known in the other towns as well. Thinking about Li's I wonder if Aunt Li has something to do with them.

Then the last family my Tang Family, well we are quite a simple family if you think about it. Everyone is quite nice, having a friendly relationship with each other well except for Su Wei who is the New Patriarch Tang Chun's wife. The old gramps who was the previous Patriarch was named Tang Caihong. His wife was named Bai Xiaoyu.

Well, the old lady is the one who handles the houses and tends to the medicinal garden with the mansion in the white flower city so she doesn't come back often. But if you wanna ask who is the real leader then it's definitely her... They have three sons and a daughter who I haven't seen till now. I heard that she is an elder in the Raising Dragon Academy so she usually meets everyone in the town and returns from there.

I have heard from the mother that she is quite a talent having a rare body type and a great beauty as a plus. Even the royal family has sent an invitation to marry her with their son. But she went right to the palace and rejected it in their faces. Though it was very rude after this incident she got even more popular.

Her name is Tang Fen. Just like her name leaves her fragrance everywhere she goes. And you know the rest of the family already.

You must be thinking of how is me and my mother related to this, well it looks like the grandma and my mother's mother or the grandma from mother's side were friends. And that's because of some enemies the family has hidden themself.

Though it looked quite far fetched and an unlikely a lie, what can I do about it? I will probably get my answers when I am strong enough to handle things. 'Probably'.

Now after three years I have grown quite strong and give a strong visage to anyone who looks at me, This is what I would like to say but just as my mother said to me even with her help I was only able to get on 3rd stage of body strengthening.

I seem to have hit a wall and no matter what I do, I can't break through to the medium stage. Unlike me, Meihui and Lan look like they don't even have to effort to each a new level and are already at the 6th and 5th stages.

Even the little brat Tang kai seems like a genius reaching 2nd stage of body strengthening at 7 years of age. The two brothers Tang Huan and Tang Huang also showed promise as one is at the 7th stage and one at 9th rushing to reach the peak.

But I don't show any impatience and am working hard to break free from my current shackles.