Charming All Sides

'Hah... Hah... Hah...!!'

Taking a deep breath after his daily routine of practice Tang long looked at himself a bit frustrated

'Still no progress??!'

Looking at the blue sky and reviewing the years of hard work he had done with the love of his mother and friends, he started to relax again further enhancing his mental health.

Though Tang long thinks he has made no progress but he didn't know that because of his daily hard work and greater mental strains, he has achieved better sense which is almost nigh impossible at this stage of cultivation for others. He can observe everything and anything within a 10m radius creating a domain of his own, but because of the slow accumulation over the years, it made him gain precious experience and finer ability of control over his body which he was unaware of. The years of training didn't cause his body to become big or blurry but on the opposite made him more lithe and flexible.

But all of his growth was seen by his mother who was always by his side watching silently as he grew towards an incredible direction and his friends who practiced with him looking him working so hard got motivated to work even harder and the results of the years are clearly shown.

'With this much mental strength, he can definitely become a great alchemist or Array Master in the future, if only he could keep up his cultivation as well' thinking to herself Lady Chen wondered. Then she picked a small pebble and threw it towards him.

Tang long who was resting immediately became attentive when something entered his domain and easily caught it between his fingers. Looking at the direction the pebble came from he said " mother?"

' 13meter' thought Lady Chen while observing his reaction speed ' It increased again huh. With this much attention, he should be able to fight a 4th stage expert easily'

Answering his question Lady Chen said " Practicing daily is good and all but resting your mind and body is also necessary. So go take a rest. Have a round of the village or something today."

Thinking that its been a long since has a good rest he agreed with his mother and took a break for the day.

" Good! Let's go eat something first" while looking at him ' Ahhh! He's grown tall as well '



After having breakfast with his mother, Tang long had nothing to do so he started wandering around the town. He wasn't alone as Meihui was also behind him.

Meihui who was following him had a slight blush on her face when she peeked at Tang long's face but when she looked at the surroundings she became as cold as ice while leaking a bit of black aura obviously indicating everyone to stay away.

The others similarly as oblivious to their imminent death had all there focus on Tang long.

Tang Long who had zero emotional experience and one who died virgin was completely unknown to the fact of his popularity and charm, thought, everyone was looking at his follower said." Aww! Our Meihui sure is Popular look at all the crowd staring at us. They are all enchanted by your beauty and graceful figure huh Meihui.!" While looking at her with a teasing smile " Look even the girls are pointing fingers. They must be cursing me or something at this moment of how lucky I am, Maybe I will get to see a forbidden relationship someday." And laughed.

Meihui who saw at his this handsome fellow who could certainly kill someone with his looks blushed at his compliment but became speechless while muttering ' They aren't looking at me, dummy. They are obviously cursing me for my fortune. As for the forbidden relationship you are talking about' she looked at those men with bulky muscles and then again at this lithe figure dimwit who was able to charm both men and women became more concerned at his future.

'He usually shows himself teasing and complimenting others but when it comes to himself and matters about love, he is clearly an idiot'

'If young master can't have more progress then in the future he will definitely be targeted." Thinking about what could happen she shook and with a new determination said." Yes! I will definitely protect his chastity".

Tang long who was laughing choked and almost fell forward. Looking backward he asked while having a weird face " Whose chastity are you protecting now?"

Meihui with a serious expression said" Yours"

Tang Long who heard it had a blank face but after some time said " No need to bother I will be fine. No girl is even coming to talk to me anyway. Besides, I don't want to remain a virgin all my life. You on the other hand should definitely worry, look there's even an old man looking this way. But don't worry with me here they will not cause trouble. " while hitting his chest.

Meihui thought" They wouldn't cause trouble because you are the trouble yourself. I wonder if you will have the same smirk on your face if you know what those people are thinking. "

'Let's not taint his pure mind' nodding to herself.

Tang Long who had often stayed at home didn't know that he was very famous and sometimes called rose-boy without thorns. As to how can a rose protects itself if it has no thorns for self-protection. Even the things about him being handsome seem too much to believe but this area is just a small village area far away from the rest of the world.

Although he knows a lot on how to talk to a woman he doesn't have any experience at it yet' as he usually only talks with his Mother, Mehui or Lan.

So Tang long who was the crush of many hearts was just spending time teasing Meihui.

Suddenly he caught sight of Lan, Kai and Huang. With them there was another figure, she is a girl from the village who often plays with Lan. Her name is Feifei. She is also quite a Beautiful girl but not on the level of Meihui and my Little sister Lan. I have heard that Tang Huang has a crush on her, and do things for her so she might notice him.

Tang Long said while pointing " Look every one is there. Lets go see what they are up-to."

Meihui who also have taken notice nodded at me.

"Lan! Kai! what are you guys doing?" shouted Tang Long

Tang Lan, Huang and others who heard him turned to see that it was them smiled and waved at them. Feifei who noticed Tang long blushed suddenly and Tang huang who was seeing this became more annoyed at Tang long.

"What are you doing?" asked Tang long

" We're going to the outskirts of the forest to hunt some rank one beast big brother long." Said kai innocently

" Rank one beasts"

Frowning Tang long looked at the others for confirmation and saw them nodding said " You all know that the forest behind the hills is very dangerous and the elders always said not to go there"

Tang huang who was already pissed at said while waving his hand " Don't worry! I will be going with them. Rank 1 beast is only as powerful as a 3rd stage body strengthening and even if we are attacked by a rank two who is equal to 6 stage body strengthening I can easily take care of it too as I am already at 7th stage. Lan is also coming who is at 5th stage and with Feifei who is at 4th stage we can handle some rank 1's easily. We can also find wild herbs there and sell them to have some pocket money. "

Tang long who heard it also thought that with this line up they should be alright if they only remain to the outskirts of the forest.

Tang Lan who saw him asked him" Big Brother Long why don't you join us! You are free anyway. 'Meihui' can also come. "

Tang Long heard 'Lan' was also interested and asked" Are you alright with it if I join? "

Tang Huang shouted" No way! "

But Feifei and Lan didn't listen to him as Feifei said" It's fine! if you come with us, it will be better too as the more people the safer it will be".

'tsked' Tang huang becoming angry said " He's just a stage 3 trash. He will only get in the way."

Lan who heard him this time give him a stink eye and said " You don't need to bother as we are the one's who will protect him as Kai is also coming its nothing different. There will also be Meihui whose at stage 6, so it won't be much trouble. "

Although Tang long was obviously Mad at being called a weakling but he can also see her care so didn't mind much.

Seeing them all approving of him Tang huang 'tsked' again and said nothing.

Tang long looking at all of them said" Then lets go now it will take an hour to go there on foot and we should return before sunset. " Then looking at the suns position said" There is still some time for noon so we should hurry "

All of them nodded at went towards the forest.