Rank 2 Medicinal Herb

After getting together with Lan and everyone else, they decided to check their weapons and rations for the way, most of them used a steel sword for fighting with Lan, Feifei, and Kai having them. Tang Huang brought a spear for longer reach as he's the one who will be the front guard so he is using it to have a longer reach. Tang Long on the other hand was using a bow and arrow as he will mostly be on the rear guard.

Kai will be in the center with Lan and Feifei on both sides and Meihui will be with Tang Long at the rear guard position mainly to take care of him. Her reason was that it's her job to be near him always. Although he knew that it was not the real reason and it was frustrating for him knowing that he was weak and needed protection but what can he do about it besides getting stronger faster. Thinking about it, he decided to work even harder to get stronger to reach higher realms with new motivation.

After confirming that everything was OK, they started our journey towards the forest. On the way they talked about different things like their hobbies and thinks that happened in the village during the last few days, It was a great walk especially when You are surrounded by a bunch of beautiful girls but Tang Long was not at ease as it seemed as he didn't know why he kept having a dangerous feeling coming for the front of the group keeping his attention diverted.

Though the Girls often asked him whether there was any problem but he said it was fine and kept attentive.

He didn't notice it but as he was talking with the girls cheerfully, Tang Huang, on the other hand, was being ignored and he kept sending his killing intent towards Tang Long because of envy.

After walking for an hour or so they could see the outline of the forest. This time everyone stopped talking and start getting into the position.

Tang Long said: How about we all take some rest first and eat something before continuing. It will get harder after entering the forest.

Everybody nodded on this as not even Tang Huang complained. Even he knows that once they enter the forest they will have to be on constant alert with no time to eat.

After having a Light Brunch, they started to get in position and continued towards the forest slowly. When entering the forest they can see that the bark of the trees was thick and the height was so large that they can't seem to see the top of them. It was very crowded with little walking space and they also had to be careful of any poison insects around.

Tang Long and the rest were getting irritated as the continued as Tang Long said: "There is little space here, It will get difficult fighting here."

Tang Huang who was equally pissed said " Yeah, it is difficult. But where there is risk there is the reward." and kept cutting the bushes ahead of him.

Everybody nodded with him and Tang Long also agreed with him. Tang Huang was a genius of the family, but because of his bad attitude and ethics, Tang Long mostly chooses to remain away from him. If not for this maybe they could have been good friends until now.

"Everybody hold up!" said Tang Huang while crouching behind the bushes. then he waved his hand at Tang long calling him and said " Told you so before, there is our reward. " while pointing in the front.

Tang Long came up to him and looked at the thing he was pointing. There was a beautiful blue color flower with a weird purple pattern on it but looked like a fern of sorts. Looking at it Tang Kai asked, " What is that Big brother Huang?"

" That a Blue Poison Flower. It is a rank 2 medicinal ingredient used in making anti-poison rank one pill. It is used in the main process of making it. We are quite lucky to be able to find it as this will sell for at least 5000-8000 gold easily."

Listening to Tang Huang's explanation everybody took a deep breath.

"So much money! Even my father only earns a few thousands gold on weekly trips and we have such an expensive-looking herb in front of us," said Feifei

Looking that it was Feifei, Tang Huang spoke gently " Of-course its expensive. Due you know how much that pill is sold for? for more than 10000 gold coins a pill. and I heard that the best Pill maker is only able to make 3 pills of it per cauldron. And this one looks like a 40 to 50-year-old herb so it will definitely sell for this much."

This time everyone had taken a deep breath. 30000 golds per cauldron was definitely a lot of money. These children who have Silvers as pocket money to spend were almost drooling at the thought of getting rich.

"So what are we waiting for, Let's go!" said Tang Lan as wanting to jump at it.

"Hold your horses right there you idiot. I never thought a shy girl like you would jump like that" said while holding her down "Do you think that a plant like this will go unprotected when even that bastard is being protected, do you think it won't" said Tang Huang while hitting her lightly on her head and pointing at Tang Long's direction with his eyes.

Tang Lan who jumped earlier blushed with a shy expression again hold her head and turn towards her Big Brother Long.

When everyone heard him they also suddenly seem to have a realization of sorts and the ladies looked at Tang Long blushed a bit as if understanding the meaning behind. Only Tang long who didn't get the meaning tilted his head, but also had an annoying feeling but still asked.

"Whose this bastard you are talking of?"

Everyone who heard his question become speechless for a moment and Tang Huang seemed as if holding his laughter. somehow looking at him Tang Long became more annoyed.

After laughing a while Tang Huang straightened himself and continued " As I was saying this kind of plant is usually protected, so we need to be careful and look behind the rock where the herb is planted."

Everyone looked at it and noticed something moving there as if breathing lightly.

Tang Long, who also saw this but didn't know what it was asked " What is that? Is that a Fierce Beast? It looks like it's sleeping."

" Yes, that probably is a rank 2 Poisoned Fang wolf there who is waiting for the herb to mature a bit so that it can eat it to level up."

Everybody nodded at him as Tang Kai asked " Big brother Huang, you seem to know a lot of things, I don't even know the difference between ranks of monsters and herbs "

Hearing this everybody nodded once again as even Tang Long didn't have such knowledge.

Tang Huang who was obviously feeling proud at this moment said " Of course, I want to become a pill maker so studying these things is only like general knowledge to us. I will have to study a lot more to become a Great Alchemist."

Hearing his explanation everybody had a newfound understanding and respect for him as it is not easy to become a pill maker.

"So Big brother, Can you tell me the difference. I don't want to be called an idiot when you become a pill maker one day" said Tang kai

Hearing his cousin put it out like this he would not like him to be called like that and be without knowledge and so he started talking.

"Hmmm let's see where to start from, lets go with fierce beast ranking first. Nine Ranking fierce beasts are starting from rank one to rank nine. Rank one fierce beast as you know can fight evenly with a stage 3 body tempering expert then rank 2 with a stage 5 and rank 3 with stage 7 expert rank 4 can fight with peak stage body tempering expert and then to rank 5 fierce beasts who can fight a Qi reforming stage expert and then to rank 9 able to fight a later stage Qi expert. after Rank 9 then seem to have become able to evolve into a spirit beast but I don't know much about it. but I have heard from grandfather that not even a peak stage Qi reforming expert can fight it. There is also a rank 0 but it is usually used for rearing purposes, all the cattle in the village are mostly rank 0 with the rest as ordinary animals."

"That's what I know all about fierce beast"

"Now for the medicinal herbs well even I don't know much about it as there are not even many books on it except for a medicinal compendium at our house and store. So I only know what's written in there. Now let me think for a bit"

Everybody nodded to him but were still impressed with the new knowledge.