Fighting A Rank 2 Poison Fang Wolf

Then Tang Huang started explaining again " Now for the herbs they have ten ranks starting from rank 0 which are also known as auxiliary herbs used in the process of making ranked pills then goes all the way to rank 9 herbs. I have asked Father about it and he said that there are only up to rank 6 herbs found to date in the cities and they were the top herbs which were auctioned at a high price of millions of gold. These herbs are like family heirlooms to most people don't even talk about it even if having one. A Rank 6 herbs can be used for making a rank 5 pill but I have not heard of any rank 5 pill and as it is almost considered legendary."

"Then rank 5 herbs which are also very difficult to find, as they are often protected by Danger beast and even if they have one who will talk about it. They are also sold in high auction houses if one ever got one and priced in millions. Then the rank 4 and 3 which are available in the cities but difficult to find due to its rarity as if it ever comes to the market they are sold instantly. Then the rank 2 which is less pricey ranging from 5000 golds to 70000 depending on the potency and species of the herbs.."

" Then there's Rank 1 which is also pricey ranging from 100 to 1000 golds. That's all I know about it. "

Hearing that he was done, they were still in a state of shock. Village children like them had never heard about millions of gold let alone know when hearing it. After hearing him everyone decided to learn about these things from the villagers again to confirm it.

Tang Huang then said " Now lets think about how to deal with that wolf. Although I can take that wolf alone, its Fangs and Claws are poisonous so I don't want to take a risk there."

All of them nodded as they knew he was the strongest there and if something were to happen to him the things will become dangerous. So thinking In this line Feifei asked" You should have a plan if you are telling us this. Just tell us what to do"

Looking that everyone was agreeing with her Tang Huang started telling his plan and said.

"We will go like this, first I will go to the front to block it with my long spear and Tang long who has a bow will try to hit his eyes or critical spots with his arrows. Feifei and Tang Lan will be at the sides to block it from escaping. Remember only block it, don't try to fight it. Meihui and Kai will stand behind as Meihui will attack if something unexpected happens. Then I will attack it with everything I had to finish it off. "

Hearing his plan everyone thought that this was the most feasible plan looking at the situation and even Tang long had nothing to add to it. Now after entering the forest everyone is using ideas to stay alive so petty scrabbles are avoided.

Looking that everyone had heard his plan and have nothing against it he said " then let's move and watch it as not to hurt the herb. Let's go! Lan and Feifei follow behind me" and he started going towards the wolf.

Tang Long also got in his position ready to fire when the signal is given. It was his virgin fight so he was a bit scared but after thinking that everyone was depending on him slapped himself and got ready again.

Meihui who saw this knew that this was her young master's first fight so she too focused herself looking in the surroundings.

When Tang Huang saw that everyone was ready he took a piece of stone and threw it towards the wolf.

The stone hit the wolf who was startled awake from his sleep and was angry as it started to look around only to find an ant standing in front of him.

The wolf was very large as it looked almost 4 meters of height and 6 meters long. Tang Huang who knew that he just has to protect himself from the poisonous fangs and claws took a step forward with his spear pointing its direction towards its throat. The wolf who saw the spear coming wanted to jump towards the side only to see two more ants blocking its way.

When it saw that the spear was very fast and almost going to hit him, it twisted its body with amazing flexibility and avoided the spear only to be hit by an arrow on his chest area and died without knowing how. Somehow the arrow had penetrated its heart.

Behind a tree, Tang long was sitting on a tree branch holding the bow and thought ' damn that was lucky I almost missed it' and sighed relief. He was very stressed from the beginning so now that he was relaxed he saw his back was full of sweat.

When the others saw how easily they killed the wolf, they were very happy and started enjoying it. Even Tang Huang was impressed by the shot and said " Nice shot" while showing him a thumbs up.

Tang Long who heard it, blushed as it was embarrassing and told" I was just lucky. "

" Hmm " nodded Tang Huang and told everyone to stop enjoying and be alert as there may be more beast coming after smelling blood so they have to be fast.

He took out a knife and gently cut the stem leaving the roots behind.

Tang Kai saw this and asked " Big brother Huang why did you not pull it from the roots"

" Because if we pulled the roots of the herb it will not grow again. As only the stem and leaves are required the roots will grow again and we can come some other time to pluck it," explained Tang Huang

Tang kai who heard it nodded "Ohhh so that's why. Then we can have lots of these herbs in the future."

They all laughed at his innocence as they knew that the next time will be at least 30-40 years later.

"Let's go and take the claws Fangs and its skin with us too. We can't bring the meat but this will also sell for a good price. Check for the core too." as they hastily did their job.

"Let's go and see if there is something else for us to take," said Feifei

Then everyone packed up and started to look for other useful things.

They came up to many auxiliary herbs used in the process for pill making and even a rank 2 herb which was protected by a small bison that was killed by Lan in a single slash.

As they were traveling Feifei suddenly said " Do anyone of you know the name of the forest?"

Tang long asked, " Isn't it just the northern forest?"

"No! I heard my grandfather telling me that the name of this forest was Deep valley forest as there is a Deep valley in the center of the forest whose end can't be seen by the naked eye. He said that many people ventured there to find out but never made it to the surface again. This is also the reason why elders don't let youngsters travel to the forest alone. "

Everyone heard it and nodded as Tang long asked" Do you know how the valley came in the middle of a forest. "

"No, I don't. But I heard my grandad tell me of a legend about some divine beast fighting or something but I don't remember now"

Listening to her Tang long thought what the legend would be about these divine beasts that can cause such a deep valley appear here.

Then suddenly a shout came up from the front as Lan seemed to have seen something.

Gathering towards her everyone saw her pointing toward a scarlet lotus-like flower.

When Tang Huang saw it he stood stupefied there and looked at the herb intently as if to confirm something.

Tang kai who was behind him said " what a beautiful lotus flower".

And Lan asked, " Big brother Huang tell us what rank it is."

Tang Huang who heard Lan's inquiry said slowly " That looks like a rank 4 Fire lotus flower" while looking at the herb with wide eyes.

When everyone heard him they were so astonished that they even stopped breathing for a moment.