A Rank 4 Fire Lotus

Tang long was the first one to be able to wake up from the shock as he started to look around for any danger. He knows that where there is treasure there will always be danger. After looking around for a while he said " How long are you guys going to stand there looking like idiots, hurry up and look around for any beast in the area."

Tang Huang and the others woke up after hearing him and also started to look around.

Feifei didn't seem to want to be that patient as she said"I have already look around there is nothing in the surrounding. Let's go and pick that herb up before any fierce beast takes notice"

Tang Long frowned upon when heard her, he wanted to say something to them but after looking at the expressions of everyone he stopped himself.

Tang Lan who was behind them asked" Big brother Huang what type of herb is this. Didn't you say that it is a fire lotus herb but why can I see that it is floating on the pond? Is there something wrong with your information? "

" hmm hmm, that where you are wrong and should study more. It's like this, the composition of the herb is mainly a Yin attributed or you can say as water attributed herb but shows itself as a yang herb," said Tag Huang after gathering his thoughts.

"But why does it do that?" asked Tang Kai curiously.

"That's because this herb gives certain immunity towards the fire and catches the red color as that of fire so the name. As you all know that all the weapon smiths and alchemists use strong fires so this herb is definitely very important for them. especially because this herb is also very difficult to find and will most likely be sold in an auction house if ever found. I can guarantee that if we sell this herb we will be able to get millions of golds." said Tang Huang while wiping his drool.

Feifei who was already waiting to jump forward when heard this had a small orgasm and kept thinking about the things she could do with it. It was not her fault as anyone would have lost himself to greed if they were in her position.

It was obvious how rare and expensive this herb was and everyone there was already lost in their dreams.

Only Tang Long was somewhat sane at this moment, he was having a constant feeling as if something was watching him but when he looked around he couldn't find anything around him. when he saw that everyone was once again in dreamland he once again said "But we should still be careful. I am feeling as if there is danger around us, we should look around to confirm first before making a decision."

"Yes, he is right we should look around first before making a decision, it is wise to look before," said Tang Huang

Feifei who was waiting until now to get the herb got annoyed by them as she said to them" I have already said that there is nothing in the area. I have already checked the area twice and if you are not brave enough then let me do it."

Tang Huang wanted to stop her but was too late as she had already gotten out of his reach and followed behind her to protect her from anything that may happen. as he was going, he asked the rest to stay put and be on the guard while he follows her.

Tang Long who saw that both Tang Haung and Feifei didn't hear his warning, sighed a bit but stood focused to see whether the feel he was having will come true, he was worried about both of them as he said to Meihui "Meihui if something happens then you should help the both of them to get back and I will cover you with my arrows"

Meihui looked at her Young master and asked "Are you still feeling it?"

"Yeah, I still feel that something is watching us but I don't know where, but it is getting closer. So you should help them the instant you see something wrong."

Meihui looked forward as if thinking but her thoughts were cut when Tang Long said

"Just do what I told you."

Looking at her young master who had returned to looking around again just 'hmmed " and stood attentive.

Feifei was already near the pond and was exhilarated by the beauty of the flower and wanted to pick it up but was told by Tang Huang to stop. Although she was annoyed but she still listened to him as she didn't want to hurt the flower in any way.

Tang Huang came to her side and said to her "the roots of this herb are very fragile but also precious, if you somehow accidentally broke them then there worth would be halved. so wait patiently and let me do it,"

Feifei also didn't want that but she wants to pick the flower so asked " Can you not just tell me what to do. the flower is very beautiful and I want to pick it up first."

Tang Huang who heard her also agreed that the herb was really beautiful but he still wanted to pluck it by himself to avoid damaging it but changed his mind after hearing Feifei, he also didn't want to disappoint her so he nodded to her saying he was fine with it and will guide her.

It is usually said when in love the other party always do foolish things and forget about there surrounding and this was also happening here, as he was so busy flirting, I am sorry, I mean guiding her that he even forgot about the warnings given by Tang Long.

Tang Lan who stayed behind looking at them said "Why does it look like they are on a Date, Brother Long. it doesn't look like we are in a dangerous forest but more like a lovers' garden" as she looked towards her Brother Long only to see him frowning hard.

Seeing that something was wrong with his expression she asked "What's wrong big brother?"

Tang long didn't answer her but shouted towards Meihui" MEIHUI!!! Go! Quickly help them something is in the pond coming in there direction. HURRY!! "

then he shouted to the two "WATCH OUT, BEHIND YOU!!"


When Feifei was done picking the flower she looked at it as if enchanted b its beauty exclaimed " What a beautiful flower!"

Tang Huang who was there was not looking at the flower but at Feifei's face and looking lost at her smiling face while holding the beautiful flower.

He didn't know what took over him but he took her hand in both his hands and said "I love you!! "

When Feifei whose hand was held, looking at him in question heard him, she just stood there as her mind blanked and started to blush fiercely she didn't know how to respond to that and kept saying "I.. I ... I ... "

When Tang Huang came to his senses and looked at his hand which was holding hers and looked at her blood-red face, Though he was scared of rejection, still said loudly "I Love You!! "

This time when she heard it clearly, she wanted to say something but was interrupted when she heard a shout by Tang Long.


Feifei whose back was towards the pond couldn't react in time as Tang Huang pushed her to the side. she was very shocked at the sudden push but when she looked back towards Tang Huang, she saw him getting thrown in the air by something and went flying about 10-15 meters away and didn't get up.

Looking at him she shouted "TANG HUANG!! "but there was no response from him as he seemed to have fainted from shock.

But she heard another shout, but it was as if she didn't hear it sitting there motionlessly, looking at the man who was just confessing her a moment ago.

Tang long when saw this said to Meihui "Meihui go and bring her back. I will fire arrows towards it to keep it busy. HURRY UP! " then looking at Tang Huang who was bulldozed with status unknown said to Lan" Go and check on him take Kai with you. Hurry up!! I won't be able to keep this up long enough"

When all of them heard his order the came out of there dazed expression and went to do what they need to. Tang Long then looked towards the thing that has jumped towards them out of the pond which looked like a giant bear with four arms. Looking at how Tang Huang was blown away, he knew that this certainly wasn't a rank 4 fierce beast but it didn't look like a rank 5 too. looking at the huge monster Tang Long said

"Just what the heck have we gotten ourselves into!"