Lady Chen Is A Pervert!!

Its been half an hour now that Meihui, Lan, and the rest have been running on there fastest speed while carrying Tang Huang who was still knocked out.

They had come across many dangers on the way back, but they still kept going forward knowing that someone was waiting for them to return. Unknown to them, that important one has already fallen into the valley and just had a double suicide.

"Sister Meihui! Do you know how far have we come? There are still fierce beasts on our tail. If we don't get rid of them before entering the village, the whole village will be in trouble," said Tang Lan as she slashed at the small beast in front of her.

They had been doing there best to avoid the fierce beast, so they can go back faster but because of the smell of blood coming from Tang Huang's clothes, they are having a difficult time getting rid of all of them.

"Just a little more and we will be out of the forest," said Meihui while breathing heavily.

"There is a trap set by the young master, Just outside the forest, we will use that to get rid of these bastards and then run full speed back to the village," said Meihui

"When did he do that? " asked Tang Kai surprised.

Meihui smiled a bit at the question and said "He's always like that and never gets careless unless something unexpected happens, He always prepares any contingency plans just like this one, As he was afraid that if we might get attacked by a lot of beasts on our way back, so he prepared it, which we could now use to run away".

Looking at Meihui's smile, All of them were very surprised as it was said, she was a cold beauty who only talked to someone familiar to her, and most of the time, just ignore the third party.

It can be seen from her smile, That she was very happy thinking about the person mentioned.

Tang Kai who was already getting matured and looked at her, as he thought to himself " DAMN!! Big Brother Long is really mighty, even able to win this cold block of ice ".

But his thoughts were interrupted as someone slapped his head a little, looking at the person who slapped him he was surprised and asked in a tune as if wronged " Sister Meihui! why'd you hit me?"

"I don't know! I just felt you thought of something rude of me." while looking at his face to notice something.

Tang Kai who heard her flushed a little, but said with a poker face" How could I Sister Meihui, it must be your imagination".

Meihui didn't say anything and moved forward to lead them where the trap was hidden.

Tang Kai released a sigh of relief, presuming he was safe but felt someone looking at him as he asked" WHAT?".

Tang Lan asked, " So what were you thinking?"

He looked to the side and answered the same " Nothing".

"Hmmmmm" as Lan kept looking at him

"Let's keep going! We still have some distance to cover" said Meihui without looking back.

After covering some distance Meihui suddenly stopped. The others following her also stopped and asked while looking around "Are we already there? Where is the trap?"

Meihui didn't say anything to them and just pointed at a tree some distance from them.

They looked at the direction she pointed and got weird expressions on there faces, They looked at Meihui and asked


" Yes!" said Meihui.

Tang Kai, who was still naive asked "How are we going to use that, to get rid of the beasts?"

"Just Watch and Learn," said Meihui while handing Tang Huang's body to Feifei, who was much better now and often tended to him.

"You guys go forward or we will all as get stuck in the trap, I am the fastest so I can run away quickly and follow you behind. Now go! I am giving 5 minutes to you." said Meihui while looking at the direction of the beasts.

Knowing that she was stubborn and won't listen, they didn't argue with her and ran away as fast as they could. They were still thinking as, to how was that a trap.

Meihui could listen to the beasts getting closer, so she picked a few rocks and threw them towards the direction of the nest full of bees.

Seeing that the rock has hit the target and the nest is separated from the tree while coming down, she ran at the fastest speed she could, to the direction where the others left.

The others, who have left for a while ago, could hear some 'buzz' sound and wanted to see what it was but were stopped when they heard a shout.

" Don't stop! Keep running or all of us will be stung to death," shouted Meihui.

They wanted to see what was happening but hearing her, there faces paled as the started running with new vigor.

While they were running, they could hear the pitiful voices of the beasts that have been harassing them and took a sigh of relief but still kept running as it wouldn't be good to get stung from these mad bees.

After some 5 to 10 minutes later they can already see the boundary of the village from the hilltop and relaxed a bit.


Today Lady Chen was very happy, after meeting her son and having breakfast together. She was humming a bit as she watered the plant in Tang Long's courtyard.

"Sigh!! He is such a good boy, I feel bad that even after so much time he is stuck on such a low level. Sigh!! Well, I guess it can't be helped. I wasn't even able to find the location of that place otherwise there would be something there to help him, possibly?" said Lady Chen in a low voice.

"Well, Well, Aren't you in a good mood! Mind if I join you too? " said a voice from behind her.

Lady Chen who was thinking about how to solve the trouble of her son got irritated hearing this voice and looked back with a deadpan face saying " OHH! It's you! Bai Xiaoyu! Did you lose your way? This isn't your courtyard." (A.N: If you guys don't remember, she is the wife of the old Patriarch)

"Hmmph! I am here to meet my grandson" said Bai Xiaoyu with an amused face.

"He is not your Grandson!" said Lady Chen while having tick marks on her head.

"Neither is he yours!" said Xiaoyu in a low voice.

Lady Chen who heard this glared at her while looking around to see if someone heard her. Then she looked at the Hag in front of her and said in an exasperated tone while clenching her teeth "At least he thinks that, And it's enough" while releasing the hot air in her mouth as if releasing her anger.

"Well, then it's the same for me" while spreading her hands said the old granny.

Lady Chen heard this and didn't know how to retort and just turned around continuing watering the plants.

"Aren't you planning to tell him, You can't always lie to him, especially when you are always having a lewd face when looking at him secretly." said while having an expression that shows she was interested to see her reaction.

Lady Chen blushed hard and said while stuttering " W.W...Who LussstF.f.ull! You stupid Hag! Don't Spout nonsense!" while pointing her finger.

"Hooah! Isn't it like that? I remember seeing you watching Tang Long when he was taking a bath. I must say that was quite a perverted face you had there. Now that I think about it, I also saw you have quite a powerful nosebleed too !" Bai Xiaoyu said while having her hand under her chin as if thinking.

"YOu... YOu. You... " lady Chen blushed so hard that she was having trouble forming words correctly.

" You know that you have to tell him, that we are not his real family. Don't you want to tell him! What if he can't handle it, knowing He is just an orphan here being taken care of? Even If you Love him and want to be with him, You can't just keep spoiling him. He needs to know the truth! So he can decide the path he wants to take" said Bai Xiaoyu seriously leaving the jokes aside.

Lady Chen took a deep breath and relaxed her face and turned her head towards the flowers again saying " I want to tell him, but I am afraid. Afraid, that he will hate me! You also know about me as I have already told you that I am looking for something and will probably leave afterward, but now I just don't want to leave him behind. I want to take him with me, but because of his weak body, I don't want to risk it as that place is very dangerous. Although I can definitely find a way to help him there, but I have a lot of enemies and they will probably use him to come after me if they found out. Yes! I Like Him! But I don't want him to get hurt because of that. Sigh .. I am Just being Stupid ... I guess!"

When Bai Xiaoyu heard her she also took a sigh shaking her head said: " Isn't that just, Because you are in Love with him, Its natural you don't want him to get hurt".

"LOVE huh!" while looking at the sky in melancholy, Lady Chen said "I would have never thought that I would someday have someone to love"

Bai Xiaoyu smiled and wanted to add something but she suddenly saw Lady Chen Cough Blood as she asked " What happened to you are you alright?"

Lady Chen Looking at the blood she coughed in her hand blanked for some time and said " Tang Long!! Something must have happened to him".

"What!!" said Bai Xiaoyu startled. She wanted to say something but suddenly heard loud noises coming from the outside.

"HELP!!! PLEASE !!! SOMEONE HURRY UP AND HELP US!!!" said loudly the voice.